
The constellations that are prone to "underground romance" are full of charm, many secrets, and dangerous but fascinating

The constellations that are prone to "underground romance" are full of charm, many secrets, and dangerous but fascinating

In this world, there are many kinds of feelings. There are bright and honest, frank and can withstand the test of the sun, and there is another, which is invisible and surging in the underground undercurrent. We don't comment on morality or not, we only talk about feelings themselves. Because in this world, there are too many involuntary bodies, and there are also too many mouths that are not right.

Sometimes, the person you love happens to be undetectable and cannot be made public. This kind of secret feeling is despised by people, and there is no way to talk to others, but this kind of feeling is real. This kind of person is easy to be unknown because of underground romance.

The constellations that are prone to "underground romance" are full of charm, many secrets, and dangerous but fascinating

Today we talk about it from the perspective of the astrolabe, these constellations that are prone to underground romance, charming but also secret, they are dangerous, but fascinating.

Golden Negative Phase + Fire Sea Punishment

In the astrolabe, if a person's Venus and Pluto appear negative phases, their emotional experience is likely to be very sadistic. Because the golden phase represents the unforgettable heart. But this relationship must not end well. Moreover, the emotional experience of such people is generally more bumpy.

In their lives, it is not that there will be no sweet love, but in their emotional experience, they will definitely experience a great change in their feelings, and even the whole concept of feelings, a huge change. And that person, they may not mention it in the future, but they will never forget it.

The constellations that are prone to "underground romance" are full of charm, many secrets, and dangerous but fascinating

And the relationship that usually occurs in the negative phase of the golden and negative phase cannot be seen. It may be because the identity between the two parties should not be disclosed, or the love between the two parties is not moral enough, in short, it is impossible to see the light. This feeling of not being able to ask for it makes them both enjoy and torture.

Especially when there is a phase of fire and sea punishment in the astrolabe, the emotional experience of such people must be rich, but they are all secret love. Many people may not know that they have had this emotional experience, because their feelings cannot be made public at all.

The constellations that are prone to "underground romance" are full of charm, many secrets, and dangerous but fascinating

But I have to say that the person who is golden and tortured + fire and sea is a dangerous and charming charm. This charm is contradictory, but at the same time fatal. They will invisibly attract each other, let them indulge a little bit, fall, and finally be pocketed by them, and then end up in a pathetic way.

And this love model is the fate of the feelings of the golden underworld + the fire and sea torturers. Of course, if the position of the Golden Moon is better, plus the seventh house is not harmed, it can also be remedied to a certain extent. But in their lives, secret love is never absent.

The constellations that are prone to "underground romance" are full of charm, many secrets, and dangerous but fascinating

The Seven Houses fall to the Scorpion, and the Pluto King flies the Eighth House

In the astrological chart, the seventh house represents our marriage house. And the state of the main star and the inner star of this palace tells us plainly and clearly what their marital status is. Generally speaking, for people who fall into the seventh house, the marriage is not smooth. Not only will there be bumps, but the process will be slower.

Because of the people who fall into the Scorpion in the Seventh House, they are not born with easy belief in feelings, nor do they dare to show their hearts directly. So they are always tempting, and in the temptation they will miss the opportunity. For such people, if the seventh house falls on the scorpion, and the main star of the palace, that is, Pluto, falls in the eighth house, it implies the occurrence of a secret love affair.

The constellations that are prone to "underground romance" are full of charm, many secrets, and dangerous but fascinating

The eighth house is a rather secretive place, and he is connected to life and death, and it is related to love and hate. And when the main star of our marriage palace falls here, it means that there may be an underground romance. Of course, it also means that your future other half may be richer, because the eighth house also represents partial wealth.

The Pluto King fell to the eighth house, which was actually a relatively hidden location. In addition to revealing that we are taking over other people's money, he also tells us about the emergence of secret relationships. If these positions are still involved with the zodiac, then the probability of underground romance is greater. However, these people are quite attractive, they are mysterious, they are very sexy, and at the same time very dangerous.

The constellations that are prone to "underground romance" are full of charm, many secrets, and dangerous but fascinating

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