
Kyrgyzstan: 20 prime ministers in 15 years, self-proclaimed descendants of the Han Dynasty, and history of the country

author:Spark WarOH

Siberia, a land that most people think is barren, the Russian Empire in modern times in the form of exiled prisoners to develop Siberia, so that russia's territory increased by tens of millions of square kilometers.

But in fact, the real Siberia has had a lot of human activity since ancient times, and they are collectively called "North Asian nomadic peoples".

"North Asian nomads" contain dozens of ethnic groups, including caucasians and yellow people, as early as the pre-Qin period of China, the nomadic peoples of North Asia were associated with Chinese, and the "ghost fang" of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties is an example.

After the Qin and Han Dynasties, wars with nomadic peoples affected the Chinese nation for thousands of years, and the Xiongnu, Xianbei, Rouran, Hui, Turkic, and Mongol ethnic groups successively stepped onto the stage of history and established the steppe empire.

Kyrgyzstan: 20 prime ministers in 15 years, self-proclaimed descendants of the Han Dynasty, and history of the country

The nomadic empire and the Central Plains Dynasty were the duality of the East Asian order, one with the other, one strong and the other weak, and they were inseparable from each other.

However, in history, there was an unpopular nomadic people who claimed to be "descendants of the Great Han", calling themselves the Li family of the Chengji family in Longxi, and were related to the Tang dynasty.

This nomadic people was the "Khytars", and they are today known as the Kyrgyz.

The Kyrgyz people, known as the Kyrgyz people in the mainland, are an ancient nomadic people in the northwestern part of the continent who originated in Siberia and eventually settled under the Tianshan Mountains and established their own state here.

Today, Kyrgyzstan, a state established by the Kyrgyz people, is a neighbor of the mainland, and what do they have to do with the Han general Li Ling?

How have the Kyrgyz people historically relations with the mainland? What is the purpose of the country now using the Chronicle of History to prove its own history?

Kyrgyzstan: 20 prime ministers in 15 years, self-proclaimed descendants of the Han Dynasty, and history of the country

1. Li Ling's soldiers were defeated and surrendered, and they were assigned to "Jiankun" as kings

Li Ling, a general of the Han Dynasty, was the eldest grandson of the "flying general" Li Guang, and as a junior, his fame was no less than that of his grandfather.

Li Ling's story is well-known in China, and it can be summed up in one sentence: "Young and crazy, the disaster of the family." ”

Throughout his life, Li Guangrong made many military achievements on the frontier, but the imperial court did not knight him, and in his later years he was ashamed to commit suicide because he was lost, which was really a tragedy.

The Li family later became generals on behalf of the generals, and always wanted to make meritorious achievements, shine on the lintel, and wash away the shame of their fathers.

In Li Ling's generation, the Li family's talents withered, only the eldest grandson Li Ling was a talent, and the history books recorded him: "Good at shooting, love soldiers." ”

With these two advantages, coupled with the merits of his ancestors, Li Ling successfully attracted the attention of Emperor Wu of Han and was transferred to the army to make meritorious achievements.

Kyrgyzstan: 20 prime ministers in 15 years, self-proclaimed descendants of the Han Dynasty, and history of the country

Emperor Wu of Han sent him to fight the Xiongnu with his troops in the Hexi region, and Li Ling led hundreds of people to go deep into the Xiongnu to investigate the terrain, and finally successfully returned and was promoted to knight lieutenant.

In the second year of Emperor Wu of Han's reign, Li Ling followed Li Guangli out of the border to fight against the Xiongnu, and he was originally responsible for escorting grain and grass, but because of his dedication, he wrote to Emperor Wu of Han to lead his own troops.

Li Ling, who was in his early 20s, issued a military order that he could go out and sweep the Xiongnu with only the infantry. Emperor Wu of Han felt that this young man was very bold, so he agreed to him and let Li Ling attack.

As a result, Li Ling's trip was attacked by the main Xiongnu force, 5,000 infantry were besieged by 80,000 Xiongnu, and finally almost the entire army was destroyed, and Li Ling chose to surrender.

Kyrgyzstan: 20 prime ministers in 15 years, self-proclaimed descendants of the Han Dynasty, and history of the country

After Li Ling surrendered, Emperor Wu of Han was furious and destroyed the three clans of the Li family, and the whole Li family, young and old, led hundreds of people to ask for beheading in Chang'an, and Li Ling has since cut off the idea of returning to Han and remained in the Xiongnu as the "Right Colonel King".

The land allocated to Li Ling by the Xiongnu alone was in the upper reaches of the present-day Yenisei River, where there was a tribe called "Jiankun", where Li Ling and his Han Chinese were king for 20 years.

This "Jiankun", located in the north of the Xiongnu, was originally an independent tribe, but was later conquered by the Huns.

According to the research of Chinese historians, the "Jiankun" is also called "Mane Kun", the Two Jin Dynasties and the Southern and Northern Dynasties are called "Jie Bone" and "Bone Protection", and the Tang Dynasty and later generations are called "Huang Jiasi".

This Kingdom of Tang Dynasty called itself Li Ling when it paid tribute.

The pronunciation of "黠戛s" is pronounced "xia jia si", which is similar to today's Kyrgyz and Kyrgyz.

If the historical evolution of Jiankun-Lingjiasi-Kyrgyzstan is correct, then the current Kyrgyz people do have a certain relationship with Li Ling, and they call themselves the descendants of "Li Ling", which does have a historical basis.

Kyrgyzstan: 20 prime ministers in 15 years, self-proclaimed descendants of the Han Dynasty, and history of the country

Second, after Li Ling, is this statement reliable?

The history books record that in the 22nd year of the Tang Dynasty, chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, welcomed a group of special guests. These people claimed to have come from the "Tangas" kingdom, a place in the northern Turkic region that had rarely been communicated southward.

The Book of Tang records: "Tang Dynasty, Gujian Kunguoye." Grown up, all are red hair, hazel, green pupils. "It is enough to see that the People of the Tangas at that time had many white characteristics.

This time, the state of Tang Dynasty was a high-level dispatch, and the king "Lost Bowl Qu Azhan" led the team to pay tribute, and the purpose of coming to Chang'an was twofold, the first was to reconcile with the Tang Dynasty, and the second was to recognize relatives with the Tang Emperor.

The Lost Bowl Qu Azhan said that they have always had a tradition, when giving birth to children, most of them are red-haired and green-eyed, and once they give birth to black hair and black eyes, they are called "Linghou", that is, the descendants of Li Ling.

The New Book of Tang records that "(Huang Jiasi) is ominous with black hair. Those with black pupils will also be known as the Lingmiao descendants. ”
Kyrgyzstan: 20 prime ministers in 15 years, self-proclaimed descendants of the Han Dynasty, and history of the country

You know, hundreds of years ago in the Tang Dynasty, Li Ling was placed in Jiankun by the Xiongnu, Li Ling did not come alone, and his captured men also followed him to Jiankun and multiplied in the local area.

Later, Li Ling also recruited many Han Chinese who joined the Xiongnu and left their bloodlines in Jiankun.

After Jiankun, the clan is equivalent to the mixed blood between Li Ling and the Caucasians, and it is also very normal to have black hair and black pupils.

The Li Ling family was a Longxi Chengji person, and the Tang Dynasty Tianzi Li family was also born in Longxi Chengji, so the lost bowl Qu Azhan was very successful in recognizing relatives this time.

At that time, Li Shimin named him "Governor of Jiankundu" and set up the "JiankunDu Protectorate" in the Tang region, making Qiangdu a vassal state of the Tang Dynasty, and this history of recognizing relatives also became a good historical story.

But is this Huang Jiasi really a descendant of Li Ling? It is indeed questionable, because when opening the history books, from the two Jin Dynasties and the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the behavior of the Hu people in pursuing Li Ling as their ancestor was very popular.

For example, the famous Northern Wei imperial family "Xianbei Tuoba", it is said that they are descendants of Li Ling.

The Book of Southern Qi records: "In the beginning, the Xiongnu female name was Tuoba, his wife Li Ling, and Hu custom took his mother's name as his surname, so after li ling, he was very secretive, and it was said that he was the latter of the mausoleum, and he was killed, and even changed his surname to Yan. ”
Kyrgyzstan: 20 prime ministers in 15 years, self-proclaimed descendants of the Han Dynasty, and history of the country

This record shows that during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Xianbei people had the idea of recognizing Li Ling as their ancestor, but later the Xianbei people became emperors and did not want to recognize the Han people as ancestors, so they ordered that this statement be banned.

It can be seen that once the Hu people began to be close to the Central Plains Dynasty, they began to say that their descendants of Li Ling, after the Tang people called themselves Li Ling, the Han people at that time were also not surprised.

Li Shimin felt that the good villains were coming from thousands of mountains and rivers, and the relatives of Pan were also very sincere, so he pushed the boat along the water and sent a capital protectorate to The Emperor, which was the best of both worlds.

During the Tang Dynasty, tang dynasty and China had close relations, the Tang Dynasty once faced the Turks and Hui two steppe enemies, the Tang Dynasty in the back of these great powers, often with the Tang Dynasty to attack the enemy, made a lot of merit.

However, after the Anshi Rebellion, because of the decline of the Tang Dynasty and the increasing strength of the northern regime, the route of tribute to the Tang Dynasty was cut off, and the relationship between the Tang Dynasty and China became increasingly distant.

After the Song Dynasty, although the Song, Liao, Jin, Western Xia and other countries all had records of the Tang Dynasty, these countries had little direct contact with the Tang Dynasty, and the Tang people did not integrate into China.

Kyrgyzstan: 20 prime ministers in 15 years, self-proclaimed descendants of the Han Dynasty, and history of the country

Third, the mixed race is facing division, and Kyrgyzstan has invited the help of the Chronicle of History

After the establishment of the Mongol Empire, the literature in the Central Plains was called "Jiligis" according to the mongol title.

At this time, Asia was swept away by the Mongol Empire, and the Gilligis were ruled by the Chagatai Khanate, providing soldiers and horses for the Great Khan.

In the following 200 years, the Giligis people began to blend with the Mongols, and the original "red-haired, green-eyed" Giligis people, after hundreds of years of mixed blood, have become more and more like East Asians, and the proportion of black hair and black pupils is getting higher and higher.

After entering the 16th century, the Mongol Empire gradually disintegrated, and the Russians began to explore eastward, expanding their territory from the east of the Ural Mountains to Siberia.

At that time, the Giligis people were still grazing in the Yenisei River Valley, and when they encountered the Russians, the living space of the Giligis people was constantly compressed, and finally at the end of the 16th century, they chose to move south and graze in the area of today's Tianshan Mountains.

This is where Kyrgyzstan is located today.

Kyrgyzstan: 20 prime ministers in 15 years, self-proclaimed descendants of the Han Dynasty, and history of the country

In modern times, Kyrgyzstan was ruled by the Dzungar Khanate, later divided by the Qing Dynasty and the Kokand Khanate respectively, and after 1864, it was separated by the Russian Empire and ruled by Russia for more than 100 years.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Kyrgyz had their own country and land for a long time, which was unprecedented in its thousands of years of nomadic history.

Kyrgyzstan is a very small country, ranking second from the bottom in Central Asia, and the land is divided into two parts, the south and north, the southerners are mainly farming, and the northern pastures are vast and mainly grazing.

Kyrgyzstan: 20 prime ministers in 15 years, self-proclaimed descendants of the Han Dynasty, and history of the country

However, the people of the north and south of Kyrgyzstan do not deal with each other, and because of industrialization, rapid economic development and open minds in the north. In the south, the countryside was more traditional, with rural areas ruled by religion and Islamic ideas controlling people's lives and work.

As a result, southerners are wary of northerners, feeling that northerners are not religious and even consider themselves not their own countrymen.

Since 2005, Kyrgyzstan has carried out a major coup d'état every three to five years, the domestic political situation has been turbulent, 7 presidents and 20 prime ministers have changed in 15 years, and people in the north and south want to govern and are not convinced by each other.

Kyrgyzstan: 20 prime ministers in 15 years, self-proclaimed descendants of the Han Dynasty, and history of the country

Under this great divide, the Kyrgyz government desperately needed something to bridge the psychological divide of the people, and they found nationalism as a "panacea".

Kyrgyzstan vigorously propagates the ideas of "Kyrgyz" and "Kyrgyz civilization" and tells millions of people throughout the country: "Everyone is a nation, the Kyrgyz people have a long history, everyone's blood is thicker than water, we must unite and not engage in separatism." ”

But in the study of history, the Kyrgyz people encountered a problem, the Kyrgyz people themselves have no writing, they have always used the language of the surrounding civilizations, for a suzerainty, just another language.

Moreover, there are no history books in the country, and the history of a thousand years ago must be found in other countries.

Kyrgyzstan: 20 prime ministers in 15 years, self-proclaimed descendants of the Han Dynasty, and history of the country

Among the surrounding countries, China is the country with the longest tradition of revision of history, and the Kyrgyz people have sent students to China to study history and look for clues in their own country.

"Jiankun of the Qin and Han Dynasties", "Sui and Tang Dynasties", and later "Gilligis", the history of these countries in the country was regarded as a history of letters by Kyrgyzstan, compiled into the archives of the state, and into the textbooks of students.

At present, Kyrgyzstan has pushed its civilization history to 2200 through the records of "Jiankun" and "Mankun" in the "Chronicle of History", which is the earliest country founded by several major countries in Central Asia, and has been able to catch up with 80% of the civilizations in Eurasia.

Although Kyrgyzstan also had a coup d'état in 2020, fortunately, the younger generation of Kyrgyz has made progress in their sense of national identity.

It is believed that with the emphasis on history, this small Central Asian country can break away from religious and regional conflicts and become a truly unified nation-state.



1. "The Relationship between the Tang Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty under the Tribute System", Gan Changxin

2. "Analysis of the Traditional Society of Kyrgyz People in Kyrgyzstan", Shi Xiehong, Wu Hongwei

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