
Gout, recurrent attacks, or related to these 7 factors, after understanding, correct as soon as possible

Gout is an arthritis disease caused by hyperuricemia, once the disease occurs, a series of inflammatory reactions will occur in the joint area of the patient, and even lead to joint deformities.

And because there will be a large number of uric acid crystals in the patient's joints, it is easy to cause gout attacks due to some small factors, and even multiple gout attacks a year, which will have a serious impact on the patient's normal life and health.

So many people want to know what are the reasons for the repeated recurrence of gout. Below, let's take a closer look at it.

Gout, recurrent attacks, or related to these 7 factors, after understanding, correct as soon as possible

What are the causes of recurrent gout attacks?

First, dietary factors

For gout patients, it is necessary to do a good job of dietary conditioning at any time. Do not eat high-purine foods, such as meat, seafood, offal, fried and other foods.

Otherwise, the uric acid metabolized in the body will increase, and the level of blood uric acid will become higher and higher, which is very easy to induce repeated attacks of gout.

Gout, recurrent attacks, or related to these 7 factors, after understanding, correct as soon as possible

Second, the drinking factor

Alcohol is a high purine drink, such as the ethanol in liquor into the human body, will metabolize a large amount of lactic acid, affecting the kidneys for uric acid excretion.

After the guanylate component contained in beer is metabolized by the human body, the amount of uric acid metabolized is very high. This will increase the uric acid value, which will induce the onset of gout.

Gout, recurrent attacks, or related to these 7 factors, after understanding, correct as soon as possible

Third, the stabilization period does not take medicine

Even in the stable phase, patients should also take some allopurinol, febosta, probenecid and other uric acid-lowering drugs in their daily lives.

It can not only reduce the level of uric acid, but also prevent the acute onset of gout. However, many patients are in a stable period of illness and do not take any drugs, which will induce the appearance of gout.

Gout, recurrent attacks, or related to these 7 factors, after understanding, correct as soon as possible

Fourth, the amount of water consumed is too small

If the kidney function of gout patients does not change significantly, some water should be appropriately replenished every day, which can play a role in urination.

Through urination, excess uric acid in the body can be excreted. However, if people with gout do not like to drink water, it will affect the excretion of uric acid value.

It will also increase the concentration of urine, affecting the normal functioning of the kidneys, and the probability of gout attacks will be particularly high.

Gout, recurrent attacks, or related to these 7 factors, after understanding, correct as soon as possible

Fifth, the body is cold

If a patient with gout has a sudden cold in the body, or a long-term cold behavior that makes the body cold, it will affect the local blood circulation, so that some inflammation will occur in the joint area, which will increase the risk of gout attacks.

And for some female gout patients, the cause of the disease is related to long-term physical cold.

Gout, recurrent attacks, or related to these 7 factors, after understanding, correct as soon as possible

6. Suffering from chronic diseases

If gout patients suffer from some chronic diseases in their daily lives, such as cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, or hypothyroidism, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance and other phenomena, it will affect the excretion of uric acid by the body.

Blood uric acid will always be at a high level, and the probability of gout attacks will naturally increase.

Gout, recurrent attacks, or related to these 7 factors, after understanding, correct as soon as possible

7. The way of exercising is wrong

Gout patients can indeed do some exercise appropriately during the stable period of their condition. However, if the amount of exercise is too large, or the strenuous exercise method is adopted, it will produce more lactic acid components in the body.

Once the lactic acid component is too much, it is bound to affect the excretion of uric acid value, which is very easy to induce gout attacks.

Gout, recurrent attacks, or related to these 7 factors, after understanding, correct as soon as possible

All in all, if a patient with gout has a recurrent episode of the disease, it is generally related to the above 7 factors. In addition, if you take some drugs that cause uric acid value to rise in your daily life, it will also cause repeated attacks of gout.

Therefore, if gout patients want to avoid repeated attacks of the disease, they must pay attention to the adjustment of all aspects of life, especially in terms of diet, must be strictly controlled, can not eat any high purine food, and can not smoke and drink, and pay attention to the maintenance of healthy weight.

Once gout attacks, it is necessary to be admitted to the hospital in time for formal treatment, which can minimize the pain caused by gout and achieve the effect of maintaining their own health.

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