
New hero Ganning accidentally exposed! Born with 20% critical hit and 30% injury-free, it's really powerful!

New hero Ganning accidentally exposed! Born with 20% critical hit 30% injury-free, real cow!

Recently circulated on the Internet a screenshot of the new hero Gan Ning, it is not known whether it is true or false, please pay attention to the screening, this is the screenshot of the appearance of Gan Ning circulating on the Internet

New hero Ganning accidentally exposed! Born with 20% critical hit and 30% injury-free, it's really powerful!

This is an introduction to Ganning's skills circulating online

New hero Ganning accidentally exposed! Born with 20% critical hit and 30% injury-free, it's really powerful!

Ganning's passive skill is super perverted, born with 30% damage immunity and 20% critical strike chance, doubling the effect when in the river channel area.

One of Ganning's skills is to enhance the next three general attacks, each of which deals additional damage, and hitting the opposite hero will be accompanied by additional spell damage.

New hero Ganning accidentally exposed! Born with 20% critical hit and 30% injury-free, it's really powerful!

Ganning's two skills can increase shields, as well as increase physical attack and movement speed, Ganning's big move can stun the enemy, and then get the enemy's equipment bonus effect lasts for 8 seconds, and the hit enemy will reduce the movement speed by 50%, while losing all equipment bonuses.

This big move is too perverted, if it is really online officially served, it is simply impossible to play, I don't know if ganning this hero will be online, if it is really online, then this skill is simply lawless.

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