
How far can the "wild consumption" of instant noodles go?

How far can the "wild consumption" of instant noodles go?

Text | Wang Can

Have you ever thought that buying instant noodles online can only be pre-sold? This is the "wild consumption" that occurred during the live broadcast of a brand of instant noodles in recent times, and some series of instant noodles have to wait until 10 days after shipment.

The reason is very clear: after the CCTV 315 evening party exposed the "soil pit sauerkraut", people were shocked to realize that the humble food of instant noodles actually had such a big safety and health "pit". The subsequent apologies of several well-known instant noodle brands involved in the report filled the public's resentment: What about the big brands that said good, this is it? At this time, the above-mentioned brands said that they had never used "pit sauerkraut" to let consumers eat it with confidence. This kind of hard breath is a clear stream.

How far can the "wild consumption" of instant noodles go?

The proof shows that the brand does have confidence in food safety protection. According to reports, the food safety information on March 18 shows that the products it produces have been sampled more than 60 times so far, and the results are all qualified. If it is said that adhering to the bottom line of food safety is the duty of the enterprise, and the brand relies on the "peer background", then it employs one-third of the disabled employees and can avoid too many reports, which is a solid "plus" and a good deed of corporate humanization and social responsibility.

Consumers' good feelings for enterprises can easily be transformed into soaring sales under the amplification and fission effect of the Internet and social media. According to media reports on March 22, in the past seven days, the brand has sold 274,000 pieces, with cumulative sales of 10.1128 million yuan, accounting for 77% of sales in the past month. Among them, on March 16 alone, the live broadcast room sold 2.8225 million yuan in sales and 77,000 yuan in sales. So much so that it had to issue an announcement that the surge in orders had brought great pressure to the factory, and factories around the country had launched an emergency plan to fully produce and ship.

This is the consumer's "vote with their feet": the simplest and crudest way to buy and buy, to express support for conscientious enterprises with bottom lines and humanistic care. At the same time, this is also an attitude declaration to other similar product brands: if consumers are not taken seriously, consumers will inevitably abandon it. This is the market mechanism at work, and it is also the expression of the most simple worldly human heart.

How far can the "wild consumption" of instant noodles go?

As a personal consumption behavior, consumers can not be blamed for choosing "wild consumption". And in essence, "wild consumption" is the product of a specific context, over time, the marginal effect will diminish, and the "wild" will eventually be replaced by reason. After this period of time, people can not buy instant noodles, which brand to buy, will still return to whether I need, which flavor I prefer the two core needs, the brand is given other symbols and emotional factors can only be a reference at best. We can't escape the "rational man" identity in economics.

This is reminiscent of a sneaker brand that caught fire last year. Because of its generous donation in the heavy rainstorm in Henan, the brand instantly ignited people's enthusiasm for buying, and product sales once soared 52 times, and "sewing machines are stepping on smoke" has become a hot topic. But after the binge, it lost nearly 10,000 followers a day on a short video platform. Last October, live streaming sales on the platform were only 1/6 of that of another brand.

How far can the "wild consumption" of instant noodles go?

In the final analysis, "wild consumption" is only temporary, and enterprises must rely on solid internal strength to continue to go steadily: products and services.

For the instant noodle brand, the pressure will only be greater than that of the sneaker company. To a large extent, instant noodles naturally cannot escape the label of healthy diet advocated by modern people. According to reports, since 2013, the mainland instant noodle industry has begun to decline, and overall sales in the first half of 2021 have fallen by nearly 8% - this is still in the case of a strong wave of assists brought by the epidemic.

From the perspective of the industry, although the brand is at the bottom of the four giants, there is a big gap between the market share and brand competitiveness and the other three. It is normal for large cities and offline stores to buy the brand's instant noodles, and it is easy to replace other brands for consumers whose brand stickiness is not strong. And in recent years, new fast food products have emerged in an endless stream, and the overlord aura of instant noodles is gradually decaying.

How far can the "wild consumption" of instant noodles go?

From its own point of view, the brand has made a lot of moves in improving the product line and updating the product series in recent years, but the actual effect is mediocre, especially in the high-end market, suitable for young groups, marketing new ways of playing, etc., some strategic adjustments are slightly impatient, which have bound the pace of its progress.

The brand is also aware of the problem, not only began to work in flour, noodles, fans, pastry, beverages and planting and other fields, engaged in diversification strategy, but also in marketing services to internet celebrity. In the future, it is planned to continue to make efforts in the tone of products, the interactive service system of consumers, customer stickiness, and product innovation and upgrading iterations. This makes its prospects worth looking forward to.

At present, the sober and rational attitude of many enterprises, including the instant noodle brand, to "wild consumption" is a good start.

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Text: Wang Can

Recitation: Wang Qian

Image: Network

Editor-in-charge: Wang Zimo

Editor: Wang Yuanfang, Sun Dai, Zhang Xueyu

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