
D.H.APP_Horoscope of March 22, 2022

The source of this article is WeChat public account: astrological culture


In the process of trying to solve problems and solve problems, you have exhausted your feelings. There is no doubt that this is frustrating. But now, Aries, the universe is sending you a signal that can guide you to solve this problem once and for all. You might ask why it took so long to get the guidance you've been looking forward to. Because it's the struggle itself – the search, the hope and the faith that keep you going, and that shows how strong your commitment is. Once you notice signs of hope, it will be easy to resolve.


A new opportunity may require you to rely on someone you think is less reliable. If this feeling is based on history, then you need to seriously consider it. But if it's just an intuition, you might want to explore further. Anyway, Taurus, you're reliable enough for both – for yourself and your partner, so there's no doubt you can succeed in both ways. If the reward is worth it for you, then it might be worth a try.


Something new — relationships, work, family, etc. — may not feel warm and familiar to you at first. You need time to get used to them, to make them routine, to experience the moments of comfort that make it feel right. There are other things that make people feel warm and familiar at once. When you feel familiar with something at once, you may naturally believe it. It's not always wise, Gemini, but in new situations you'll experience quickly, you can enjoy the warmth and familiarity.


You may be worried about new efforts. You may even feel nervous because someone has already assigned this work, or someone is mentoring you and he is 100 percent optimistic about the work. You're worried that something will go wrong, that they may overestimate your abilities. But, dear Cancer, don't take such a tough stance and try to grab the enthusiasm of the other person. Try to find fun in what you do. Even if you do run into problems, you'll learn from them, and you'll be able to deal with any problems that arise. Don't "put up" with it – enjoy it!


Unless you're a fictional superhero, Leo, you can't push a rock your size up a mountain alone. Even if it helps, it's hard. However, you may feel that some of the challenges you face right now are exactly that. You happen to have a smart and creative heart. Of course, there's always a way to get that boulder where you want to go. Maybe a flatbed truck and a hydraulic lift? Of course, this is just an analogy, but what it means is to tell you that with a little creativity, you can achieve something that seems impossible!


It can be hard for you to believe in the project you want to be involved in. Virgin: That may be a little too bizarre for you. It's hard to invest yourself in things that are a bit "unrealistic," so you might be hesitant and not know what to do. But if you look deeper, you'll see that there are many logical aspects to what you're thinking about. You're in a period of abundance and empowerment, and you can let that begin. Look for logical elements that make you feel better.


If you're feeling a little sad about yourself right now because of a temporarily unwelcome situation in your life, there may be a lot of people who won't understand you. They may point to your talent, your affinity, your friendship, your indomitable spirit, and much more to summon you. Libra, you have a lot to do, and other than that, this period doesn't last, so they might wonder why you feel that way. Everyone has the right to get someone to sympathize once in a while. But make sure your feelings don't last long! Hope is a better option.


Because in teamwork, you're probably the lowest person, and you're probably taking on all the responsibilities that other people don't want. Scorpio: Because of the hierarchy, you can only dutifully accept what you have to accept. But who decided on this hierarchy? This may make you feel like your contributions are worthless, but they are really valuable! Without you, this thing can't fly at all. Remember this today and ask for respect and a richer, more layered role. You deserve it.


You've done some work on a project that seems to be making no progress. But that's your own choice, Sagittarius, not because there's no other option. You might come up with a lot of reasons why this thing is stalled, but it doesn't have to stop. In fact, it can be a fruitful task. Choose not to be afraid of bad results. Choose to believe that if you accomplish your mission with the same passion, it will be a great success.


Getting stuck can bring a sense of comfort. When you travel safely and regularly, you know what to expect, and the familiar feeling is reassuring. But sometimes there is a path to choose from, and it will be very different, but also very beneficial. Now you may have a feeling that your best is about to catapult you out and into a new direction. Sure, you can rebel, dear Capricorn, but try to be brave. You may come across an opportunity you enjoy, but if not, you can get back to a safe everyday life.


A person in your life – maybe your family – may have been pushing you to do something that interests you, but feels unable to do it. You may not think that that person's trust in you is valid. You might see their trust in you as na ve love. But that's not all there is to it, Aquarius. This person believes in you. Their trust in you is enough to motivate you to believe in yourself. They see it very clearly. Absorb some of this belief and then try. Why not?


You may feel necessary, or even obligated, to fix something that someone else messed up. They may have said or done something that you know needs to be appeased. While this may not be the most enjoyable task, Pisces, you know you can make a change. But that's not the problem — the question is whether you should calm down on the feathers that are angered by others. Maybe not. This may be a great opportunity to learn a lesson. You may just want to observe, not get involved.

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