
There are many technology giants in the United States, why is the mobile phone industry only Apple? Monopolies become secret weapons

As the most powerful country in the world, the United States has a number of technology giants, such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Apple, Oracle and so on. However, in the United States, the mobile phone industry is only Apple, which is the reason for this? You know, Apple's biggest core is not to master the production plant, but to master the core design, such as the IOS system and A series chips, coupled with the software ecology, enough to make Apple stand out.

There are many technology giants in the United States, why is the mobile phone industry only Apple? Monopolies become secret weapons

So why can't China's domestic mobile phones be like Apple's? You know, the net profit of domestic mobile phone hardware may only be about 5%, and many times it is necessary to pay patent fees to Qualcomm, the proportion is as high as 55%. In addition to the Qualcomm processor, many mobile phones are MediaTek, the top screen is only Samsung, and the CMOS sensor belongs to Sony and Samsung. To make the simplest analogy, the CPU of Xiaomi mobile phones comes from Qualcomm, wifi chips, power analog chips, audio decoding chips and other supporting core components, all of which belong to American products. Maybe you can say that Boeing aircraft are famous all over the world, and the parts are also from all over the world, but you don't know that Boeing holds the core components of the engine research and development technology, the aircraft appearance fluid technology, and the external procurement is just some small parts.

There are many technology giants in the United States, why is the mobile phone industry only Apple? Monopolies become secret weapons

The reason why Apple can be a big company is because Apple is the most profitable brand among all mobile phone manufacturers in the world, and the annual profit of mobile phones accounts for 60% to 80%. As for other mobile phone brands, they can only grab the remaining 20% to 30% of the market. The reason why Apple can reach this step is that it has formed a monopoly, and it can even be said that this has become Apple's secret weapon. To put it simply, Apple has formed certain technical barriers in the fields of top industry and communication technology. In this case, Apple can naturally stand out in the United States, where technology giants are gathered.

There are many technology giants in the United States, why is the mobile phone industry only Apple? Monopolies become secret weapons

More importantly, Apple, which holds the core technology, can easily find partners in the world, and can also freely choose partners. Therefore, Apple can easily form a crush on other mobile phone brands in the United States, and it can be said that monopoly is Apple's secret weapon. Of course, more important is the brand value, to know that in the Jobs era, Apple can be regarded as a pioneer in smart phones, so naturally has a number of "fruit powder".

There are many technology giants in the United States, why is the mobile phone industry only Apple? Monopolies become secret weapons

In addition, it is the United States as Apple's greatest dependence, it can be said that Apple can almost get first-hand resources and technology. In this case, to put it mildly, a pig can go up a tree. It is not difficult to understand why Apple can be a big company and can hardly find an opponent in the world. Moreover, with the continuous development of the times, the new products of Apple mobile phones may have a greater impact on Android phones.

(Text/Hua Qiang)

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