
Looking for the provincial capital "reading master" Dun Shusen - an ancient rare old man who compiled the revision of the zhi

Looking for the provincial capital "reading master" Dun Shusen - an ancient rare old man who compiled the revision of the zhi

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The book is passed down from generation to generation, and the deeds of the fifth search for the provincial capital "reading master" candidates continue to be broadcast. Today's young people are accustomed to embracing mobile phones all day long, brushing videos, and playing games, but in the hearts of the older generation, "a lifetime of reading and learning, a lifetime of serving the people" is the life creed of many people. Today, far from being outdated, this spirit is increasingly worth advocating. Today, we will meet an old man who is more than an old man: Dun Shusen.

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Dun Shusen, 70 years old, retired cadre of the Provincial Archives Bureau. After graduating from junior high school, Dun Shusen chose to join the army, and the unit he served in Shanxi, due to his excellent performance, Dun Shusen has been trained by the company as a "seedling". In the spring of 1972, the army selected six soldiers from the whole army to enter Shanxi University as "workers, peasants, and soldiers college students", and Dun Shusen was among them.

In his second year of college, Dun Shusen wrote three articles that suddenly occupied half the pages of the local newspaper, and his literary talent began to emerge.

In 1975, Tun Shusen returned to the army after completing his studies, and his military career also stepped onto a big step, joining the party, promoting cadres, and imparting knowledge to soldiers as a cultural instructor. Two years later, Dun Shusen transferred to the General Office of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee to engage in archives management. Due to his higher education, Dun Shusen has always been very valued. Later, his archives office was reorganized and upgraded to the provincial archives bureau, and Dun Shusen served as deputy director and director of several departments. He read a wide range of books throughout the year, paying particular attention to the study and examination of the less documented important work of the past revolutionary years. Later, his research results attracted the attention of the central authorities.

In the past few decades of working in the provincial archives, Dun Shusen has not only done his daily work, but also led the team to complete the compilation of many important works.

This series of books itself undertakes the mission of making decision-making references for party and government organs, and after publication, archives departments at all levels from the central to the local level have competed to include it. In the process of writing, Dun Shusen's profound reading skills and rigorous style ensure the authority and high quality of the book.

In 2011, Dun Shusen retired. His hometown is in Luquan, and in 2015, village cadres in his hometown approached him to help write a village chronicle, and Dun Shusen happily agreed. After more than two years of hard work, at the end of 2017, the more than 400-page "Chronicle of the Fourth Street of Lulu Town" was published.

Subsequently, Dun Shusen was invited by the Luquan District People's Court to compile a large number of court records. After the Spring Festival this year, several responsible persons of Xigangtou Village in Qiaoxi District discussed compiling a village chronicle, and they naturally thought of Dun Shusen.

Although the current Dun Shusen is more than ancient, his body is very tough. He wandered in the sea of books every day, and he never stopped working. Reading is an essential part of his daily life for him.

Looking for the provincial capital "reading master" Dun Shusen - an ancient rare old man who compiled the revision of the zhi

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Looking for the provincial capital "reading master" Dun Shusen - an ancient rare old man who compiled the revision of the zhi