
The best way for a person to live is actually these four words

The best way for a person to live is actually these four words


Figure / Originated from the network, the infringement contact is deleted

The years always run forward silently, and we people are only a drop in the ocean in the long flow of time, and we can only run with it as much as we want, without the slightest breathing place.

The more people go back, the more they will find that the burden on their bodies becomes much heavier, and when they first come to this world, they are alone, and then they continue to stuff things into the traveling bags, so that in the later stage, the burden becomes heavier and heavier, and the whole person is overwhelmed.

Looking back on the journey along the way, we will find that in fact, in addition to some inevitable dilemmas, most of the time the burden in our hearts is self-inflicted, many things cannot be thought through, caught in a state of entanglement and depression, plagued by many unwarranted emotions, let ourselves be entangled in some fearless sorrows, it is difficult to get out for a long time, and finally we are getting more and more unhappy.

The best way for a person to live is actually these four words

In fact, after people reach a certain stage, they will find more and more that "doing nothing" is the most rational and sober state of life, some things do not have to be too deep, maintain an attitude of indifference, but can make you feel much easier.

For the first half of his life, he was always looking for his ideal way of life, and at that time, he always felt that he did not have enough, and he tried his best to load things into his bags.

The second half of life is the process of gradual unloading, some things do not have to be too careful, should be put away, should forget, some unworthy people and things, in time to clean out of their own lives.

In the past, living for others always took many unworthy people too seriously, and in the future, they only lived for themselves, only for their own happiness, and others did not have to worry too much.

For the rest of your life, the best way to live is actually these four words.

The best way for a person to live is actually these four words

Be kind to yourself

There is no one in this world who is more important than yourself, and we must engrave this in our hearts.

In fact, before, I was the least serious about myself, always regarded many people as more important than myself, classmates, friends, lovers, overly concerned about other people's thoughts, often ignored their own feelings, tried their best to make everyone satisfied, and took other people's words very seriously, so I let myself fall into a gloomy and sad state.

Because others say a word for a long time, the whole person is depressed, and if you meet others well, you will overcome all difficulties, push away all the things at hand, fall in love with a person, you will let go of everything, and treat the other party as the whole of your life.

Save money and be very angry with yourself, but you are willing to buy expensive shoes for people you like, lend money to others, because you are embarrassed to want, and finally let yourself suffer losses, do not like the party, in order to appear sociable, force yourself to integrate. I have done a lot of stupid things, and in the whole process, I have made myself more and more unhappy, paid a lot, and finally did not get kindness.

Later, I finally understood that it is already too difficult for people to live a lifetime, to face a lot of powerless things, really do not have to embarrass themselves for anyone, others are embarrassed by themselves, why do we need to add to our own blockage?

Don't care too much about others, don't force yourself to do things you don't like, refuse to refuse, be tough on yourself, be absolutely generous to yourself, work hard to earn money to buy clothes you like, work hard for a month to go out and poke a meal, learn to pamper yourself within the scope of your ability, no matter whether there is love or no one, you must be kind to yourself, this is the way of life we should have the most.

The best way for a person to live is actually these four words

Contentment is always happy

Many times our troubles come from our own ability, not worthy of ambition, want too many things, but we can't reach them, so the whole person will become very anxious.

In today's network era, we have expanded our social circle and opened up the contact between people, but at the same time, it has also aggravated everyone's anxiety.

In the past, everyone lived their own lives, even if they were compared with the people in their own circles, everyone would not be too different overall, and there would not be too much gap in their hearts.

Later, when I saw the outside world and realized the gap between people, I constantly raised my desires and ambitions, but at the same time, my own abilities were not cultivated, and in such a gap, our happiness was gradually lost.

It is always easy for us to make a mistake, that is, blindly staring at what we have not received, but often ignoring what we have already received, constantly longing for those distant things, and allowing ourselves to ignore the beauty in life, which is really not worth the loss.

It is difficult for people who are not satisfied to get real happiness, because when your eyes are always focused on the lives of others, you will find that there are always people who are better off than you, there are always people who have things that you do not have, so in contrast, it is easy to be full of sorrow, the whole person is wrapped in anxiety, it is difficult to get happy and satisfied.

Lin Kui said: Those who are content, the poor and the lowly are happy, and those who are not satisfied, the rich and the rich are also worried.

Learn to be content and happy, not to be filled with sorrow for what you don't get, and to applaud for what you get.

The best way for a person to live is actually these four words

Go with the flow

I find that we are too easy to worry about things that have been missed, and for things that have not yet arrived, but in fact a lot of worries are unnecessary.

For example, I have a friend who is only 28 years old this year, and he thinks that he may not meet the right person, and may end up alone for a lifetime.

There are many people in a relationship, knowing that the other party is a scumbag, but they are reluctant to withdraw, their reasons are very outrageous, that is, they feel afraid of missing him, and they will never touch the person who makes their heart move again.

Since I started writing, there have been many times there has been a kind of worry, in case I can't write something one day, in case I can't live on words anymore, what should I do?

In fact, many things are useless to think too much, and it is useless to worry about the sky, and in the end, you can only let yourself sink into a gloomy state, and the whole person is depressed.

The only thing that can be done is to go with the flow, we can't decide when fate will come, we can't decide which industry can survive for how long, the future is ultimately unknown, rather than worrying about the future that can't be seen, it's better to work for the clear present.

As long as you do what you should do in front of you, constantly improve your ability, so that you are not beaten down by life, the rest will go with the flow, and everything will be handed over to the arrangement of time.

Of course, going with the flow is not to force after doing your best, rather than doing nothing with both hands, doing a good job now, doing yourself well, and then going with the flow and settling down with the situation.

The best way for a person to live is actually these four words

There are many ways for a person to live, but I think each of us must hope that we will live a happier life, and in the days to come, we can get better and better every day.

Want to live better, in fact, many times in addition to external materials, try their best to live a better life, improve their economic situation, but also need to do a good job of their own heart, remove some unnecessary anxiety, so that their hearts become clean.

We don't have to care too much about other people's eyes, we don't have to please others, we just have to please ourselves.

You don't have to pursue too much what you can't get, you have to learn to grasp what you can catch.

Do what you should do in front of you, and let him go, let nature take its course, and don't worry about the sky.

This is the best way to live for the rest of your life.