
420,000 applications buried in Apple's ATT framework, how to solve the problem of overseas security compliance?

420,000 applications buried in Apple's ATT framework, how to solve the problem of overseas security compliance?

Source | Zhixiang Network (ID:passagegroup)

Author | Peng Hui

Edit | Xiao Zhi

\ This article totals 2828 words, expected to read 7 minutes /

Recently, the independent third-party industry research and analysis agency CIC Insight Consulting officially released the "2021 Global Real-time Interactive Cloud (RTE-PaaS) Industry Research Report", which shows that according to the calculation of the real-time interactive audio and video minutes and annual revenue supported by the real-time interactive solution in 2021, The Sound Network Agora continues to rank first in the global real-time interactive solution market share.

Today, the Middle East voice social networking giant Yalla Group, the language chat product Clubhouse, which has swept the world since the beginning of 2021, the Southeast Asian e-commerce giant Shopee, and spotify, the world's largest music streaming platform, and other well-known apps, all use SoundNet's services as an important support for its ability to build globalization.

In fact, from the perspective of the market, real-time interaction related technologies are quite mature today, and there are no less than one manufacturer that provides technical services for real-time interaction. Earlier, the underlying capabilities of this foundation built the foundation of the "edifice" of cloud service providers.

With the improvement of the ecology, cloud service providers must continue to "build walls" to stand in the wind and rain and maintain long-term vitality. One of the walls that cannot be ignored is the "security compliance wall".

Today, major regions of the world have implemented relevant privacy regulations; in the mobile ecosystem, hundreds of thousands of apps have been removed because they do not meet Apple's ATT framework, and Google is also establishing its privacy protection system. For developers, there is no doubt that privacy protection has become a top priority for the world; for cloud service providers, it is not only an important part of providing differentiated services, but also responds to the increasingly high demand for data and privacy protection of users in the digital age.


In the era when social entertainment, e-commerce live broadcasting and online education apps have almost become essential for installation, people rely on real-time interactive technology, the life experience has been enriched and extended unprecedentedly, and the need for self-development has been met as never before. However, the personal data and privacy issues that arise from this are also becoming more and more prominent.

Overseas, privacy protection is becoming more and more mainstream, based on the huge mobile ecosystem, large technology companies such as Apple, Google, etc. are also responding to this trend. After Apple introduced and implemented the "Application Tracking Transparency" (ATT), in the second half of 2021 alone, more than 420,000 apps were removed from the shelves because they did not meet Apple's ATT framework, including Many Chinese Apps.

In fact, this kind of mass takedown is not new. In the early years, many apps fell behind because the services of the selected cloud vendors were not compliant. As early as 2015, 256 apps were centrally removed from Apple's App Store because they were connected to the advertising SDK of a certain platform, because the SDK illegally collected users' personal information. In May of the following year, after a game developer reported that its products used a certain manufacturer's SDK, several products were removed from the Google Play App Store.

420,000 applications buried in Apple's ATT framework, how to solve the problem of overseas security compliance?

Source: Unsplash

From the macro level, The Soundnet security compliance team observed that, on the one hand, the target market for enterprises to go to sea includes large economies such as Europe and the United States, and the laws in these countries and regions are becoming increasingly stringent, constantly changing, and there is no shortage of conflicting situations, which bring huge compliance costs and challenges to sea enterprises.

On the other hand, some overseas enterprises have a half-understanding of domestic and foreign privacy protection and data compliance regulatory requirements, and the regulatory focus of privacy and data security in various countries is different, so how to grasp the "degree" of overseas enterprises and how to achieve both domestic and foreign "two-way compliance" is a major challenge.

From the perspective of cloud vendors, once their SDKs are detected by regulators as non-compliant, such as not meeting the requirements of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), they may face heavy penalties, and enterprises and developers will also distrust cloud vendors, causing their own major losses; from the developer's point of view, once the company's APP is detected as a privacy protection issue because of access to the cloud vendor's non-compliant SDK, resulting in being removed or notified, it will bring major economic losses and negative effects to itself.

Those who go are not to be advised, but those who come can be traced. Whether it is for application developers or cloud vendors, the suffering in security compliance has sounded the alarm for the follow-up to the sea.

High degree of compliance certification

To this end, developers need to clarify their business scenarios and related security responsibility boundaries, and cloud vendors must not only have insight into the needs of developers, but also maintain the convergence of their own services with relevant technical standards.

Zhixiang Network learned that in terms of overseas security compliance, SoundNet has become an independent RTE manufacturer with the highest degree of compliance certification in the RTE industry, mainly in the early investment, full category and global use.

420,000 applications buried in Apple's ATT framework, how to solve the problem of overseas security compliance?

As a leader in the industry, In the early stage of business development, Soundnet attaches great importance to the construction of security compliance, for example, its audio and video SDK has established a security compliance and privacy protection strategy at the beginning of design, embedding privacy design into the process of security development.

In terms of specific measures for data security protection, SoundNet has adopted technical processing such as transmission encryption, content encryption, identity authentication, and transmission area isolation, as well as a series of functions such as compliance audit, vulnerability scanning, traffic tracking, risk assessment, version management, and report display through the SDK's automated scanning platform.

In terms of research and development, in 2018, SoundNet began to invest in security compliance, and now has a security compliance team of more than 20 people, including experts in the field of privacy protection, network and information security professionals, and legal personnel. In terms of categories, SDKs for Products such as SoundNet RTC, Cloud Signaling, Interactive Whiteboard, Real-time Recording, and Smart Classroom have all been specially reviewed for security compliance.

420,000 applications buried in Apple's ATT framework, how to solve the problem of overseas security compliance?

Data from the January 2022 shows that in the Middle East social market TOP100 list, the use of RTC technology accounted for 26 products, of which 19 products using the Agora SDK of Avantcom, accounting for 73%, including China's overseas, the United States and local products in the Middle East.

Of the 15 social software that use RTC technology selected for the Southeast Asia Social TOP100, 12 use the Agora SDK of Avon, accounting for 80%, mainly overseas products; of the 13 software that use RTC in the US market, only 3 products are from China and Canada, the rest are using local products in the United States, and 11 products using the Agora SDK of Avon, accounting for more than 84%.

In the North American market, Castbox, the largest third-party podcasting platform in the United States, The Meet Group, the largest social platform for marriage and love in the United States, Bunch, a multiplayer mobile game in North America, and Kumu, a well-known social app in Southeast Asia. Out of trust in SoundNet's security and compliance technology, they all see Voicenet services as an important support for building a global presence.

Today, SoundNet has become the RTE provider with the most complete coverage scenarios, and its "RTE Vientiane Atlas" covers more than 200 scenes in more than 20 industry tracks such as education, pan-entertainment, IoT, finance, medical care, enterprise collaboration, digital government, and smart city.

Global alignment

When Chinese companies go to sea to travel around the world, they need to deal with the security and compliance policies of different countries and different regions. So, how can overseas manufacturers safely navigate the boundaries of various privacy laws? This is a big challenge.

It is worth mentioning that since 2018, SoundNet has gradually become global, and it is necessary to meet the laws and regulations of different countries or regions, and from the perspective of global market strategy, SoundNet has begun to vigorously invest in the construction of security compliance.

From the perspective of the geographical scope of services, through its extensive overseas layout, SoundNet has built up the ability of global services. SoundNet has dual headquarters in Silicon Valley and Shanghai, and has distributed collaborative teams in bangalore, Tokyo, London and other overseas cities, on the one hand, the teams all over the world can better expand overseas customers, serve domestic customers abroad, and provide technical and operational support locally.

In line with the main international data security regulations, The technical layout of SoundNet in terms of security compliance has been seamlessly connected with various safety regulations. Take the highly watched GDPR, for example, as a comprehensive data protection law that aims to protect the fundamental privacy rights and personal data of EU data subjects through strong measures, and SoundNet is committed to helping customers meet GDPR compliance requirements while providing services and products.

420,000 applications buried in Apple's ATT framework, how to solve the problem of overseas security compliance?

Source: pixabay

SoundNet attaches great importance to the impact of the GDPR on businesses involved in the processing of personal data, and has conducted continuous and in-depth analysis and understanding of the GDPR. In addition to PbD (privacy by design) practices, SoundNet integrates the requirements of the GDPR into product planning and business activities, builds a model of The Privacy Responsibility for Voicenet Servers at the request of developers, conducts periodic or on-demand Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA), records data processing activities (RoPA), and actively fulfills its duties as a data processor and controller.

It is understood that China's Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL), the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the California Consumer Privacy Law (CCPA), and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) have high standards for privacy and security compliance in various fields. Through the output of security compliance capabilities, SoundNet helps customers meet the differentiated requirements of supervision in different industries in various countries.

"We have done all kinds of security certifications, and if customers access our audio and video transmission services, in fact, this (security compliance) problem does not need to be considered." Earlier, in an exclusive interview with Zhixiang Network, Wang Qi, head of Social Pan-entertainment Products at Agora, said.

This article is the original of Zhixiang Network, if you need to reprint, please contact the small assistant for authorization

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