
Is IVF fertility treatment ectopic pregnancy? How to prevent it?

Normally, the fertilized egg migrates from the fallopian tubes to the uterine cavity, then settles down and slowly develops into a fetus. However, for various reasons, the fertilized egg went astray in the process of migration, did not reach the uterus, but stayed elsewhere, which became ectopic pregnancy, which is also called ectopic pregnancy in medical terms. More than 90% of ectopic pregnancies occur in the fallopian tubes, also known as tubal pregnancies. Implantation may also occur in the cervix, ovaries, uterine horns, and even the abdominal cavity. IVF is to transfer embryos directly to the uterine cavity, the embryo does not need to go through the fallopian tubes, that does not mean that the IVF can avoid "ectopic pregnancy", it is not! IVF can also produce ectopic pregnancies!

Does IVF result in ectopic pregnancy?

The main cause of ectopic pregnancy is related to the degree of patency of the fallopian tubes. So those who are suspected of having fallopian tube disease have targeted the IVF fertility technology, hoping to help themselves get rid of such doom through IVF technology. As we all know, IVF refers to a technique that uses artificial methods to take eggs and sperm from the human body and fertilize them in vitro, develop into embryos, and then transfer them back into the mother's womb to achieve the purpose of conception.

Ectopic pregnancies can occur from natural conception, and IVF is no exception. There are two cases of IVF ectopic pregnancy, one is that the embryo is transferred into the uterine cavity, usually it takes three to four days to find a better implantation point in the uterine cavity, and then the embryo implants and clinically becomes pregnant. If the embryo runs into the fallopian tubes during this period of time, it will cause ectopic pregnancy. The other is that the embryo may inject the embryo into the fallopian tubes during the transfer process, resulting in ectopic pregnancy.

In addition, the improper operation of the operator during embryo transfer surgery and the peristalsis of the uterine lining may cause ectopic pregnancy.

1. The technique of the surgeon in the embryo transfer operation is improper

The speed of bolus is too fast, the pressure is too large, the amount of fluid injected is too much, and the transplant tube used is not soft enough, etc. may cause ectopic pregnancy.

2. Endometrial peristalsis

After the blastocyst enters the uterine cavity, it is close to the lining at a certain position. Due to the mechanical pressure of the blastocyst itself and the peristalsis of the smooth muscles of the uterus, the blastocyst can be placed in an appropriate position in the corner cavity of the uterus. The choice of bed point may depend on certain characteristics of the blastocyst and inner membrane.

Does IVF increase the odds of ectopic pregnancy?

According to literature reports, the incidence of ivy into vitrous is 4%-11%, and the incidence of natural pregnancy ectopic pregnancy in the general population in the eighth edition of obstetrics and gynecology textbooks is also 2%, which fully shows that the incidence of IVF ectopic pregnancy is extremely low.

Because the incidence of natural pregnancy ectopic pregnancy is 10-20% in the general population with a history of tubal lesions or tubal surgery, a considerable proportion of patients with IVF are patients with tubal lesions or a history of tubal surgery.

In this way, it seems that actually doing IVF reduces the incidence of ectopic pregnancy.

Which women are susceptible to ectopic pregnancy?

1) Women with chronic salpingitis: under normal circumstances, the fallopian tubes transport the fertilized egg to the uterine cavity through the swing of the cilia and the peristalsis of the smooth muscles of the fallopian tubes. Women with chronic salpingitis have difficulty reaching the uterine cavity due to inflammation and lesions.

2) Women with tubal dysplasia or deformity: dysplasia of the fallopian tubes, lack of cilia in the intima and other lesions, so that the function of the fallopian tubes to transport pregnant eggs is reduced. Fallopian tube deformity lesions are not easy to make the fertilized egg reach the uterine cavity smoothly.

3) Women with endometriosis: This is because the ectopic is in the lining of the interstitial part of the fallopian tubes, resulting in narrowing or obstruction of the lumen and making it difficult for pregnant eggs to pass.

Is IVF fertility treatment ectopic pregnancy? How to prevent it?

Which women need to be wary of ectopic pregnancy?

1) Women with masses in the pelvis: due to the squeezing and traction of the masses, the position of the uterus or fallopian tubes moves, and the structure is abnormal, which will affect the normal arrival of the pregnant egg to the uterine cavity.

2) Women who re-pass after tubal ligation: whether it is natural re-passage or surgical re-passage, the fallopian tubes are not as smooth as before, and the re-passage is relatively narrow, and the pregnant egg is easily blocked to settle in the narrow place.

3) Women with a history of ectopic pregnancy: If they are ready to become pregnant again, but the cause of the previous ectopic pregnancy has not been identified and eliminated, the risk of ectopic pregnancy after this pregnancy is higher than that of the average woman.

4) Women who have had an abortion: When abortion is not in place, it may cause pelvic inflammatory disease, resulting in inflammation of the uterine appendages, and seriously causing blocked fallopian tubes, resulting in serious consequences of ectopic pregnancy.

How to prevent ectopic pregnancy?

1. Check before pregnancy and do a good job of tubal treatment

It is important to complete all relevant tests before trying to conceive, and to determine whether there are conditions for normal pregnancy, before considering pregnancy.

2. Do a good job of follicle monitoring

Ultrasound is used to detect the fallopian tubes and some specific conditions of the endometrium of women to prevent the occurrence of ectopic pregnancy.

3. Select high-quality embryos

Patients with a history of ectopic pregnancy are best able to choose blastocyst (if any) for transfer to minimize the time it takes for the embryo to move through the uterine cavity.

4. Post-transplant monitoring

After an in vitro embryo transfer, it is necessary to check in time for pregnancy. Usually, this examination is performed 14 days after transfer.

Does IVF give me an ectopic pregnancy? How to prevent it?

In short, IVF still has the possibility of ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, IVF women who cannot relax their vigilance and must perform ultrasonography on time to determine whether it is an intrauterine pregnancy, so as to avoid serious adverse consequences caused by ectopic pregnancy missed diagnosis.

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