
Can I exercise after suffering from knee arthritis? Doctor: When exercising, you may wish to pay attention to these 5 things

Knee arthritis is a disease characterized by degenerative lesions and secondary bone hyperplasia of the cartilage of the knee joint.

Once the disease occurs, the patient's knee joint will have persistent swelling, pain, deformity, stiffness and other phenomena, and even affect the patient's normal movement.

Therefore, for most patients with knee arthritis, they will actively carry out treatment. In addition, many patients do not dare to exercise after the disease, believing that exercise will increase the burden on the knee joint.

Can I exercise after suffering from knee arthritis? Doctor: When exercising, you may wish to pay attention to these 5 things

So, can knee arthritis patients exercise in the end?

Whether you can continue to exercise after having knee arthritis depends on the degree of knee arthritis. If it is in the acute phase and the patient's symptoms are very severe, then you can not exercise for the time being.

If the condition is mild or is chronic, the patient may exercise. But when exercising, you need to master the correct way of exercising.

Can I exercise after suffering from knee arthritis? Doctor: When exercising, you may wish to pay attention to these 5 things

What are the precautions for exercise in patients with knee arthritis?

First, choose low-intensity exercise

For patients with knee arthritis, no matter what period they are in, do not choose some exercise that is too strenuous.

Such as running, brisk walking, going up and down stairs, climbing mountains, riding bicycles, or squatting. These exercises will increase the burden on the knee joint and can easily cause phenomena such as meniscal injuries.

In the choice of exercise methods, it is necessary to walk, swim or yoga, play tai chi and so on. It can improve the strength of the muscles around the knee joint without increasing the burden on the knee joint.

Can I exercise after suffering from knee arthritis? Doctor: When exercising, you may wish to pay attention to these 5 things

Second, reasonable control of exercise time

Even with very mild exercise, patients with knee arthritis should have reasonable control over exercise time. Once the exercise time is too long, it will cause damage to the joint cartilage, which will aggravate the condition.

Therefore, for patients with knee arthritis, the daily exercise time can be maintained between 20 minutes and half an hour.

Can I exercise after suffering from knee arthritis? Doctor: When exercising, you may wish to pay attention to these 5 things

Third, avoid cold during exercise

Especially when the temperature drops, knee arthritis patients must pay attention to the warmth of their legs when they go out to exercise.

Once cold or damp, it will affect local blood circulation, which will aggravate inflammation. If the temperature is relatively low in winter, it is recommended that patients with knee arthritis exercise indoors.

Can I exercise after suffering from knee arthritis? Doctor: When exercising, you may wish to pay attention to these 5 things

Fourth, do a good job of warming up before exercise

Even if a movement such as walking is performed, the patient should warm up for about three or five minutes before taking a walk.

It can relieve some stiffness in the knee joint area and prevent sudden movement from causing pain in the knee joint area.

Can I exercise after suffering from knee arthritis? Doctor: When exercising, you may wish to pay attention to these 5 things

Fifth, pay attention to calcium supplementation during exercise

During the whole period of exercise, we must pay attention to the conditioning of the diet, and some calcium-rich foods should be appropriately supplemented, which can supplement calcium for the body.

Protein-rich foods should also be appropriately increased to promote rapid healing of the disease.

Can I exercise after suffering from knee arthritis? Doctor: When exercising, you may wish to pay attention to these 5 things

In summary, for people with knee arthritis, if it is during the acute period of the disease or the symptoms are more severe, do not exercise.

If you are in the chronic stage of the disease, the symptoms are not particularly serious, and you can exercise appropriately under the guidance of a doctor.

When exercising, we must keep the above 5 points in mind, otherwise, it will not play any role in exercise, and it will also increase the burden on the knee joint, which will not be of any benefit to the condition.

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