
How does novice Xiaobai do content entrepreneurship? Either to output high-quality content, or to suppress the volume

author:Awah Web Notes

As I told you earlier, a beginner to do Internet entrepreneurship, one of the easier directions to start is to do content entrepreneurship.

So what channels can we ordinary people cut through? No matter when, making content will never become obsolete, and the previous channel for obtaining content information was through traditional newspapers, radios, and then there were televisions, computers, smart phones, and now short videos.

How does novice Xiaobai do content entrepreneurship? Either to output high-quality content, or to suppress the volume

The value and status of content has never wavered, and many contents have always been very popular, becoming nothing more than a medium for disseminating content, from the previous newspaper to the current short video. More and more people get information through short videos, intuitive and image characteristics, so that short videos have gained absolute traffic advantages.

Everyone should have such a consciousness, that is, short videos and live broadcasts, which can be said to be the main medium for us to obtain information for a long time in the future. At present, the most active place in commercial activities is in short videos, so if we do content, the best channel is to do short videos.

Now there are many short video platforms to choose from, such as Douyin, Kuaishou, Volcano, Watermelon, Second Beat, Meipai, Video Number, Good Looking Video, MicroVision, Little Red Book, B Station, Pippi Shrimp and many more. What are the respective strengths of each platform? If you want to enter the short video, which platform to choose to operate?

Filter it, it is recommended that you choose one or two platforms from Douyin, Kuaishou, Little Red Book, B Station, Toutiao, and Video Number according to your selected field. If you already have a certain number of fans on other platforms, you can continue to cultivate the platform.

How does novice Xiaobai do content entrepreneurship? Either to output high-quality content, or to suppress the volume
How does novice Xiaobai do content entrepreneurship? Either to output high-quality content, or to suppress the volume

As a novice Xiaobai, if you want to compare with others, then the quality of your content may not be as good as others, and you do not have a lot of preparation in the early stage, nor do you have the ability to output high-quality content in a large number. So the only thing you can do now is to go to the amount, the amount is a miracle, others send 3 videos a day, you send 5, send 10, send 20. The quality is not enough, you can also make up the quantity, the amount is more popular, even if the video is not exploded, but as long as the number of works is enough, you can still get a lot of fans.

Just like the account that sells oranges that I gave the example before, although the number of views and likes of each video is not much, as long as a video is singled, then she earns.

Her account, sometimes a video likes only 3, only 5, but the key is that people do not pay attention to the number of likes, comments, and do not pay attention to the completion rate, fan-like ratio and other data. First of all, people bury their heads in hair first, because she is already convinced that this direction is right, so she will first go to the measurement, and do not waste too much time and energy on some data analysis.

This is also a point for novice Xiaobai to overcome, do not pay too much attention to the data of a moment and a half, do not be affected by data, Xiaobai sees only dozens of hundreds of plays, only three or two likes, often at this time discouraged, give up.

As everyone knows, the novice Xiaobai you have nothing, one has no background, two have no ability, three have no experience, and four have no capital. The only thing you can do is spend a lot of time to suppress the quantity, and the quantitative change reaches the qualitative change.

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