
Re-reading "Wounded Death": In the love of women who are desperate for their lives, there is humanity and men's despicable hearts

Re-reading "Wounded Death": In the love of women who are desperate for their lives, there is humanity and men's despicable hearts
Re-reading "Wounded Death": In the love of women who are desperate for their lives, there is humanity and men's despicable hearts

There are three things in the world that seem beautiful but worthless: the feeling of worthlessness; the gentleman of the poor; the true heart of poverty.

"Wounded Death" is Mr. Lu Xun's only love novel, although it is love, it also deeply corresponds to Mr. Lu Xun's way of writing, with a cruel meaning of truth.

The text tells the love story of Juan Sheng and Zi Jun, a poor literati and a female student. They talk about ideals, about culture, about Tagore, about Shelley, about breaking through the world, about breaking through decay, but in the end they forget to talk about reality.

At the beginning of the article, Mr. Lu Xun wrote such a sentence, which set the tone of sadness for the whole text: "If I can, I will write down my regrets and sorrows, for zijun, for myself." ”

In the 57th year after the publication of "Wounded Death", in order to pay tribute to this novel that he has always admired and loved, Yishu used "Wounded Death" as the prototype to create "The First Half of My Life".

The same "Son", because of his own choice and the factors of the times, eventually went to a different life.

Re-reading "Wounded Death": In the love of women who are desperate for their lives, there is humanity and men's despicable hearts
Re-reading "Wounded Death": In the love of women who are desperate for their lives, there is humanity and men's despicable hearts

For the love of the crazy son

"I am my own, and none of them interferes with my rights!" This sentence knocked open the heart of Juan sheng and also laid the sadness of Zijun's life.

Although there is a huge disparity in family lineage, he often discusses literature together alone and gradually breeds love.

In order to be able to be with Juansheng, Zijun abandoned all family relations, worldly vision, and ran to Juansheng in spite of himself.

Juan Sheng seemed to see the appearance of the new Chinese women's independence, knelt down on one knee, and proposed marriage to Zijun. They decided to live together.

However, this decision made Zijun and his uncle completely fall out, and his parents in his hometown also believed that he was insulting, which made Zijun completely break off contact with his family.

Zijun has several friends around her who disagree with her, and she has also broken off contact with these friends.

With the son of love, he is not afraid of anything. She moved into Juansheng's cottage and wanted to spend literature and life with Juansheng.

However, these winds and snows could not fill the stomachs of Juansheng and Zijun, so Zijun raised four chicks and began to become a full-time housewife.

For Zijun, who was busy with three meals a day, his hands were getting rougher and rougher, and his image was becoming more and more sloppy, and Juan sheng felt more and more that Zijun was no longer as understanding as before.

Re-reading "Wounded Death": In the love of women who are desperate for their lives, there is humanity and men's despicable hearts

Treat Zijun as a burden

Because Juan Sheng was reported and lost his job, his days were already stretched, and he became even more embarrassed.

Zijun, who heard the news, was a little flustered, his face changed, and his speech was incoherent. At this time, Juan Sheng thought in his heart: "Then a fearless son has also changed color, which especially makes me sad; she seems to be weaker lately." ”

Soon, they even had a problem with food and clothing, leftovers, and more often than not, they couldn't even eat leftovers, and they had to go hungry.

Zijun stewed the chicken she raised, she once had a dog, but now there is no food to feed, so she has to let it go, and Zijun's face is gradually miserable.

In order to make ends meet, Juan Sheng decided to translate the manuscript, and he contacted the editor and was ready to devote himself to it. But there was no quiet place in the house for him to conceive of work. Zijun's face, the days when the family had eaten the last meal and did not eat, made his heart more and more irritable.

So Juan Sheng ran away from home and ran to the library to work. In this pure paradise, he felt more and more that zijun was a burden to him, a stumbling block for him, and that small house became a cage that locked him.

At this time, Zijun had no leisure and mood to read books, she no longer talked about poetry with Juansheng, but calculated three meals a day.

Zijun, who was once like a wisteria flower, has now become a shackle on his body, and Juansheng is beginning to be reluctant to go home, he longs for freedom, longs for being alone.

Re-reading "Wounded Death": In the love of women who are desperate for their lives, there is humanity and men's despicable hearts

This "love" is always an empty joy that cannot go to the beginning

After Zijun asked Juansheng, "You have had some different things lately..." After That, Juansheng used great determination and said what was in his heart: "You want me to be honest; yes, people should not be hypocritical." I'll be honest. Because, because I don't love you anymore! But it's much better for you, because you can do things without thinking..."

Not long after, Zijun's father came and picked her up. During a day when Trickle is gone, all this is relayed to Trickle by the landlady's wife.

Hearing this, at first Trickle was a little dazed, and then he "felt a little relaxed in his heart, stretched out, and sighed." Juan Sheng lay on the bed and began to think about his future.

When Zijun left, he gathered all the living materials: "salt and dried peppers, flour, half a cabbage and dozens of copper dollars." In a word, he taught Juan Sheng to use this to maintain a longer life.

We see the embarrassment of their lives in it, but we also read about Zijun's sincere and unspeakable love for Juansheng.

But in the end, men are nothing more than selfish. Things are as good as they need you, and you are a liability when you are not needed. Men do not have the courage to bear the burden, then the initiator of this four walls, can only be her.

At the end of the novel, Zijun dies, and he doesn't even know why he went.

Re-reading "Wounded Death": In the love of women who are desperate for their lives, there is humanity and men's despicable hearts
Re-reading "Wounded Death": In the love of women who are desperate for their lives, there is humanity and men's despicable hearts

The novel adopts the form of handwriting and poetic language, and slowly advances the plot of the text through the inner monologue of Chuansheng.

The portrayal of Zijun is mostly through the description of her demeanor, actions and details. By depicting Zijun's ever-changing eyes, she shows her inner changes.

All of these give us a hint of the truth of life: when even our own survival has become a problem, don't expect any love.

Zijun is desperate for love, but it is difficult to be quiet for many years. And Juan sheng, ignoring the chai rice oil and salt at home, when his heart was not smooth, he hid in the library with a stove to find Qingjing, and pushed the problem to Zijun.

And Juansheng's one-knee kneeling action made Zijun abandon everything to live with him; a fluttering sentence of "no love" let Zijun quietly leave alone.

Zijun overestimated love, the moth put out the fire, and despised himself; Juan sheng underestimated human nature, selfishness and cowardice, and overestimated himself.

Everything is your own choice.

Mr. Lu Xun did not denigrate love, he just exposed the truest thoughts of a man, let us understand the dark side of human nature, let us understand, no matter at any time, do not overestimate love.

Re-reading "Wounded Death": In the love of women who are desperate for their lives, there is humanity and men's despicable hearts


The world is so big, thank you, you can see me!

[Wen | Wei Wei'an: the pen has temperature, for the voice of emotion, an atypical writer who loves words, invites you to perceive life together]

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