
Western farce goes on! Trump accidentally slipped his lips, and the European Union mistakenly assigned Ukrainian territory to Russia

author:Sister International Newspaper

Hello everyone, welcome to this episode!

Recently, there have been many "interesting things" in the West, and the United States and Europe, which have always loved to wield the stick of sanctions, have now exposed the true face of "paper tigers". Under the strong counterattack of Russia, it has been chaotic. Let's first look at the "superpower", to say that the United States is indeed the first in all fields, even if it is the recent Oolong incident, the United States is the most.

The first is that former US President Trump slipped his lips and said that the United States should take advantage of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis to make money. As we all know, Trump is not only a failed president, he also has another identity, that is, a successful businessman, but what everyone did not expect is that Trump actually did business in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

Western farce goes on! Trump accidentally slipped his lips, and the European Union mistakenly assigned Ukrainian territory to Russia

At a time when the international community is widely worried about the russian-Ukrainian conflict, which will cause casualties, refugees and turmoil, Trump has made a surprising statement, directly urging countries not to buy oil from Russia, and saying that if it is president, the United States will "export oil to all countries." Trump bluntly said biden should open up U.S. oil, and in the current situation, the United States will make more money and will "make more than ever." "I have to say that Trump is really a very blunt politician, although his statement does not represent the officials of the United States, but it exposes the purpose that the United States has been fanning the flames, that is, for its own interests."

Then the second interesting thing about the United States is to do everything possible to embarrass India and put it on its anti-Russian chariot. On March 3, the media revealed an unusual news that the 11th emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a draft resolution on the situation in Russia and Ukraine, while India abstained from voting three times in a week. After the vote, Donald Lue, the U.S. assistant secretary of state for South and Central Asia, expressed disappointment with India. As we all know, since the United States began to suppress Russia and contain China's plan, India has become the focus of the United States to win over, and this Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the United States hopes that India can stand on its side.

According to Indian media, Donald Lu personally admitted that until now, the United States to persuade India to condemn the "Russian invasion of Ukraine" has failed, in a week, India abstained from the United Nations three times, enough to explain India's attitude. For India, which refuses to "yield", the United States has also begun to make two preparations, one is diplomatic pressure, and the other is the threat of sanctions.

First, according to Donald Lue, senior U.S. State Department officials are engaged in ongoing high-level contacts with their Indian counterparts over the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, while Indian media outlets have reported that Donald Lue is secretly putting pressure on India. On the other hand, the US government has also intervened, planning to sanction India with the "Act on Countering the Enemies of the United States with Sanctions". The United States said that given India's close military equipment transactions with Russia, the U.S. government is weighing whether to impose sanctions on India, on the grounds that India's close military relations with Russia may pose a security threat to the United States.

In fact, clear-eyed people can see that the US move is actually "wanting to add to the guilt without words", under the slogan of security threats to sanction and pressure, in fact, this is also the usual means of the United States. It is reported that the so-called "Countering the Enemy of the United States with Sanctions" was introduced by the Trump administration and includes sanctions for transactions related to Russian defense or intelligence services. It seems that India and Russia can be said to be "seeing the truth in hardships", and India, which has always been sleek in the international community, has even been tough for Russia and the United States, and cannot but move Russia. In fact, india and Russia have interacted a lot recently, and in the chaotic situation in Ukraine, Russia is also "taking good care" of India.

According to tass news recently, Russian President Putin and Indian Prime Minister Modi had a phone call, Putin told Modi an important news, that is, Ukrainian armed personnel use Indian students as a "human shield" to prevent them from leaving Ukraine and entering Russia, and the Russian side will work hard to ensure their safe evacuation. At the same time, The Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Konashenkov also released information that the Ukrainian authorities forcibly detained a large group of Indian students, who originally wanted to leave Ukraine for Russia, but the Ukrainian authorities wanted to take these Indian students as hostages and ask them to leave the country through the border between Ukraine and Poland, which also meant that they were allowed to cross the area where the war was fierce.

Although Ukraine's approach is "unorthodox", Putin has done what he says, decisively ordering the Russian military to "ensure the safe departure of Indian nationals from the armed conflict area and return to their home countries." It is reported that Russia is trying to arrange for a group of Indian students to leave through a humanitarian corridor. It can be seen from this that india's relationship with Russia is not ordinary, and the "divisive strategy" of the United States has not succeeded, but it has let the world know that the United States constantly forces other countries to take sides, which is really a bit of a "slap in the face". It is hoped that the United States can wake up in time in the face of continuous failures, hegemonism is not necessarily a "hundred tests and a hundred spirits", and the countries of the world have gradually become dissatisfied with The American hegemony.

The last interesting thing we look at in the United States is about President Biden and his "First Lady." According to many media reports, the White House recently held a "Black History Month" celebration, and the First Lady of the United States Jill also made a speech. It was supposed to be a harmonious atmosphere, but Jill made a slip of the tongue when introducing US Vice President Harris, calling Harris "president" in front of her husband Biden, which caused a lot of laughter. It is worth noting that US President Biden himself has repeatedly mistakenly called Vice President Harris "President", and it has to be said that the free American Empire really has "new wonders" every day. Of course, along with the United States, there are also Ukraine and the European Union.

Due to the rapid deterioration of the situation in Russia and Ukraine, Ukraine and the European Union were caught off guard and there were many farces. According to media sources, Ukraine actually "sank" its warships. According to the Ukrainian State Network, the flagship of the Ukrainian Navy, "Gerthman Sagaiddachny," had sunk itself in the port of Nikolayev, on the grounds that it was afraid of falling into the hands of the Russian army. It is reported that the ship has been in a state of maintenance before, there are no weapons on the ship, and the Ukrainian side originally hoped to repair it in the future. I have to say that Ukraine is "fierce" and can even "attack" itself, and this is not the first time Ukraine has done so.

Not long ago, Ukraine released news that the world's largest transport aircraft, the An-225 transport aircraft, was destroyed during Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Ukrainian authorities said the giant plane had been attacked by "Russian occupiers." However, this matter was quickly reversed by Russia, and the Russian political scientist Kornilov directly "debunked" the news that "the world's largest transport aircraft An-225 was destroyed by Russian troops" was false news, and he suspected that the Ukrainian government army destroyed the An-225, because just before the Ukrainian release of the news, Kornilov saw Ukrainian officials report on the results of ukraine's attack on Gostomel airport.

Whether or not the Russian revelations are true, we can see that the current attitude of Ukraine is very tough, and there is even a sense of confrontation to the end, and there is speculation that Ukraine is unlikely to make concessions. In fact, Ukraine has lost too much in this conflict, the country is in turmoil, the people are panicking, the economy and other fields have also suffered a major blow, perhaps Ukrainian President Zelenskiy should think carefully about which step he has taken wrong.

As early as the 2014 Ukraine crisis, Kissinger warned that Ukraine should not choose between the West and the East, should not become an "outpost" between one side against the other, but should become a "bridge" connecting the two sides. Unfortunately, however, Ukraine did not follow Kissinger's warnings, which eventually led to today's tragedy.

Finally, let's talk about the European Union, which is more interesting than the United States and Ukraine. According to Russian media reports, the European Union has included a number of Russian entrepreneurs in the sanctions list, including the birthplace of the president of a group in Lviv, Ukraine, but the place of birth in the sanctions list is Lviv, the Russian Federation. In other words, the EU went so far as to "recognize" the Ukrainian city of Lviv as Russian territory in the sanctions document. Although it was a mistake, it was a real mess. In fact, the EU has recently made more than one mistake, the EU is very wavering in the situation between Russia and Ukraine, and there will even be inconsistencies.

For example, in the case of Ukraine's desire to join the European Union, Ukraine's request was strongly supported by the Eastern European member states of the European Union, and even the president of the European Commission von der Leyen publicly stated that Ukraine "is one of our members, and we hope that they will join." But it didn't take long for the statement to be overturned. It can be seen that the EU is now quite "chaotic" and unable to unify opinions.

Ukraine will even have a crazy move of self-destructing weapons, the United States is constantly trying to force India to pressure Russia, and in general, although the Western countries have many members, they are full of problems and may not necessarily have an advantage in this conflict. On the one hand, this also shows that Western hegemonism has declined, sanctions and pressure are slowly losing their effectiveness, and more and more countries will resist. On the other hand, it also shows that under Russia's strong counterattack, the hypocritical unity and paper tiger nature of the West have gradually been exposed.

In fact, the confrontation between Russia and the West is only a concentrated outbreak of contradictions, as to who is aggressive and constantly "igniting fire", I believe that you officials already have the answer in their hearts. This issue will be shared with you here, we will see you in the next issue!

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