
Tomorrow's spring equinox| grass long warblers fly, rape flowers fragrant.

Tomorrow's spring equinox| grass long warblers fly, rape flowers fragrant.
Tomorrow's spring equinox| grass long warblers fly, rape flowers fragrant.

"The vernal equinox, yin and yang are half also."

Therefore, the day and night are equal and the cold and summer are calm."

It's the spring equinox again, the swallows fly over the willow branches that have just sprouted green, and the ducks float lazily on the sun-drenched lake... The style of spring is all in the spring wind, however, the "spring equinox" is not as good as you!

Equinox poetry

《Vernal Equinuts Day》

[Tang] Xu Xuan

On the fourth day of the first half of spring, the spring color is in the middle.

The green fields linger in the moon, and the clouds break on sunny days.

Yan Fei was still one by one, and the flowers had fallen one after another.

Si Woman is tall and late, and the song cannot be heard.

It is the day of the spring equinox, the field is already a green, clear sky, flowing clouds, the moon is hazy. From time to time, a swallow flies by, and the petals flutter in the spring wind. People from afar, when will you come back? The singing in the tall building gradually became lower.

《Qing Ping Le》

[Song] Wang Anzhong

Light rain during flowering.

Undiminished spring fractions.

Occupy the dense place where the curtain is sparse.

Put the wine to listen to the song golden wisp.

Oblique wind is mildly fragrant.

Leisure is growing with spring.

Seat at the evening red light,

Try the new apricots.

On the day of the spring equinox, it rained a little. After putting the wine behind the curtain and listening to the singer's song, the rain with the fragrance of flowers splashed in from the sparse place of the curtain, and the breeze blew through, and the aroma was in the wine. Soon the sun set, light a red candle, and hold the green apricot that has just come down with wine.

Tomorrow's spring equinox| grass long warblers fly, rape flowers fragrant.

"Snow After the Ugly Spring Equinox"

【Song】 Su Shi

Snow into the vernal equinox province is rare,

Half-open peach Lee is invincible.

Should be ashamed to land on the plum blossom awareness,

But it is a willow flying in the sky.

Regardless of the Dongjun special festival,

Therefore, the new clever hair yin machine.

From now on, the creation is particularly unpredictable,

Warmer must be left in the royal wax coat.

After the spring equinox, it is rare to snow, and the peach blossoms and plum blossoms are already half open. Today, is it a plum blossom that lands on the ground? That flying in the sky, is it willow silk? I don't want to be snowflakes. Spring weather is getting more unpredictable, even if the weather is warmer, you must keep warm clothing.

《Kasugata Family》

[Qing] Song Wan

Noda Yellow Finches are their own flock,

The mountain has spoken to each other.

In the middle of the night, the cows called out to the women,

The Ming Dynasty planted trees at the spring equinox.

In the field, the sparrows fell on the ground in groups to peck at the tender grass that had just been sent, and the old men in the mountain village tirelessly said that the parents were short. Before dawn, the man in the family fed the cattle and called the woman up, saying that tomorrow was the spring equinox and that he would go early to plant trees.

Content from: Language Weekly Newspaper New Media Center

Image: Read it

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