
【Poetry Yearbook】 Chen Rende, Seven Laws of Xin Ugly, Volume

【Yunfan Headlines】

Chen Rende Xin Ugly Seven Laws Volume

About the Author

Chen Rende, screen name Yu Ting. A native of Zhongxian County, Chongqing, the second, third and fourth directors of the Chinese Poetry Society, the vice president of the Chongqing Literature and History Calligraphy and Painting Research Association, the president of the Poetry Research Institute, the vice president of the Chongqing Poetry Society, the consultant of the Yunfan Poetry Friends Association, the chief consultant of the Hong Kong Poetry Society, he has published more than ten kinds of works such as "Chen Rende Poetry Notes", "YunqiXuan Yin Manuscript", "Chen Rende Poetry Three Hundred Poems", "Chen Rende Seven Laws Three Hundred Songs", "New Edition of Sound Rhythm Enlightenment", and the cultural essay "Barbarian Ba Nu Singing Bamboo Branches" was selected by Professor Qian Liqun of Peking University to be included in the fifth volume of "New Language Reader • Junior High School Volume".

Hainan guest residence is rejuvenating

But the sea is long, and there are often fish and shrimp for food.

After drinking, the night is still drunk, and the dream falls back to the moonlight light cold.

Coconut township lived for a long time who thought of Shu, and the flower path yin Yu leaned on the column alone.

This is a perfect gem for leisure, and several guests are discussing it together.

In the early morning, the pillow got a sentence He Longsheng Duan Chengyuan Long Sangong Eighty Birthday

A smile is happy to meet the eight ranks, and this dynasty is full of joy.

Bring the long flowing water of the East China Sea to worship the old birthday star of Nanshan.

Has stepped forward into the virtuous industry, and when the latter enters the upward type.

The three dukes are my teacher and friend, and they recite affectionate self-congratulatory inscriptions.

Presented to Wang Mingfujun

The four walls of the lantern illuminate the feast, and the gratitude of the king is determined to punch and punch.

It should be known that the righteousness is priceless, and the door wall is ruined.

Yixing often flies overseas, and the grandeur is only at the edge of the white clouds.

At the end of the chapter, the contract is strategic, and the wind and thunder should be sent to the color note.

One day after the spring equinox, when the cauliflower withered in the rain in the south of Tongnan

Rain poured in all directions, and the wind and cold mountains were cloudy.

The spring color lingered only half way, and the flowers were lonely for three minutes.

The branches of the vegetable garden are green pods, and the boats cross the creek with blue patterns.

It is rare that there are few tourists at this time, and the quiet atmosphere can be absolutely dusty.

Years of light

The years have passed and there are no doubts, and the nature is stubborn and stupid, and the old is even more foolish.

Choosing wood to be a guest in the end, and Mendo Li is ashamed to be a teacher.

The wild song is only after a slight drunkenness, and the Yaji often returns to the middle of the night.

And Xi Lian is quite able to eat, and when he ascends to the heights, he wants to give new words.

Mid-spring chant

It is expected that the steep river wind is cold in February, and the drizzle of rain falls on the flowers.

Over the years, I have cherished the good spring light, and the old age has become more and more aware of the difficulty of the late festival.

Hope that the rivers and mountains are empty of hatred, and the clouds and mist of pity have become unprovoked.

He also lingered with the lone shadow for a long time, and played the harp alone.

Qingming returned home

A mountain only crossed a mountain to greet, and then to the hometown of Nanbin.

Wild is really difficult to follow the world, qingming is easy to move nostalgia.

In the rain, the alleys are mossy, and the long bridge downstairs is full of clear water.

This is where Chen Lang grew up, and annoying soul dreams are always haunting.

Two days before the Qingming Dynasty, when Brother Li returned to Li in the middle of the night and drank by the riverside old house, the drizzle of rain was given to this to remember

During the Qingming Festival, the rain is like silk, and the night of the small drinking river is late.

The sound of the lights in the city is dimmed, and the waves of the building are confused.

Returning to his hometown empty dreams, he wanted to say that he only spent words.

Pointing to the place where the hair is hanging, the ruined wall vines are not sad.

Twilight Spring Groan

Listen to the wind and listen to the rain through the spring, and perch calmly only one branch.

The old Ji Hu praised the thousands of miles, inched the beach and made a two-year period.

The name of the meritorious white head is really ridiculous, and the sheji jintang is no longer doubtful.

The mountains outside the window have been looking at each other for a long time, and the falling flowers and flowing water are delayed.

Yuzhou Feng Dong Ao brother has a gift

Chu Shui Ba Shan Wanli love, Ding Ding fell wood feelings hissing.

The old man was wet in wind and rain, and the candles on the terrace last night were lit.

Haruka recalls the song of a thousand autumns, once a lifetime of arrogance.

We are the same as the red dust old, or there is a chapter to comment.

Brother Zhao Leqiang gathered on the 46th floor of the International Financial Center on the banks of the Jialing River to drink and talk bitterly

Endless high-rise buildings are like dense forests, and the Jialing River is full of spring and shade.

Even if you sit for a long time, it will be twilight, and it will be late at night when you return drunk.

Yandang Yunfeng Lao imagined that the dragon smoke and water remembered the landing.

The sense of the king traveled thousands of miles and gave new poems to be sung repeatedly.

Dengqi River Old Yingshan Baiyun Temple

Wan Ling's dangerous peak is about to fall, and the old wood of the rock is strong.

The road passes from the waist of the cliff, and the people walk on the top of the floating clouds.

The ancient temple can be independent in the air, and the chaotic mountains are self-crisscrossing under the eyes.

The pine dew dripped cold, and it was really suspicious to be too clear at this time.

The migration to the inch beach is worth writing three kinds of appearances in the middle of the night without sleeping to end up with this poem

The red dust is all smiling, and the water is clear and quiet.

The heart is not finished, dare to grow old, and the poetry is still in the straight song.

After the rain, the beach is as clear as promised, and the lone shadow is deep and lonely.

The clumsy new editor is comforting, and the self-collection of books is self-contained.

The wild elephant herds of Wenxi Shuangbanna will move north to Kunming

The long way is long and arduous, and the mountains and mountains are idle.

Nan Cooking only said that fat pigs are good, and there are many strange elephants in the north.

Desperate to survive and get lost, do not return to investigate how.

Running wild in the unknown direction, returning from speed to avoid torture.

Inch beach

The long road stretches to the inch beach, in order to seek a perch.

After the spring light is over, the flowers are still blooming, and the dawn is still cold.

The rain outside the curtain is poetic, and the street wind blows the wine marks dry.

I also smelled new scenery on the riverbank, and always looked at it alone through the window.

In the middle of the night, the pillow got "an old house deep forest lamp, and the residual star oblique moon night three more" a row of morning up and forth

Like a gauze mist blowing lightly through the window, listen to the sound of mountain cicadas.

The old house is a lamp in the deep forest, and the remnant star is oblique to the moon and the night is three times more.

Sit and watch the dew drops and clouds all darken, chanting until the dawn of the sentence.

There are also people who laugh at things, and lie down behind closed doors to comment on questions.

Yellow water was built by the bear

At that time, the young two danced, and Nanpu was related to the swim.

I once talked to Taruma about the snow moon, and every time I started from the bottom of the pen, I smoked.

Young confidants Yu San'er, white head and kingly feelings.

When you get old, you can only pray for the good of your family and country, no wind and no rain.

(Jiancheng brother became famous as a teenager, and became famous in the literary world in the early 1980s, and has successively created novels, poems, essays, television series and other works, with whom I have been engaged for forty years.) )

Yellow water guest in the sender of friends

Shenan sheds the north of the building, and it is easy to be in a daze by the column alone.

It is difficult to see the beauty, and the dream of spring does not come back.

Who is Cao Liu here, and Si Shining has no Li Ducai.

How many things have risen and fallen in the world, and the students have not forgotten them until they are old.


Poetry and wine are full of spirits, floating from northeast to southwest.

It is easy to talk about making up the sky and reclaiming the sea, and it is too unbearable to seek profits and seek officials.

The Fifth Dynasty was only suitable for passing on the scrolls, and did not bow to the hairpins in his lifetime.

Over the years, I have seen bizarre things, and I have made friends and nights.

Stacked before the rhyme answer Hi Ying brother give peace

The song and dance of Ping Dream are in full swing, and the shocking turbid waves hit Henan.

The living souls are drowning in heaven and death, and the world is full of chaos.

The great banner has been promised to the universe, and the flood will be crowned with misfortune.

Dengtang said that there were many vicissitudes and changes, but the sutra was re-tanned.

Heavy rain is not allowed to go out for days, and the rain in the middle of the night is getting sicker, and the pillow is given this, when it is in the yellow water

The dim light is half clear, and the pillow is long and dreamy.

The hills on all sides are heavy, and the wind and rain in one window have passed through three times.

When the heart of heaven is in the hearts of the people, the autumn qi is still born with the night.

The coming day is cloudy and sunny, and he wants to ask Junping from where to go.

Tanabata Yorouchi

The leading edge of the long-cherished wish is indeed rewarded, and the whole way has been whiteheaded.

The wine in the hometown is drunk together, and Chang'an Migui is always worried.

Writing books is the most lonely and bitter, and I have traveled all over the world with my sleeves up.

Such a life is sweet and indifferent, singing and chanting slowly.

Yi Yi Yin

I do what I do, I am happy, and my state of mind is never only self-aware.

There are idle birds in the middle of nowhere, and when the day is long, they chant poems without incident.

Song Yun was clear for three summers, and Yun Shui was happy for a while.

Wanting to go deep into the dense forest, the ancient trees and grasses of the cang vines left.

Fengchun braved the wind and rain to visit from Su Ma Dang by car, drank happily from noon and dusk, and returned to the road in the night, reciting the rare sentence of the Qing people who came from the wind and rain and giving them all thanks

The trip was arranged early, and there was no need to urge the covenant today.

Since the autumn colors of the mountains and forests are good, it is true that the wind and rain have come.

A corner and like red dust far away, a glass of wine can make the naked guts open.

Send the car back again, and wave around the roadside.

Wake up from a dream

The small street feast is slightly drunk, and the cicadas of The Lu leng mountain are silent.

Dream waking up window wind invaded a pillow, lying down to listen to the eaves slip three more.

Spring heart early Shaoguang old, autumn qi with the night rain.

Imagine that the Yuzhou inflammation has ended, and the night is deep and the return is planned.

Bai Lu groaned

The weeping old branches perched on the inch beach, and the autumn air felt slightly cold.

Drunken thieves often sit in shock, and in the middle of the night they are dressed and lean on the railing.

Yixing is not guan fengyue is good, and Chen Yan is easy to make teeth sour.

Crab leaf white dew every year, it is difficult to write new poems.

Brother Wanzhou Kikawa Ren worked hard to organize a lecture for me, and I can't thank you for this

Meeting Nampo is also a cause, and it has been twenty years in a hurry.

Shame on me for chi haiyu in a vain voice, and feel that the king is high and the sky is thin.

Standing up to his life's ambitions, he said that Xiang Zhen was like an ancient sage.

After reading the vicissitudes, people are not old, and the liver and gallbladder are still like before.

Mid-autumn groan

It is difficult to ask the sea of dust to float and sink, and the terrifying waves are deep.

Sensitive words often shrink their hands, and corruption cases are shocking.

The epidemic has reappeared in the north and south, and the old song has continued to be ancient and modern.

It is close to the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the small window has been cool.

Heavy over the resting table

The past of the break is gradually confused, and it is late to find a way to swim in the night.

The imaginary celebrity is old, and the dream of becoming a real record is indefinite.

Ten years of frost blade by whom to try, a piece of ice heart only knows itself.

Unfortunately, time passes with the water, and I accidentally pick up the mirror and raise my eyebrows.

Yu was admitted to a hospital in Xietaizi with a waist disease the day before the Mid-Autumn Festival, Qian Fengjun heard the news and came to have a small drink at noon

It is common for the rest of the stage to live temporarily, and I do not intend to serve wine.

Drinking can make the poem flourish, and the Mid-Autumn Festival is close to the fragrance of osmanthus flowers.

It just so happens that the world is drunk, and when it comes to the former sages, how dare they forget.

There are articles of great righteousness, and the mountains are high and the water flows for a long time.

The night before the Mid-Autumn Festival, the two of them invited brother Su Da Chun of Keyuan Road to drink together without feeling slightly drunk.

The long road winds and the shadows of the trees are oblique, and the windows can be separated from the city.

The breeze is like water invading the sideburns, and the bright moon shines on the homes.

After all the vicissitudes of the world, talk about the poetry and wine to send the career.

Tonight is the most slightly drunk, and take advantage of the silver glow to enjoy the osmanthus flowers.

Three days and a half days and half after the Mid-Autumn Festival

The world is full of twilight, how to exhaust the chicken feathers.

Most of them shrank into melons, and it is rare to care about kitchen knives.

After the autumn, the deceased once had an appointment, and the night came to qingying and bored.

Wandering around this time, only thinking drunk, turbid wine can make the block disappear.

(In order to ensure the safety of the people, the real-name system of kitchen knives is implemented in a certain place at a certain time)

Autumn wind groan

The autumn breeze is faint and the smoke is condensed, and he sits silently like an old monk.

The lonely shadow is only chanting, and the curved bar round is a total of who can rely on it.

The cowhide is difficult to blow from ancient times, and the blood of the chicken is easy to boil today.

Mo Dao ascended to the height of the horizon, and the fog was layered in front of him.

Moved to the inch beach green area community for half a year

Xingyin Lake and Sea are finally guests, and the time is wasted without counting years.

And like to live in the green space, why not dash to the top of the country.

The evening wind sat drunk for a long time, and the autumn air drifted through the trees like smoke.

It was unexpected to be sent here, and it is calculated that one by one is the cause.


A branch can be temporarily borrowed to live, indifferent to life only self-cherishing.

The red leaves are like dreams, and the white-headed old man has come true.

Forget the gains and losses, and send your sorrows to the rise and fall of Du Fu's poverty.

And the wind and moon are good in the middle of the day, and the autumn colors are equally divided into rivers.

Two songs of Yongshi


The frozen frontier is also strange, and the Chosin Lake is driving bitterly.

Desolate 100,000 heads of blood, bleak Three Dynasties Emperor Banner.

The bones are buried in a foreign country, and the road to the soul returning to the homeland is confused.

Poor Lying Snow died with a gun, and cried all night in the cold wind.


Crossing the river to the national road, I was trapped in a strange cold and did not dare to call.

Before the thunder sword qi could rise, the flesh had been transformed into an ice sculpture.

The cannon fire in the sky smoked and rolled to the ground.

Victory is brilliant and can be learned, leaving half a wall of small dynasties for a long time.


The country and mountains are full of strange things, and there is no need to hide the veil with affection.

The red sun is flying in the air, and the Yellow River is followed by sediment under the water.

Dare to delete the post again and again, and beware of drinking tea.

The white hair was useless, and I coaxed myself behind closed doors.

Xin Ugly Jinyun Temple Chongyang Poetry Society three

The hall years passed like a fly, and saw the return of the long sky north geese.

Closed house to listen to the overnight rain, open the box to check the next year's clothes.

In autumn, the landscape is light, and the old friends will be rare.

Today, ascend a song, and the white clouds and green mountains are co-dependent.

The stele is soaked in moss, and the ancient temple in the deep mountains is dusty.

White clouds deliberately pass through the forest, and Huang Ju is amorous and braves the rain.

But with the heavy yang into a rhyme, good yin five willows to comfort friends.

The beautiful scenery of the good day is a collection of sages, and the poetry tide is written down.


The bell is far away from the peak of Jinyun, and the small Gathering Zen Forest can be related.

Hazy smoke around the trees is rain, and the lake is full of light water like the sky.

The poet went to the Lynn Palace, and the leaf-sweeping monk returned to the bamboo path.

There is still a Monument to the Tang Dynasty, and it has been a thousand years since I suddenly looked back.

The ugly frost fell to be done

Frost and wind chill from the soju, Bayu autumn exhausted.

Heshan is haunting his dreams, and the Internet is entangled in less reading.

In the middle of the blow, the ancestors are thinking of the ancestors, and the title bridge is ashamed of the horse.

Everything is chatting for the eyes, and why should the bomb sigh and eat fish.

Night reading Xie Shengxian brother big "Black and White Memories" has been sent

In the silent place, see the subtle, vientiane with the king's hand waving.

Straight pen has made up the history of Qing, and Zhuangxin has flown in the white clouds.

Looking back at the half-life of sorrow and joy, leaving it for him to prove his right and wrong.

Reading alone under the long night lights, the autumn wind is cold and rainy.

Wen Ruili's people's livelihood is difficult due to the epidemic lockdown

The plague king is entangled in everything, and he can't bear to see the sorrow pass on again.

When the breath comes, the road is dangerous, and the wind is over the death and ashes.

It is quite doubtful that the dream of the locust country is difficult to realize, and it has lost the Taoyuan Mo Qing ship.

Cold rain knocked on the window autumn and exhausted, turning to the wall to learn to meditate.

There are early winters

A corner of the platform is near the river, and the old man sits on the book bed all day.

Still under the moon more poetry xing, has felt the bottle before the reduction of alcohol madness.

The land is secluded through autumn without guests, and there is a floral fragrance in the courtyard late at night.

Twenty years old as a Yuzhou plan, no longer in the dynasty love hometown.


Uncertain wins and losses advocate a lot of preaching, and recently it is frequently said that the big chessboard.

I also saw the dust flying in the sea, and the sudden wind and clouds crossed the dangerous shoals.

Willow dark flowers are bright and good, and wolves howling dogs bark for no reason.

The most annoying thing in the human world is to take the table and talk about the experience of brain damage.

Send friends from the sea

The epidemic spread and shook the well, and the old man lived behind closed doors every day.

A precious love is endless, and the two words are read in peace.

Lest you renovate the red and green codes, it is only advisable to strictly manage the incoming and outgoing traffic.

Listen to the cold wind outside the window, full of frost and night and moon.

See say

See said that the stage drama is in full swing, burning incense and recently worshipping the shrine.

Neither the inner king nor the outer saints have that, and the hatred of the rich and the deceitful of the poor are unbearable.

There has been a catastrophe in the deep realm, and there are strange talks in the day.

So far, I am still pleased with the fact that my party is two or three.

The Analects of Shu Er: Zi Yue: "I have no deeds and do not have the second and third sons, it is Qiu Ye." ”

Read history

Re-reading the books of the ancients late at night, the rise and fall of hundreds of generations can be booed.

Zhao Gaoqiang pointed to the deer, and Cheng Xian Zhang Guo rode a donkey upside down.

For whom to bow down to the merits and sins, The heart of the emperor became discredited.

Old age is demented and laughing, and the breeze is like water.

During the epidemic period, it is not allowed to go out at will and send friends in the sea

Xiao Ran was drowned in the four walls, and he even lived in a flat place for a sleeping tour.

No one came to the shadow, and even if he was drunk for a thousand days, he would not be worried.

I have heard that flattery has opened up a new realm, and I have turned to a light frenzy to provoke a vendetta.

In the vast clouds of the lake and sea, where to ascend to look at Shenzhou.

Winter night sent To Brother Qi Yu chengdu

The winter clouds pressed the Buddha's map off at night, and the cold tide returned.

There was no side for three years, looking back at the two places separated by a thousand mountains.

The trend is to sing the good of the heavens, and the world knows the difficult fortunes of the country.

Hugh sighed that time had passed, and the remaining volumes had not been completely deleted.

Li Shidi V Sun Debing Kunzhong came from Jiangxi to Chungju to find his ancestors and accompany you Mingyuxi to have a gift

In his lifetime, he only wished to worship the sages and shake hands with Yuzhou.

The search for a way is thousands of miles away, and the traces are a hundred years ago.

The remnants of the building platform are the remnants of the stream, and the stream is filled with wild smoke.

Still staring at the bridge for a long time, the mountain is after all dreaming.

Made one day after heavy snowfall

The terrace is faintly smog, and the wind on the river is drizzling.

Every time he was hurt, he held a grudge, and he also used to call the wine a hero.

Looking back at the yellow sorghum dream, accidentally becoming a white-haired man.

There are still remnants of the weaving that have not been exhausted, and the good night is alone against a red light.

Re-reading the broken book is my thoughts, rising and falling and turning hubs into safety.

The bitter Qin has long been resentful, and it is difficult to restore the Han Dynasty.

The bright light of the temple flickered, and the wild graves and grasses were scattered.

There are faint monarchs in the Jiangshan Dynasty, and as soon as they sit on the golden luan, they act arbitrarily.

Give money to Fengjun

Ji Shi Hanging Pot Technique, the Holy Hand of the Medical Altar has long been famous.

I feel that jun walks and travels with me all the way.

Fear of being wrongly loved, low wandering is the truth.

Tangcheng Sunset waved goodbye again, and returned to dissolve the moon color.


Looking at the world in the confused fog, the white cloud dog is always for no reason.

The shopping mall is far better than the door risk, and the livelihood is really difficult.

There are still strong intestines that can be jealous and ashamed to seek officials.

Occasionally passing through the noisy song hall, the old song is played again and again.

Cry Yang Xiuwei brother

The young man fell and juntong, and sent the poor countryside to the rain and the wind.

Remember how generous he stood up, and he also saw the hero of righteousness.

The lone soul returns to heaven, and the past is clear in the eyes.

The curse is that this evening will become an eternal recipe, and the coffin can not be misty with tears.

Shenzhen travel times

Endless high-rise buildings receive distant smoke, and pengcheng brigade is new year.

Soaring to the world, the finger painting was at the seaside at that time.

Bitterness tastes like a world away, and social capital re-talk can only be pitiful.

The right way in the world depends on who asks, and the independent street feels intimidated.

Huizhou Poetry Friends Place Wine Receiving Wind Cao Xinpin President Shi Xiancheng Zhen Geng original rhyme

Knocking on the door at night for visiting friends, the tall buildings meet at dusk.

In the end, the teachings are like a crane, and the poetry is put into the jade bottle.

The old man thought about the linghai for a long time, and he was only drunk.

The Ming Dynasty went to Luofu to taste the peasants' wine.

Huizhou shiyou accompanied YouluoShan zai and Cao Xinpin president Yuan Yun

Sensen flowers and trees cover the mountain gate, and the sunrise is dark.

Wonderland current wind blows sleeves, friends take the next wine bottle.

In the spring, the sky is warm and the clouds surround the Luofu terrain.

A song to sing the king together, Ken is old and loses his majesty.

Louvre Mountain is a sight to behold

Penglai Jiajing has long been well-known, and today it really comes to the top.

A path of floating lan wind suddenly rises, and the first rain of ten thousand peaks is clear.

Alchemy is far away from the copper furnace ancient, and the medicine collector returns to the water mist lightly.

There is still a fluttering fairy qi, and the nothingness is overwhelmed.

Dong Ao Yan Ting and her husband came to Foshan from Guangzhou to meet the feeling that they could not be thanked

Onion cage south Of Yue Cui condensed smoke, Kelu every jun age twilight day.

Happy bottle next to drunk for days, happy to be in this world.

Riding the wind is like a dream, and the sleeves are fairy.

The lake and sea roamers are not old, and the love is long by the white clouds.

Tour the South China Sea Xiqiao Mountain

Even if you enter the famous mountain, it is also fast, and Nishikibetsu is a rooftop.

Yun Shen suspected that there were gods and immortals living, and the road was shocked to see the cave house open.

Then he felt that the breeze was fresh and streamy, and washed the jade dew from the dust.

Thousands of weather is endless, and they want to give new poems to cut.

Zhongshan Brigade did not sleep at night and did not sleep to send poems to Huizhou poets

YuLou was feasting on Hua Day by day, and did not let Gu Xian be affectionate.

There are many things under the eyes of the world, and there are many immortals in wine in Lingnan.

A sea of blue clouds, two sleeves of Luofu purple cave smoke.

Don't forget it, maybe this life is the frontier.

Zhuhai is a scene

The fisherwoman Qingzhu purifies herself, and the sparkling blue waves are boundless.

A city of Guangsha is connected to Tianyu, and a hundred miles long bridge enters the sea and clouds.

In order to listen to the sound of the tide, it is advisable to walk slowly, and the long-lost flower is slightly drunk.

Macau is within easy reach of the fence, and the chickens and dogs should be heard in the morning and dusk.

Tomorrow will return to Chongqing, Zhuhai friends will put another feast, endowed this thanks

At night, the sea is warm and melting, and the lights are high and red.

Feast on this night's events, laugh and talk about the ancient style.

It will be like returning to Northern Chongqing tomorrow and gathering in Guangdong in the coming year.

The green water is long and the pine is not old, and the clouds are hurried.

Twilight and friends drink Nanshan at night

It had only been a few days since Lingbiao had returned, and Nanshan had invited him again tonight.

The year is coming to an end, and the dust atmosphere of the four seas has not yet disappeared.

The spring and autumn of the guest are accompanied by the passing water, and the cold tide is afraid of the twilight in the dream.

The high place of Zhu Lou is brightly lit, and the cup of wine can really comfort the loneliness.

epidemic situation

The epidemic has nowhere to ask, and the night is full of misery throughout Kyushu.

Nucleic acid heart exhaustion for several days, the next year the virus ghostly sadness.

The code is divided into yellow and green risks, and people are afraid of rushing to stay.

Hearing that Chang'an is like an iron barrel, the difficult situation is resting for a few hours.

On the winter night, he cherished Brother Qi Yu and sent friends to Rongcheng

The four fields are thick at night, and the north wind is tight and deep in winter.

Every time Si Jun rises in the clouds, scolding the thief can eliminate the block and build the chest.

However, in order to save Qiankun's righteousness, He Lao's sword took a side.

When will I return to Emei Dao and listen to the wine with WanYuanSong.

Cynthy Chinese New Year's Eve

The whole world is talking about the epidemic situation, and it is not surprising to see it frequently for many years.

After the cold plum is released, the frost is colder, and the air is clearer when the oblique moon is lonely.

Since he is a scholar, he is lonely and lazy to argue with his widow.

The human world refers to the day into spring, why do you think of the sea.

(Went to Hainan without fruition)


A hundred feet of building platform to the river, Yang Tian smiled and frosted.

Man Yun was depressed and tired, and he couldn't help but be demented and drunk.

Most of the books donated by the younger generations have not been read, and the anecdotes of the former dynasty are always unforgettable.

Look at the new year again, the sunset on the powder wall.

The Day of The Ugly Removal

The cold air soaked with the wind, and Nanshan sent wax plum incense.

Dreams fly in the clouds, wine wakes up hazy moon bed.

The dying old are more pitiful, and they are idle and looking for health remedies.

Writing a book is a utilitarian one, only for his year to prove The Mulberry.

The night is ugly

The lights and flowers are full of trees and shadows, and the hub is like a flow of the first time.

It is easy to exhaust the years, and the difficult world is full of sighs.

Smoke clouds occasionally come and go, and the mountains are majestic.

I still feel the cold in the building, and the screen resounds all night long.


The work is drafted by the Yunfan Poetry Friends Association, the copyright belongs to the author, the appreciation is not returned to the author, some pictures are transferred from the network, only for appreciation, exchange, sharing and use, the copyright of the pictures belongs to the original author, if the copyright owner has objections, please contact the editor to delete.

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