
The New York Times published an article criticizing the original god! Player: The homeless monkey has found the organization

The success of the original god at home and abroad has been a household name in the game circle, with the exquisite game mechanism and the unprecedented two-dimensional open world all-platform mobile game label has never been opened to quickly become popular, it can be said that the success of the original god is inevitable. But the people with red eyes have never been less, from the darkest three months when the service was opened to the current rhythm has not stopped.

Let's not talk about why the "Million Zelda Players" disappeared when The Phantom Tower came out, and the number of people who had nothing to do with Mihayou and abused them was enough to make a game's reputation stink. But the original god survived by relying on his excellent game quality, and he got better and better. Now, not only the domestic "friends" are jumping on their feet, but the foreign media can't sit still - recently, the New York Times published an article criticizing the original god.

The New York Times published an article criticizing the original god! Player: The homeless monkey has found the organization

The sentence that translates into our understanding is: "The popular mobile game Harajin has all the characteristics of Japanese game works." But it has only one problem: it was developed by Chinese.

The success of this game shows that the power of the gaming industry, which has long been dominated by Japan and the United States, is declining, and the balance of the gaming industry is tilting in our direction. ”

I don't know if those who look down on and can't see the original god will clap their hands and applaud. However, as the mouthpiece of the world, the United States has noticed the success of the original god, which is undoubtedly a recognition of the original god, and also shows that the popularity of the original god overseas is really high. In recent years, the United States and the mainland friction has continued, and the original god can be targeted by the United States, which means that "the more the enemy opposes, the more we should support."

The New York Times published an article criticizing the original god! Player: The homeless monkey has found the organization

Having won such an "award", how many rough stones does Miha Travel plan to give to travelers?

The comments below the original text are also very interesting, let's take a look at it with the caika sauce:

The New York Times published an article criticizing the original god! Player: The homeless monkey has found the organization

You lost me when you said mobile games.

It's actually not just a mobile game. Also on PCs and PlayStation, there's a pretty decent phone port there.

Any questions? Most of the phones you use are also made in China.

What else can you do but envy the success of others?

At least get your details straight, this article literally describes Crash 3, not proto-god.

The New York Times published an article criticizing the original god! Player: The homeless monkey has found the organization

So, if it's Chinese done, what's the problem? I don't care what the Japanese or the Americans did, why would they be in a hurry because that's what Chinese do?

This is not a problem. This article discusses how a Chinese game became so popular in Japan, and now we see where these games have shifted. Japanese companies are used to dominating the gaming market, and Chinese developers are also winning their space!

The CIA should fund a series of video games designed to disrupt life as much as possible and distribute them for free in China.

The New York Times published an article criticizing the original god! Player: The homeless monkey has found the organization

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