
3D printed magnetic levitation keycaps

Recently, in the foreign maker circle, the magnetic levitation keycap has become a very enthusiastic project (probably because it can show off).

3D printed magnetic levitation keycaps

Among the various maglev keycap schemes that have been released, the scheme of maker famichu is different from most schemes and has its own personality.

At present, most of the magnetic levitation keycaps do not put all the Hall-effect sensors on the main printed circuit board, so that the keycaps do not have to be electrically connected separately, but are connected with wires to form a matrix. The famichu-designed magnetic levitation keycaps are roughly similar to traditional Cherry mechanical keycaps, and the Allegro A1304 linear Hall-effect sensor is actually placed between two opposing magnets, replacing traditional springs. When the key is pressed, the sensor receives a magnetic communication number that changes around it. In this design, each keycap comes with its own Hall sensor.

3D printed magnetic levitation keycaps
3D printed magnetic levitation keycaps

Another advantage of this design is that the number of parts printed in 3D is relatively small, and the structure is simpler, which can be printed quickly.

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