
Good love will have characteristics

It feels like love is really boring, it's too painful.

A girl, full of joy into a relationship, before she had time to experience the sweetness of love, the other party has been accusing her, suppressing her, degrading her everywhere, and saying that she is useless.

She was very unhappy about this, and she had always been particularly suspicious of herself, and at this time, she found that the other party and many people were ambiguous.

After discovering the other party's infidelity, she raised objections, and the other party explained that she was just a scene, and said that she did not belong to her alone, and had the right to associate with other members of the opposite sex.

In just a few months, she was completely like a changed person, becoming sensitive, vulnerable, unconfident, and began to feel that love was terrible.

Like this girl, who has suffered setbacks in love and has met unladylike people, probably will be like this, and will blame all the faults on love, but in fact, it is never a matter of love, but only the people who meet it cannot.

The same is love, some love, will only be particularly unbearable, some love, but really will be very beautiful.

Good love will have characteristics

Both sides of the road, all with special care.

There are always people who think that liking someone is their own business and has nothing to do with others.

But feelings are a matter of two people after all, if only one person is unilaterally interesting, whether it is our wishful thinking to like a person, or a person wishful thinking to like us, this relationship, probably will not be much better.

All good feelings, in this friendship, each other must like each other and cherish each other.

When we are close to a person, the other party is responding to us enthusiastically, and when the other party takes the initiative against us, we will not be arrogant at all, do not hide our likes, but are particularly serious.

Two people are close to each other, in the process of getting along, they also have a special heart for each other, will like each other, all remembered, will listen carefully to each other's voices, give each other some advice, but also will be everywhere every day to take care of, give a favor.

They will pay for each other, and they will feel a warmth from each other's body.

Compared with feeling that we meet each other, we are very unfortunate, and we will only feel that it is a particularly beautiful thing to be able to meet.

Each other is not a burden to each other, but the help of the other party, with each other around, each other is happier than before, and for the first time, each other has experienced the sweetness and happiness that has never been experienced before.

Good love will have characteristics

Have more courage to be yourself.

Everyone is the same, and it is not possible to be perfect, and there will be some shortcomings.

It is precisely because of this that we are always more confident than always, and from time to time, we will always be very inferior and more suspicious of ourselves.

Will especially care about the eyes of others, do not dare to fight for what they want, do not dare to express their own ideas, do not dare to live according to their own will, will only keep looking at the faces of others, cautious, cowering.

When we are not confident in the first place, a bad lover, he will make us more doubt that we are not good enough, and a good lover, he will love us more than anyone else, giving us a sense of acceptance and tolerance.

He accepts us all, makes us begin to believe that we are not so bad, and lets us believe that the original self is actually worthy of being cherished and worthy of a very good love.

Under the love of the other party, our hearts will be more powerful than ever, and we will begin to believe in ourselves more, especially confident, believing that we are actually very good, and we deserve to be loved, and we can also have more and better things.

After that, we will really become particularly brave, able to listen to the voice of the heart and just live according to our own ideas.

No longer afraid of others, just want to dress how to dress, how to think about how to say, let go of their own hands, follow their inner feelings.

Good love will have characteristics

Get along very well, the future can be expected.

Good love, not to say that each other will not quarrel, but although each other will also have some contradictions, some quarrels, but most of the time, each other's getting along, but also more comfortable.

Obviously, the three views of each other are relatively similar and can be integrated with each other.

When problems occur, each other can also communicate well, resolve the problem well, will not always talk to themselves, will not always choose the cold war, will not completely ignore each other, always feel that they are right, the other party is wrong.

Each other can always tolerate each other, and always be able to see each other's generosity in each other's eyes.

Not only that, when we are alone, we are always particularly insecure, and we are always very afraid of the unknown, but after meeting each other, although tomorrow is still just unknown, we no longer feel afraid.

That person may be just very ordinary, but just ordinary people, but through him, we really feel a sense of steadfastness, and we also believe that as long as we are with each other, the future will not be bad.

After falling in love, although there have been some storms, but in general, everything is also developing in a good direction.

Each other really achieved one plus one, greater than or equal to two, no one has become a burden to anyone, but each other has become each other's light, and has become a good partner on each other's life path.

Good love will have characteristics

Love is good or not, don't ask others, we can feel it ourselves.

Bad love, that is only us alone in the effort, that makes us more inferior, makes everything more bleak, good love, is to make us like a tiger, we are getting better, our years are also.

Around each other, we can always feel a warmth, feel loved and loved.

Although sometimes we are sad, on the whole, we are glad to have chosen each other.

When we think of going to the road with each other, we are always full of confidence and can't wait.

We were always very determined about each other, and from then on, even if there were many people who were better than him, we would only look at him alone.

I want to spend the present together, and I want to see the future together.

Text/Tan Meng


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