
Newborn babies, can't go out a hundred days ago?

Introduction: I don't know if you have found that even when everything is scientific, we will inevitably hear a lot of magical parenting theories in parenting. As a parent, although it is very unreliable to hear such words, it is inevitable that when it comes to their children, they will inevitably become nervous, afraid that there is really something wrong.

I have heard people say this kind of "newborn babies can't go out before a hundred days", that is to say, babies under three months old cannot go out, and there are many heads in it. Is this really true?

Newborn babies, can't go out a hundred days ago?

Such a statement is basically the experience of the older generation, the previous people's living environment is not as safe as we are now, and the level of medical care is not as developed as it is now. In the previous years, compared with the factors of external instability, the baby was safer at home, so in order to avoid bad problems for the baby, the baby was also required to avoid going out as much as possible before growing up to be healthy enough.

This is out of the concept of parenting in the living environment at that time, but for our current era, it is not a very realistic thing for a baby not to go out before a hundred days, because before the baby is a hundred days ago, we still have a lot of things to take the baby out. First of all, the baby needs to do health care, and secondly, the baby also has related disease prevention vaccines that need to be vaccinated on time.

Newborn babies, can't go out a hundred days ago?

These things need parents to take their children to the hospital in time to do a good job, so it is impossible not to go out, and the current living environment is so good, there is no point in not going out for a hundred days. When the baby has something to go out, it is difficult for parents to avoid it.

However, although the statement that the baby cannot go out a hundred days ago is not in line with our current actual situation, as parents, we cannot take the baby out lightly and need to protect the baby. In this regard, the following issues need to be paid attention to:

Newborn babies, can't go out a hundred days ago?

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1, pay attention to the wind and warmth

The baby's body is relatively delicate, so the problem of keeping warm at the spring gate is very critical, especially on windy or relatively cold days, before going out, you must do enough warm work for the baby. Dress well, wear a hat, wrap a small quilt, these are all good warm work to do.

2. Pay attention to sun protection

The baby's skin is also very delicate, so you must pay attention to the baby's sun protection work when you go out, otherwise the baby's skin will be prone to allergies or sunburn. Therefore, when going out, you can try to choose the morning when the sun is not too strong, and hold a good umbrella for the baby, so as not to let the sun shine directly on the child for a long time, especially at noon.

Newborn babies, can't go out a hundred days ago?

3. Pay attention to travel safety

The general way for babies to travel is to use baby carts, parents to hold or carry and take transportation, and no matter which way parents need to be vigilant about safety on their own roads. Pay attention to the cart, do not let the baby be hit, etc., when sitting in the car, you need to hold the baby tightly, or use a car seat or a basket to improve the safety factor of travel.

4. Avoid going to places where the crowds are mixed

The current epidemic is very serious, and the protection of small babies is the most difficult to do, so we need to avoid crowded places when we go out. Because these places are the most susceptible to spreading and contracting diseases, and the potential dangers are more numerous, in order to ensure the safety of the baby, it is still necessary to go as little or as possible.

Newborn babies, can't go out a hundred days ago?

Finally, although we don't have as many concerns about the baby's travel now, after all, the baby is still small, except for some times when you have to go out, parents still have to let the baby at home as much as possible. It's okay to go to the hospital, to the park downstairs, to visit a friend's house, but there's no need to go to less safe places.

Newborn babies, can't go out a hundred days ago?

Important note: Now our living environment is much better, so the baby can go out before 100 days, and health care, vaccines and other work must also be done. But parents need to pay attention to the baby's work of keeping warm and sunscreen when going out, pay attention to safety issues in travel, avoid going to places where people are mixed, and if you can, it is better to go out less.

Today's topic: When is the first time your baby is born? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.

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