
Why are I not allowed to smoke and drink alcohol after a fracture? How can care make the fracture surface heal quickly? A popular science!

Fracture refers to a condition in which the integrity and continuity of the bone are interrupted.

Once fractured, the patient's local area will appear swelling, pain and mobility problems, if not treated early, even lead to shock endangering the patient's life. Therefore, for people who have fractures, they will actively accept the corresponding methods for treatment.

In addition, during treatment and recovery, be sure to do a good job of daily care. There are many people who think that you can't smoke or drink alcohol after a fracture, is this true?

Why are I not allowed to smoke and drink alcohol after a fracture? How can care make the fracture surface heal quickly? A popular science!

1. Smoking affects the healing of the fracture surface

Because the nicotine component contained in cigarettes will stimulate the fracture surface, resulting in abnormal spasms in the surrounding arterioles, the blood circulation at the fracture site will be rapidly reduced, resulting in the fracture surface is difficult to heal quickly.

And the nicotine component will also affect the blood oxygen exchange in the lungs, so that the oxygen content in the blood is rapidly reduced. In this way, the oxygen content of the fracture site will decrease, resulting in a delay in healing of the fracture surface.

Why are I not allowed to smoke and drink alcohol after a fracture? How can care make the fracture surface heal quickly? A popular science!

2. Drinking alcohol causes swelling and pain to worsen

After the fracture can not drink alcohol, drinking in the process of drinking, the blood vessels will rapidly expand, resulting in the overall blood flow speed accelerated, will make the fracture site appear serious redness, swelling, pain and even bleeding phenomenon.

In a period of time after drinking, the blood vessels will contract abnormally, and the blood circulation at the fracture site will not flow smoothly, resulting in an imbalance in blood supply, which will affect the healing of the fracture site and even cause the risk of infection.

Why are I not allowed to smoke and drink alcohol after a fracture? How can care make the fracture surface heal quickly? A popular science!

What are the nursing precautions after a fracture?

1. Pay attention to dietary conditioning

After just breaking a bone, the body will release a large amount of free calcium salts, at this time do not eat some foods rich in calcium and protein. It should be mainly light food, and the total amount of food should be strictly controlled.

After two weeks of fracture, foods rich in calcium and protein should be appropriately increased. For example, fish, shrimp, eggs, lean meat, milk, soy products, etc. You should also eat some foods rich in zinc such as green leafy vegetables, mushrooms, and sunflower seeds.

When entering the late stage of fracture recovery, the diet should pay attention to diversification, but it should be based on plant foods.

Why are I not allowed to smoke and drink alcohol after a fracture? How can care make the fracture surface heal quickly? A popular science!

2. Pay attention to posture adjustment

After the fracture occurs, the patient's local swelling, pain and other phenomena, at this time, the fracture site can be slightly raised, which can accelerate the local venous return, effectively improve swelling, pain, bleeding problems.

When sleeping, it is best to take a flat sleeping position to avoid secondary displacement of the fracture site.

Why are I not allowed to smoke and drink alcohol after a fracture? How can care make the fracture surface heal quickly? A popular science!

3. Exercise reasonably

In general, in the two weeks after the fracture, there will be obvious bleeding, swelling and pain at the fracture site, which is not suitable for underground exercise, and the patient should be properly bed rested. However, under the premise of doing your best, you can properly exercise some other parts to prevent muscle atrophy.

After two weeks of fracture, there will be some fiber connections at the fracture site, and with the help of medical staff, the upper and lower joints of the fracture site can be slightly moved, but the strength must be controlled. When external fixation has been removed, the patient should carry out appropriate rehabilitation exercises, which can eliminate the stiffness of the joint area.

Why are I not allowed to smoke and drink alcohol after a fracture? How can care make the fracture surface heal quickly? A popular science!

In short, after the occurrence of a fracture, the patient must not smoke and drink alcohol. Otherwise, it will affect the healing of the fracture site and may cause severe bleeding or infection.

And after the occurrence of fractures, attention should also be paid to daily nursing work. In addition to the above 3 points, be sure to keep the room ventilated, but maintain a moderate temperature and dry humidity. When you can go out to exercise, you should receive proper sunlight to promote the fracture surface to speed up the healing speed.

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