
Leaving is often a silent constellation, a thousand words, do not want to mention again, elegance is in the bones

For many people, leaving may be accompanied by silence, because, even if there are a thousand words, there is no reason to tell, or the object, even if they have a lot of grievances, or unwilling, but in the end, they are often unwilling to appear undignified.

After all, they feel good or bad, since they have chosen it themselves, then they taste it well, it can be said that elegance is in their bones, so which constellations are like this?

Leaving is often a silent constellation, a thousand words, do not want to mention again, elegance is in the bones

01 Libra: Habit of preserving their dignity

Let's take a look at Libra first, Libra people often have an elegant quality, they don't like to make the scene too embarrassing, whether it is their own reasons, or the other party's reasons, when it comes to leaving, they never like to tangle again, or discuss right and wrong.

After all, there is no need anymore, and Libras are used to looking forward, and they feel that if the past is unbearable, they will have a quality that wants to be buried.

Leaving is often a silent constellation, a thousand words, do not want to mention again, elegance is in the bones

Because they don't like to throw something disgraceful out there, let some irrelevant people chew or taste, and even say bad things about themselves behind their backs.

Generally speaking, if Libra is not ready, or if they know that some gossip is inevitable, they can even take the initiative to stay away from some people and let themselves out of a circle, even if they will lose a lot of things as a result, they do not care, because they need to save their dignity.

For Libra, they may have a thousand words and a lot of emotional things when they are in love, but when they leave, they will mostly return to a very rational and restrained state.

Libra has this cold level in their bones, but love may cover them with heat, so when leaving, how can a restrained Libra show unwillingness? Or, what about erupting into strong emotions?

Leaving is often a silent constellation, a thousand words, do not want to mention again, elegance is in the bones

02 Sagittarius: Doesn't like to make your life complicated

Sagittarius people often belong to the kind of personality that is very good at forgiveness, or does not like to think too much about it, so at the end of the relationship, Sagittarius is not willing to calculate gains and losses, even if it is others who deceive themselves, or they still have a lot of reluctance and nostalgia, but Sagittarius will not make the scene too complicated.

They have their own dignity and dignity, so many Sagittarius will often use some very rational ways to deal with problems, even if their previous emotions or feelings are surging again, but in the end, they will converge and slowly become invisible.

I have to say that this is Sagittarius's attitude of responsibility for themselves, they do not want people to see their own "jokes", even if they can pretend to be pitiful, but they know that it is better to guide others to condemn each other than to silently bear grievances and appear in a proud posture.

Leaving is often a silent constellation, a thousand words, do not want to mention again, elegance is in the bones

I have to say that this is the elegance in the bones of Sagittarius, don't look, they have a big grinning appearance, as if it has nothing to do with elegance.

However, Sagittarius essentially does not like some fly camp dog things, but also hate some of the constant pulling emotions, they like to be refreshing in everything, and then free to be human.

03 Aquarius: Will not force the other party to stay around

Finally, look at Aquarius, Aquarius people often do not like to force others to do things, even in the relationship, they are let down, or, Aquarius sees the other person's heart, not so put on themselves, will not continue to insist.

Therefore, many Aquarius people are often more suitable for those who love themselves a little more, at least, the degree of love is comparable, all because Aquarius does not want to "ask for others", nor is they willing to wronged themselves, to cater to or please others.

Leaving is often a silent constellation, a thousand words, do not want to mention again, elegance is in the bones

If they don't get what they want, they will choose to stay away, and they will not be tired of "love war" for a kind of attachment.

They can even take the initiative to end a relationship that allows themselves to screw up, even if they love someone again, they will not force each other to stay by their side.

Because, Aquarius knows, some people and things will eventually be far away from themselves, so what does it matter if it is a little earlier and a little later?

So, it's hard for them to entangle at the end, or to put obstacles in each other's way, and they can let go of it as if they've never loved it.

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