
What was it like to become Voldemort? Fries uncle with the baby burst into flames, full-time with the baby does not want a penny

22-year-old uncle single with a baby, but was begged by netizens to let the sister be a "Voldemort", from the fries to be fed to toddlers to learn to learn to speak, every step of the growth of fries has not left this "unlucky uncle", for this reason many netizens have advised the sister to be a person, the sister to buy a computer for the younger brother, buy a mobile phone, buy an electric car, not only did not satisfy the netizens, but also was complained that the younger brother should "buy a house and buy a car", what is going on?

What was it like to become Voldemort? Fries uncle with the baby burst into flames, full-time with the baby does not want a penny

Fries mother and fries uncle is a pair of brothers and sisters from Zhengzhou, Henan, sister Cheng Jing gave birth to a son after becoming a full-time mother, at that time the younger brother Cheng Shuo was still a rebellious young man who had just entered the university campus, other people's sisters were very fond of their brothers, but Cheng Jing pit his brother was not soft, stunned is to turn his brother from a "dirty braid youth" into a "full-time male nanny".

Things have to start from the beginning of the epidemic the year before, we all know that the epidemic began to rage in the winter of 2020, and the fries uncle was unexpectedly trapped when he came to visit the fries mother and the fries at that time, and since then he has become a free labor force in the sister's family and began to take the road with the heartache.

It can also be seen from Cheng Shuo's hairstyle that from the beginning of the crazy tugging dirty braid youth to today's flat-headed grandmother, for this family can be described as a broken heart! Not only to take care of the food, clothing, and housing of the fries, but also to withstand the torture of the sister, which made the fries uncle helpless to erupt.

What was it like to become Voldemort? Fries uncle with the baby burst into flames, full-time with the baby does not want a penny

What is it like to have a "Voldemort" brother? Cheng Shuo was trapped due to the epidemic and had to bring his sister a 25-month child, all year round, not to say that he had not yet earned a penny of salary, Cheng Shuo's not easy millions of fans are in the eyes, Cheng Jing's ruthless exploitation of his brother is also deeply condemned by netizens, you know that now this year, please a nanny has a salary of eighteen thousand a month, can not be because Chen Shuo is the uncle of the baby to give the sister a free white labor!

So at the instigation of a large number of netizens, Cheng Shuo finally woke up and began to fight for his rights with his sister, looking at his brother's prepared domineering appearance, the fries mother could only helplessly submit softly, and carried everything with a sentence of "sister is still young and forgives sister".

However, such a light and fluttering sentence obviously can not satisfy the fans, so continue to relentlessly in the comment area "falling into the well", "the uncle pattern is small", "this kind of year-round non-stop home nanny at least 10,000 per month", and even let Cheng Jing buy a house for Cheng Shuo, a posture that does not let the sister give up some blood, since then the fries mother can only see the reality and recognize the title of "Voldemort" of the younger brother.

What was it like to become Voldemort? Fries uncle with the baby burst into flames, full-time with the baby does not want a penny

And with the baby with more uncle also collapsed, with a year and a half of the baby hard to send the two women to Shanghai, did not expect that the two women's hind feet back to Zhengzhou, and more importantly, came back to catch up with the lockdown can not go out, looking at the sister dragging the family with the mouth of the appearance, fries uncle can only tearfully continue to take the baby.

Of course, many people will want to ask when they see this, don't French fries have a father? Why is it that the uncle is always taking the baby in the video, but never sees the fries father appear? For this problem netizens are also controversial, in fact, in order to make milk powder money for the child, fries father in order to make milk powder money for the child, alone in Shanghai to work, fries mother because of the temporary did not find a job, plus there is a child really can not go away, so stayed in the hometown with the baby.

Since having her brother, a free laborer, the fries mother has exploited her brother to the extreme, often secretly leaving the little French fries at home and going on a date with the fries father thousands of miles away.

What was it like to become Voldemort? Fries uncle with the baby burst into flames, full-time with the baby does not want a penny

And when heard the news that the mother of french fries is likely to be pregnant with a second child, the fries uncle is even more frightened, a baby herself is already overwhelmed, if there is another one, how can it be!

But complaining about it, the love for children is a lot a day, so what do you think about Uncle Fries? Do you think that the fries mother should buy a house and a car for her brother? Welcome to leave a message.

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