
The spring equinox, but another way to meet, the warmth is still the same

Today's spring equinox, when the sun shines directly at the equator, the "vernal equinox" of the twenty-four solar terms arrives as scheduled. On this day, the day and night are divided equally, and the white sky is getting longer and longer after that.

The spring equinox, but another way to meet, the warmth is still the same

The spring equinox came, and the poets sang and sang in the bright spring light, and wrote lyrically. In these poems, you can also glimpse the ancient spring equinox customs!

The spring equinox, but another way to meet, the warmth is still the same

"And Song Zhi Asked Cold Food Question Huangmei Linjiangyi" Tang Cui Rong

The spring equinox comes from Huaibei, and the cold food crosses the south of the river.

Suddenly seeing Xunyang Water, it is suspected to be Song Jiatan.

The Lord of Ming was embarrassed to scream, and the lonely subjects were not able to bear it.

Thinking of the old garden, Tao Li is in a good mood.

In ancient times, the spring equinox was an important festival, and the author crossed Jiangnan on the day of cold food, but he missed his hometown. The author's talent is not met, and the situation is worrying. At this time, he remembered his hometown, and the peach and plum in his hometown should be just right! When people are most vulnerable, they always miss their hometown.

The spring equinox, but another way to meet, the warmth is still the same

"Snow after the Ugly Spring Equinox" Song Su Shi

Snow into the spring equinox province is rare, half-open peach plum invincible.

Should be ashamed to land on the plum blossoms, but do the sky willow flying.

Regardless of the Dongjun special festival, it will be a new clever yin machine.

From now on, the creation is particularly unpredictable, and it is warmer to leave the royal robe.

The snow at the spring equinox is a spectacle, and the peach and plum are a bit unbearable. At this time, Su Shi was very at home, he said, now the weather is unpredictable, in order to keep warm, we still have to keep the winter clothes of the waxing moon! Su Shi is really at home!

The spring equinox, but another way to meet, the warmth is still the same

"Spring Equinox Day" five generations of Xu Hyun

On the fourth day of the first half of spring, the spring color is in the middle.

The green fields linger in the moon, and the clouds break on sunny days.

Yan Fei was still one by one, and the flowers had fallen one after another.

Si Woman is tall and late, and the song cannot be heard.

In ancient times, the spring equinox was also called "day and night", "mid-spring moon", so the author said "spring color is in the middle of the equinox". At this time, the weather was intermittent on rainy and sunny days, swallows flew one by one, and flowers bloomed. Such a beautiful view, there is a woman who can't see it, she is still thinking about the person who travels far!

The spring equinox, but another way to meet, the warmth is still the same

Kasugata Family, Qing Song

The Noda Yellow Sparrows are a herd of their own, and the mountains have spoken to each other.

In the middle of the night, the cattle called for women, and the Ming Dynasty planted trees to be the spring equinox.

The vernal equinox is the great season for farming, and the proverb has clouds: the spring equinox wheat rises, and a moment is worth thousands of dollars. In this poem, the author writes that when farmers get up in the middle of the night to feed their cattle, they hurry to wake up their wives, get up early, tomorrow is the spring equinox, and they have to plant trees. In other words, the working people on the mainland are really industrious!

The spring equinox, but another way to meet, the warmth is still the same

"Young Tour, Small Building Returns to Yan and Dusk" Song Duan

Shi Xiao Lou returned to Yan and dusk. Lonely lock the high door.

Light wind and drizzle, cherish the flower weather, and meet the spring equinox.

The painting hall is unsettled, the first wax is burned, and the tent is covered up.

Amorous resentment wang sun. Ren Bo Xing, Yi Congjun.

The swallows passed again, and the high door was still locked tightly. With a light breeze and drizzle, the flowers cherished each other for the spring equinox. Little by little, time passed, but I was still sitting alone in the embroidery building. The people who traveled far were so ruthless, so lucky for me. Spring is also the season of resentment!

The spring equinox, but another way to meet, the warmth is still the same

"Butterfly Loves Flowers, Has Passed the Spring Equinox and Wants to Go" Song Ge Shengzhong

It has passed the spring equinox and is about to go. Among the thousand torch flowers, the intention is to stay in the spring.

A clear song without mistake. Where does the lingering aftertaste of the beam return.

Try your best to persuade Chun Chun to be silent. Red steaming, and look at the peach thousand trees.

Cai Zi Fei talked about more five drums. The rest is left to look at the pen and wave the wind and rain.

Poets have always wanted to keep the spring, and this poem is no exception. The first sentence " has passed the spring equinox and spring is going to go" shows that the spring is not willing, and the blooming flowers cannot retain the spring. The first sentence of the next film, "Spring is silent every day", reflects the poet's personification of spring, and he advises spring to stay, but spring is silent. The author's feelings of loving spring and cherishing spring jumped on the paper.

The spring equinox, but another way to meet, the warmth is still the same

"Bodhisattva Man Spring Rain" [Song Dynasty] Xiao Hanjie

Spring sorrow for a while without a shadow. The author seemed to be drunk and unconscious.

The smoke and rain are wet and dry. The apricot blossoms are chilling.

The spit pot is pounding. Absolutely by whom and.

Tonight owes tim. The man didn't know.

The poet said that there was no shadow in the spring sorrow, and people seemed to be drunk and awake. The poet describes a scene of spring, and only the last sentence is heartbreaking, and tonight there is no addition of clothes, does the man who often tells me to add clothes know?

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