
No wonder Zhang Daxian said that everyone can do the "body monkey", and learned the inside story, the wild king player frying pan

No wonder Zhang Daxian said that everyone can do the "body monkey", and learned the inside story, the wild king player frying pan

Glory of kings is a mobile game that everyone is very familiar with, there are hundreds of heroes in this game, each hero has his own unique mechanism, so the playability of this game is very high! When some powerful anchor gods and professional players operate, they can see very wonderful pictures, so the popularity of this game is getting higher and higher!

No wonder Zhang Daxian said that everyone can do the "body monkey", and learned the inside story, the wild king player frying pan

Zhang Daxian is a anchor god that everyone likes very much, he not only has a very unique live broadcast style, but also often shares some tips and information with fans! When Zhang Daxian talked about the monkey strengthening, he also said that after this strengthening, the "body method monkey" will become everyone's line!

No wonder Zhang Daxian said that everyone can do the "body monkey", and learned the inside story, the wild king player frying pan

Because in this adjustment, the second displacement distance of the monkey two skills has been greatly adjusted, and Zhang Daxian believes that this wave of enhancement is very practical for players who are not very proficient in monkey brothers! Because in the experience suit, the jumping stick is basically a hand, and everyone can become a body monkey!

No wonder Zhang Daxian said that everyone can do the "body monkey", and learned the inside story, the wild king player frying pan

Then Zhang Daxian also added some jumping stick details, he said that sometimes there will be knocking in only intended to consume, but 2 skills may appear to jump in the air, or the continuity of the jumping stick is not very good, giving people a more dull feeling, so Zhang Daxian also gave a solution to this problem!

No wonder Zhang Daxian said that everyone can do the "body monkey", and learned the inside story, the wild king player frying pan

That is, after determining that A is out, immediately point 2 skills, so that you can achieve jumping sticks very stably! After learning this insider, the wild king players are also frying pans, comparing this wave of monkey enhancement is really a bit outrageous, if the official service is online, then the wild area will also usher in a wave of big changes! What do you think about that? Welcome to leave a message to discuss together!

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