
Yuexi writer Chu Jinsong's new book "Simple Grass and Trees" was published

"Simple Grass and Trees"

Yuexi writer Chu Jinsong's new book "Simple Grass and Trees" was published

A few days ago, Chu Jinsong, a well-known writer from Yuexi, published a collection of essays entitled "Simplicity of Grass and Trees", which was officially published and distributed by the Huangshan Book Society.

"Simple Grass and Trees" is divided into three volumes: "Mountain Grass Copy", "Vegetable And Vegetable Paste" and "Wood Xinxin", which contains 68 essays on plants in recent years by the author, and more than 70 relevant pictures quoted from ancient books. The article and binding are as simple as the title of the book.

"Simple Grass and Trees" writes the beauty of traditional life, full of natural interest, innocent taste, simple state, and initial heart. The refreshing beauty is often simple, and the simple grass and trees contain invisible power, and also hide the factors and life aesthetics of traditional Chinese culture. From nearly a hundred kinds of grass and trees, the author hooks up the blood of traditional Chinese culture, and also allows people to feel the beauty of simple life in the charm of grass and trees.

The author is a native of Yuexi, Anhui, a member of the Chinese Writers Association, and is currently the chairman of the Yuexi County Literary Association and the vice chairman of the Anqing Writers Association. In more than 200 newspapers and magazines such as Tianya, Mountain Flower, Youth Literature, Essays, Yuhua, Guangzhou Literature and Art, Yellow River, Western China, Shuofang, Fangcao, Qingming, Anhui Literature, Fujian Literature, Hunan Literature, Manchu Literature, Sichuan Literature, And People's Daily, etc., he has published more than 4 million words, and some of them have been reprinted by Selected Novels, Overseas Essays, Youth Digests, Readers, etc. He has published "Notes on the Night", "Book of Fish: A Long Talk on Chinese Zhiwei Novels, Wild History and Others", "Snow Night Idle Book" and so on. He has won the Anhui Provincial Social Science Award (Literature Award) and other awards.

Yuexi writer Chu Jinsong's new book "Simple Grass and Trees" was published
Yuexi writer Chu Jinsong's new book "Simple Grass and Trees" was published


Chu Jinsong

The bluegrass dyeing flower cloth is really beautiful, when my grandmother took the bun head, there are green and white colors, but also a clean family style.

Gourds, loofahs, cucumbers, moon vegetables, and urns hang on the melon racks of the bean shed, and the quiet women are beautiful and different.

The uninhabited valley springs are beautiful.

The strong body and ebony skin of the peasant woman are the same as when her mother was young.

The horse head wall, fish scale tiles, tiles, ridge beasts, patios, wood carving figures of ancient houses, large green bricks with moss, Yibi grass Zhilan crane figures, straw hats, coats, and bamboo baskets hanging on the walls are the hometown in memory.

Bamboo leaf grass is beautiful, chestnut tree is beautiful, corn whiskers are beautiful, rice flowers are beautiful, ladybugs running, chasing, courting or lying still on it are beautiful, and even the black-shelled, yellow-shelled, and patina-green shelled scarabs are also beautiful and different.

Liu Xia is good-looking, Tengwu is good-looking, qingyun is good-looking. Birds look good, ants look good, and fish and shrimp dive under the water look good. The soil is beautiful, the wool stone is beautiful, and the pine bamboo even their shadows in the sun, moon and sky are very moving.

The early morning grass and stone calamus, the condensation on the leaves and leaf tips reflect the morning sun, and its posture and style can be described as desperation, which can be described as clear, and the beauty is beyond reproach.

Qian Zhongshu despised Wu Mi as a person, scolded him for his lack of deeds, and incidentally implicated Mao Yanwen, whom he was bitterly in love with, and satirized her in English as "an old and fading lady". In fact, this troublesome lady is eye-catching when they are young, even if they are old, they also have a clear qi, which is called "clear silk" in the vernacular.

Under the sky, above the earth, all the original things, essence, nature, simplicity, beauty, nothing unsightly. Those who are not good looking are often people who are overly mutated, people who have lost their natural hearts, and people who are imprisoned by desires and interests. What is not good is that many anti-life and anti-natural things invented by people, such as guns, plastics, gutter oil and heroin.

In the Dabie Mountains, a small city that was once almost a wasteland but still has the relics of the ancients, I have lived for a long time. Living in the green mountains, washing on the banks of green water, the sun and the moon and the grass, trees, birds and beasts, white clouds and dogs, garden vegetable hedges are in the company, do not feel that the sun and moon are flying away and the old is coming, thinking that this skin bag can be in the same spring with the grass and trees, and with the birds and beasts in the same autumn.

One day at the beginning of the rainy season, after a night of wind and rain, the next day you can see summer flowers, pomegranates, lotus magnolias, female virgins, annual flowers, and the fruits of the expanded fruits of the trees, woolly peaches, May peaches, red plums and red leaf plums. I've seen these summer flowers and fruits dozens of times. When I saw it before, I thought it looked good, and my heart was just happy. When I saw it that day, I suddenly thought of "Zhibei Tour", and Zhuangzi said in the article: "Suddenly.". Heaven and earth are naturally not old, let him cross the gap of the white colt, the black colt cross the gap, and the jujube red colt cross the gap. The mountains and rivers are not old, by him winter, spring, summer and autumn. Life is easy to get old, once you see each other, how many times can you see this in your life, how many times can you see this scene?

On that day, the morning light shone brightly, and as soon as I thought about it, my eyes suddenly dimmed a little.

Life still goes on, seemingly booming but actually going on in silence.

In the mountains and wilderness, I take the grass, trees, birds and beasts as my teacher, try to follow the instincts and nature of living as much as possible, clothing but seeking warmth, food but seeking fullness, living but seeking safety, walking but seeking stability, thinking that this is good. In addition to the security of the flesh, the spirit is fed with books, and the embrace is expressed in articles, thinking that articles carry the Tao, and articles also carry sex.

I mean try, because this kind of compliance is obviously impossible. Chang'an Migui, it is not easy to live in a big place, it is not easy to live, and it is even more delusional to live according to the heart. But the people who write are all delusional people, the so-called delusions, the delusions. There are also different degrees of obsession and infatuation, like Xiangling in the Grand View Garden. Cao Xueqin wrote in this section particularly subtlely: "Xiang ling listened, was happy to take back the poem, and then thought hard about composing two poems, and was reluctant to write Du poems, and read two more poems." So the tea and rice are heartless, sitting and lying down. ”

Writing for nearly thirty years, lasting many years without changing, in the root, there is an obsession or delusion that competes with time. Against time, this is obviously even more unlikely. The years are like galloping, galloping, "the day is galloping and the ten thousand miles are thousands of miles". The ancient and modern articles of the past and the present, left in stone, animal bones, turtle shells, bamboo, silk, paper, engraved on time. Thinking about it, those who take articles as their lives in ancient and modern times are obsessed and obsessed, how many people have lived past the age of 100, and how many people have passed on articles to the world?

I hope that the article is old and thick, I hope that the flesh will always maintain the spirit of grass and trees, and I hope that I will write a few good articles every year.

The grass and trees are gentle and thick, and the quality is simple and straight, just like the adults and gentlemen of the ancients. In "Zhou Yi", "Classic of Mountains and Seas", "Book of Poetry", "Chu Ci", "Han Le Fu", "Nineteen Ancient Poems", the chapters are grass and trees. Since then, the poetry and articles of ancient and modern people have been lush with grass and trees all the way. On the wind and grass, on the wind and wood, the wind of time blows through the grass and trees, blowing through the world. The grass and trees are silent, born away from prosperity, after the dry, nourished, life and death glory and so on idle. Compared with the adults and gentlemen of the ancients, the grass and trees are more in line with the connotation of "easy" in "Zhou Yi": simple, easy and not easy (unchanged).

The ancients said that we should know more about the names of plants, trees, birds and beasts, and they also said that we should know more about the previous words and deeds.

Living in the mountains for a long time, people among the grass, trees, birds and beasts, the name of the grass, wood, birds and beasts, I know nothing more than once. One day I saw a big bird walking, like a human, stepping forward and backward feet, left and right, one two one, and then I saw a small bird walking, it was jumping and walking with its feet side by side, jumping and jumping. These two birds are common in the Dabie Mountains, I don't know their names, but I was curious about how different their walking postures were. Then a pat on the head, oh, their feet are long and short.

As for the preface and deeds, the words and deeds of the previous sages are as thick and gentle as the grass and trees, straight and simple, and like the poetry of the pre-Qin, it is even more difficult to imitate and reach.

The grass and trees are simple, and the hearts of the world's people are originally simple. Since childhood, he has buried pots and rice with his friends in green plum bamboo horses: the leaves of eucommia are hammered like silk and used as vegetables; The stems of red taro are cut into stone pieces and used as rice; Break the stem of artemisia and use it as chopsticks; The pine needles were hugged and used as firewood. Five or six open crotch boys, cooking and eating pretentiously, eating happily, playing happily, happy like grass, trees, birds and beasts.

Later, he gradually grew up, his body became more and more relaxed, his throat became thicker, his heart became bigger, and he gradually became unmanageable. Gradually out of control, not only the appearance, this old good river and mountain, but also the heart, which is as old as the Yin Mountain rock paintings.

Loving grass and trees, admiring grass and trees, and being close to grass and trees is the nature of the heart. Our ancestors took grass and trees as their clothes, their grass huts as their houses, their feet wearing mangshoes and their hands holding wooden sticks, they were very idle, like grass and trees, birds and beasts, as idle as raindrops, morning fog, night stars, and flowing water, idle night and night thinking about where they came from and where they went. We were all too busy to forget where we came from and where we were going, to forget that we were essentially an animal.

May the heart always be idle, may the article always have grass and wood, may there always be grass and wood heart in life.

I also have a momentary hesitation, and I also have a lot of grass and wood articles.

The Day of the Ugly Summer was written in Yuexi Yaqian River No

Book Excerpts:


Drinking bayberry wine in Yuyao, a crowd of people shouted, and three hundred cups were poured out of their abdomen, and the red drip between the collars of the mouths and the palms of the fingers was painful, but it was a pity that the wind and moon were abrupt. Bayberry wine is a special thing in wine, jade liquid gold pulp is dripping and lovely, amber color is heavy and luxurious, when such as tasting luminous wine, the moon raises a glass to shake it gently, shallow swing, the eyes are confused to see, wet lips, can gradually enter a better state.

Before the meal, the bayberry soup is fresh and refreshing, and the mouth of the drink is completely eliminated.

I thought that bayberry wine was everyone's bridesmaid, and it was thoughtful, and bayberry soup was a neighbor's little child, blindly naughty.

Zhejiang has been rich in bayberry since ancient times, and the green leaves and branches are far from the red fruit and the mountains, and Yuyao is the native hometown of the bayberry. Previously, I saw Yangmei blossom powder in the Hemudu Site Museum, which is 7,000 years away, and also saw a pair of complete skulls of Neolithic ancient humans, a man and a woman. Eating bayberry wine and drinking bayberry soup in Yuyao, such as smelling the ambergris in the Dragon Palace, and eating peach at the feast of the Queen Mother of the West, you get what you want.

My hometown Yuexi is located in the Jianghuai, there are green plums, no bayberry, the bayberry sold by the fruit shop in the street, tossing and turning more has been corrupted, the color is dark, the taste is even worse, such as rotten water, such as rotten watermelon. The first thing to eat bayberry is to make it fresh. Bai Juyi's "Lychee Diagram Sequence" said that if the lychee leaves the main branch, the color of one day changes to two days and the fragrance changes in three days, and four or five days away, the color and fragrance are gone. Bayberry is delicate and also like lychee.

The fourth elder of the township, the Jianghu people, mixed in the south for decades, and then lived in Wenzhou. His people seem to be rude and sincere as stones, and their liver and gallbladder are cloaked in ancient style. Knowing each other for many years, when the bayberry is ripe in June and July, the fourth elder will get up early, pick dozens of baskets of bayberry from the tree in the countryside, and then drive more than a thousand miles back to the hometown with the air conditioner to distribute the old knowledge. When the sun comes, when it is eaten, the bayberry is still dewy with smoke, and it seems that it has not yet woken up, and the bayberry green jade branches that come with the basket can be used as flower arrangements. This middle gaoyi is no less than the Tang Ming Emperor for Yang Fei to post Lingnan lychee.

Bayberry flesh is plump and soft, eating sweet liquid bursting, Yang Wanli said that its jade muscle is half drunk, Lu You said its Li Zhu, I thought that like Daixue, food can forget worries, but feel that the world is very beautiful.

Oriental Shuo "Lin Yi Record": Lin Yi Mountain Bayberry, its large as a cup and bowl, green time extremely sour, both red taste like cliff honey, to brew wine, number plum fragrant shochu. Non-noble people are not allowed to drink.

Dongfang Shuo is accustomed to big talk, ghost talk nonsense, my hometown so-called white, read his "Ten Continents in the Sea" can know one or two. His people are knowledgeable and knowledgeable, but their words are so vain that they have to believe them as a last resort and have to make a big discount. There is indeed Linyi in the world, the name of the ancient country, later renamed Champa City, in present-day central Vietnam, during the Han Dynasty belonged to Xianglin County, Linyi is the abbreviation of Xianglin Zhiyi. It's just that the bayberry is as big as a cup and bowl, and it is difficult to be convincing.

I have never eaten bayberry before, read the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" Cao Cao Qingmei boiled wine on the hero section, thought that green plum is bayberry, but also thought that the plum in the allusion to wangmei thirst is bayberry. Living in the mountains for a long time, when he was young, few people taught, and even the names of the birds, animals, plants and trees that are common in the mountains are mostly unknown, not to mention the customs of other places.

There are more than fifty kinds of bayberry, there are white bayberry, the fruit color is milky white, Hangzhou and Yangzhou people call it holy monks, so far do not know what it means. Su Dongpo's poem "Master Wen Debated Returns to Heavenly Zhu and Asks with Poetry" has the sentence "This language is not, and eats white bayberry", when it is a language Hidden Machine Feng, such as the Zhao Zhou monk "eat tea and go".


Basho is elegant, the ancients planted in front of the window, take the banana window to reflect the meaning of the green yarn, and listen to its Xiaoxiao rain sound, the so-called "cold green fall plantain" of Baixiang Mountain.

I've heard plantain rain too. When the old garden was still alive, there was a bunch of plantains in the water and bamboo forest outside the East Wing, which was planted by my grandfather's hand, extremely fat and lush, and the eaves of gaoqi pisha. On rainy days in summer and autumn, I often use banana leaves as umbrellas with the naughty children in the village, and one leaf can be used for three people to hide from the rain. Banana and bamboo with planting, the predecessors have a "double Qing" saying, grandfather ben old farmer, literacy is not much, when it is unintentional. But I thought that the water bamboo was originally a strange thing, and as a neighbor of the plantain, I suddenly saw the cold, if I was a water bamboo, I should have a Yu Liang sigh.

When I was a teenager, I lay in bed listening to the banana rain, bit by bit, from dusk to dawn, nothing more than to like its charm, its time is still shallow, naturally do not understand the ancients to listen to the banana rain, write the banana rain of the remote depth of sustenance. It's just that every year I hope that the plantain will grow up quickly, and the nectar is as big as a scoop. Listening to the townspeople, the nectar of the plantain knot is drinkable and delicious, I have never tasted it, and I am very yearning. But somehow, my family's plantains don't see manna. One year I married one, and I was very happy, but before it matured, I went to school in other places, and when I returned to my hometown during the winter vacation, the plantains had withered and the stumps were covered with snow.

Later, it was learned that manna is the banana heart, shaped like a lamp tube, and there is no luscious jelly in it to drink, but the banana heart is edible, finely chopped, cold mixed, stir-fried or stewed, the taste is quite good, and it is rich in potassium. What the townspeople call nectar may be manna honey, which is the sweet juice secreted by the heart of the plantain.

The heart of the plantain is wrapped in layers inside the bracts, and its original heart cannot be seen from the outside, which is referred to in the He Zhu poem "Basho does not show the lilac knot". Indian Buddhas often refer to the metaphor of "emptiness" and the worldly phases. His "Collected Sutras of the Buddha's Conduct" says: "It is like an empty fist to a child, like a banana heart, there is no truth." In the Buddhist scriptures, there is also the sentence "The dream is false, just like the heart of the banana." The Basho written by the Sui and Tang poets also refers to Mr. Chen Yinke's meaning of "the yin is empty, and the flesh is disgusting". Is the stinky skin sac repulsive? Since Qu Yuanlan Tang bathed and cleaned himself, it has become popular in SPA today, and people in the world love this body.

The ancients said that the shape, texture and posture of the plantain have twelve words: "The support is like a tree, the quality is not wood, and the high shu is hanging in the shade." "Very much in place. Last year, I went to Feixi, and saw a bunch of plantains in the big submerged mountain house of Liu Mingchuan's former residence, shaded in the corner of the wall, accompanied by water stone bamboo and wood, very quiet, it is said to be a late Qing Dynasty thing, I don't know if it is true or not. Its leaves are broad, the winter sun is fine, and the leaf surface is cloth-like. At that time, I thought that Huai Su used the banana leaf to post, and this banana seemed to be able to be used to write letters and send far away. Although plantains are not woody, the fibers of their stems can be made of paper, rope, and weaving.

Xu is because of the terroir, and the plantains in my hometown never knot plantains. The plantains in the market are all shipped from abroad and mixed with bananas, which are said to be distinguishable by taste, shape, and color. I have always been unable to distinguish between Bo Zhong, and I don't want to distinguish between them, and I have to eat, and I have to eat. There are many things in the world that are similar in appearance, and if they are not the prince of tanuki, they may as well be confused. For example, Wang Wei's "Yuan An Lying Snow Map", painting a green banana in the snow, obviously contrary to common sense, is not taken by a three-year-old child, since Shen Kuo's "Mengxi Pen Talk" opened a dispute, the history of painting has been gathering lawsuits for nearly a thousand years. Wang Mojie is naturally not a banana lost deer, and painting plantains in the snow is not an isolated case, he paints flowers, often drawing peaches, apricots, hibiscus and lotus flowers in the same frame. Shen Kuo said the most: "The beauty of calligraphy and painting, when the gods will meet, it is difficult to seek the form of the instrument." ”

Basho has a god.

Such as pine

There is a pine in the name, given by the father. There was a period when the post was posted day and night, and when the money was dropped, the Fang family law book was studied, and the pine was deliberately written as a gongmu, and the book style imitated the Northern Wei Li Bi stele.

Pine, wood also, from the wooden gongsheng, this is Xu Shen's commentary. Pine is a tree, naturally next to the wood, this is easy to understand, it is not easy to understand is that the pine tree and the public what is related? Later, after reading idle books, I saw people quoting Wang Anshi's "Character Sayings", and Mr. Linchuan explained the song characters in this way, "The length of a hundred trees, The Duke of Ju, so the word is from the Gong." "The "Sayings of Words" has been obliterated since it was banned during the Song Dynasty, and the evaluation at that time was not high, and the "History of Song" said that it was mostly chiseled and attached, and it flowed into the study of The Buddha. But this pine word is very well understood, more vivid than "Shuowen". In ancient times, after the emperor laid the foundation of the country, the land was divided into honor and favored heroes, princes and princes below, the fifth rank of jian, the duke of the uncle, and the duke was the lord of the upper lord. The pine is the venerable one in the tree, and it is appropriate to call the gong.

The name of Lan Hui is multi-gentle, and the name of Mushi is Multi-Gangjian, and the name is implied to a person. Ming Song, fu modified a strong word, so since he knew things, especially after reading Chen Yi's famous poem about Qing Song, he subconsciously encouraged himself with looseness, standing and walking when he stood and walked, his waist was straight as a pine on the ridge, and if there was a secret supervision of gods and ghosts, he did not dare to hunch his head at all. The Book of Rites says, "(Ritual instruments) are also in people, such as bamboo arrows and arrows, and hearts in pines." The two live in the world's big end, so through the four hours do not change Ke Yiye. "Pine has shengde, contains chapters and tibetan beauty, mediocre as I naturally dare not think of myself as pine, do not change Ke Yiye but is a simple Zhiye."

In my hometown in the Dabie Mountains, the forest sea is reckless and reckless, and there are many pine trees in the sea. There are many kinds of pine trees in the world, and the strange pine trees recorded in the classics of mountains and seas, the Miscellaneous Tricks of Youyang, the Records of the Ten Continents of the Sea, and the Records of Taiping Guangji are not counted, but there are more than eighty kinds of trees in this world, and my hometown has five or six. The most common are black pine and masson pine, with a small amount of cedar, Huangshan pine and Luohan pine, as well as the rare Dabie Mountain Five-Needle Pine. The latter is an alpine alpine alpine tree species, its leaves have five needles and a bunch, pine needles are short and soft, botanists first discovered and named it in the Harrier Luoping National Nature Reserve when they were investigating the Dabie Mountains. When I was a reporter, I had seen it with my own eyes in the Ten Mile Gallery of the Reserve, the tall and beautiful pine rooms, the smoke and mist fluttering like a cyclamen, the local villagers tied red silk to the branches, sacrificed to sacrifice tea and rice, and revered like gods.

Black Pine is the ruler of Lin Hai and a veritable king. Black pine a white bud pine, the skin is not black, slightly gray black, the bud is not white, emerald green like a root jasper hairpin. The townspeople call the black pine fir tree, in fact, the fir tree is a fir, not a black pine.

Not very far in the past, the mountain people relied on the mountains to eat the mountains, the rafters used to build houses, the rafters and windows ceilings, the wooden planks and wooden stalls for furniture, the firewood for burning pots, the wood segments used for cellar poria, and the wood used to make hoes and croissants and plough rakes, all taken from black pine. Every house had a small hill, the thatch was cut clean, the pine needles were clean, the pine cones were picked up, and the branches of the pine trees were cut down to the top.

In the era of no electricity and no coal and no gas, cooking and boiling water to cook pig food rely on firewood, and families arrange special people to bring dry food up the mountain to collect firewood all year round, and there is a mud mound stove in the kitchen of the household. The stove is black lacquered chubby, above the well pot, painting big red and green lotus flowers water grass auspicious cloud pattern, when the country bricklayers build the stove, they also work as painters and calligraphers, and on the stove workshop, they write twelve big characters on it, "East Kitchen Si Ming Stove King's Mansion Junding Fu Shenjun", and pay attention to writing a couplet. Every year, on the twenty-third day of the twenty-third month of the year, the god of Vesta was sacrificed and sent to heaven to be holy, and the housewife knelt down and prayed, asking him to say good things about himself in front of the heavenly emperor. But after all, no one had ever seen the King of Stove, and in his imagination, this true prince was like a cat who would never have enough to eat.

There is a forest farm in the village, there are rangers patrolling and guarding during the day, and at night when the moon is dark and windy, whenever someone goes to steal a tree, the sound of sawing wood of Ho Ho ho clearly reaches the ears of the villagers. Everyone steals is not a steal, the stealer is at ease to cut wood, and the listener will smile when he lies in the bed, and his heart will not be tacit. Occasionally, the village chief rose up after drinking, organized militia and rangers, and carried sunflower torches up the mountain to catch thieves. The villagers in the township are not really caught, and the big old man shouts loudly, "Which is stealing the tree!" At that time, people had a lot of stomachs and thin skin, and the people who stole trees heard the shouts and ran. Some people stumbled down the mountain carrying the best tree, some people lost their saws and axes, some people forgot to wipe the towel of sweat, and some people panicked and unfortunately broke their feet, and did not dare to go out for many days. At my grandmother's house in Wuwan, I once went up the mountain with two uncles to steal a tree, stealing the forest farm of the neighboring production team, which was a taboo thing, and if Caught, it was a fine or a heavy fine, breaking my legs and feet, not a joke, so I was quite a bit of a thief.

Thirty years later, electricity and gas replaced firewood, woodworking materials replaced wood, thatched thorns in the mountains were taller than heads, and trees in the mountains grew freely. No guards, no need to erect forbidden monuments, no need to hang the warning sign of "dead sealed mountains", except for outdoor enthusiasts, mountains, are no one willing to patronize, forest fire prevention has become the top priority in winter and spring. The mountain was finally returned to the black pine, to the birds and beasts, to the pythons and insects, and the people poured into the city and returned nature to nature.

At the end of the corner, there are three stout black pines on the hillside on the west side of the house. One of them is particularly old and vigorous, with more than half an acre of shade, a chest diameter of almost one meter, a bark two inches thick, exposed roots on the surface thicker than a washbasin, and the trunk is divided into two branches from five meters to the left and the right horizontally, one is inhabited by a nest of magpies, and the other is inhabited by a nest of crows. Early in the morning, magpies chirped and crows whimpered and woke people to get up, and half an hour later, grandfather and father and uncle went down the field with hoes, and mother and aunt entered the kitchen with firewood, and two thick green smokes came out of the chimneys at the east and west ends, and then scattered in the wind, and the air was filled with the fragrance of pine smoke. The so-called fireworks in the human world, there is fire and smoke, is the great world.

A few days ago, I went to Jingde, Xuanyan's hometown, where I also saw the emblem of Jixi. The ancients made ink with pine smoke, and after the smoke vaporization, it solidified into smoke, added spices such as musk plum slices of male cloves, added gold leaf silver foil pearl powder and other light aids, and repeatedly hammered and smashed into ink, called pine smoke ink. The "Dongtian Ink Record" says, "Ancient ink is only made of pine smoke." Pine tobacco ink is as strong as jade, its pattern is like a rhinoceros, written in pine tobacco ink, Tu Long praised it as "deep and not beautiful". I had never seen an ink-making scene, and I guessed that the smoke in the chimney was scraped out, placed in the stone platform, and ground with water, so that it should be possible to write.

Behind the house is a vegetable garden, and behind the vegetable garden is a large black pine forest, and the trees in the black pine forest are still juvenile at the time, dense and slender. Adults say that this forest was sown by airplanes, and in those years it was indeed common to see planes skimming mountains and scattering tree seeds. The children of the peasant family have not been idle since they were young, when they were five or six years old, they herded cattle and beat pig grass, carried bamboo baskets to pick pine cones, carried bamboo baskets and pine needles, slightly larger, went up the mountain to cut wood with machetes and hoes to dig tree stumps, and the black pine forest behind the house was a frequent place. In the reading era, every morning sitting on pine needles and moss, reading and reciting in the song of mountain birds, behind the burning eyes of parents and relatives. It is common to see squirrels running and climbing lightly in the forest or holding pine cone chestnuts to eat, seeing big red centipedes lazily crawling out of the rotten branches and leaves, and seeing the mother praying mantis after the tail eats a pile of green wings on the ground.

The northeast pine has a full pine nut, and the mink and squirrels in the ground feed on the pine nuts, and they grow oily and shiny and fat. The pine cones of the black pine are spherical, and the pine nuts are dry with thin wings, such as cicada wings, and I still can't understand why such thin pine nuts can also raise fat squirrels. One side of the water and soil not only raises one side of the people, but also raises one side of the wind and things. I have seen squirrels open their tail umbrellas and float down from the end of the tree, such as Guanyin coming to the mortal world with a jade net bottle, very fairy, very graceful and luxurious.

The townspeople use black pine as firewood, as a material, and get its use, and the Danqing family takes black pine as its intention, as a message, and to obtain its god. Chinese landscape painting is more or less than flying waterfalls and springs, grass house hermits, idle clouds and wild cranes, and several black pines. Wang Meng's "Map of Ge Zhichuan's Migration", "Qingbian Hermitage Map", "Xiashan Gao Hidden Map", "Danshan Yinghai Map", "Taibai Mountain Map" painted pine, Ma Yuan's "Xiyuan Yaji Map" and "Ta Ge Tu" wrote Song, Li Tang's "Wanyuan Song Wind Map", "Qingxi Fishing Hidden Map", "Yansi Song Wind" Pine Wind Habits, Zhao Mengfu's "Quehua Autumn Colors", Shen Zhou's "Night Sitting Map", and Wen Zhengming's "Yuyu Spring Tree Map" Song Tao passed his ears. In the literati paintings, the pine, the new branches contain spring, the dead branches are the same as the autumn color, the chaks are scaled, the bones are rugged, and the vertical and horizontal brushstrokes write their proud clouds and smoke postures, and write their elegance in the wind and rain. The pine in the painting is pine or not pine, and it is intended to carry emotions and intentions.

Speaking of Song Tao, when I was a child, I heard it at night, and suddenly it was like a beast breathing, and I didn't think it was very beautiful. When you are disobedient, your parents frown and say, "If you are sharp again, you will be shut out of the door and fed to the wolves." It was just frightening, not really, but there were children in the countryside who were thrown out of the door and eaten by wild beasts, leaving only their skulls. The wind swayed, the pine forest was black and rumbling, and it seemed that there were many beasts ambushing the ghosts wandering around, which was a very frightening scene. One late autumn when I was eight or nine years old, my parents went to the mountain to cut pine branches, and after school, they went to help, and at seven or eight o'clock in the night, I dragged a tree branch to my home alone, passing through the cemetery and passing through the black pine forest, and the eyes of the owl between the trees were more terrifying than the bull's head horse face painted by the Taoists, and its cries were even more frightening. After reading some subsets of scriptures and histories, dyeing some literati customs, and then lying in the forest and listening to the pine wind, I could hear the sound of rain, hear the secret words of the mountain god and the moon god, and hear some customs and wind.

For a few years, I like to go to Myodo Mountain, the mountain is full of ancient pines, the strange rocks of Doki Peak, the clouds and fog, and the monks and Taoist pagodas. On the night of the moon, sitting alone in a small pavilion on the mountain, listening to the waves of pine waves, I thought that I would have the taste of the pine wind and the fun of the world. Songtao is the wind and the waves, but also the meaning of the rain, sometimes like the summer rain, the urgency of the law, sometimes like the autumn rain, the water and the river, sometimes like the heart rain whispering, one drop two drops three or five drops, drops are the heart of the listener. The monk may have become a Buddha, and the Taoist priest may have disembodied himself, exposed in a coffin on the hillside, filled with rain, dead leaves, and the remains of insects. There is an ancient temple in the mountain called Jinbi Zen Temple, and the ancient pine in the temple wants to attach to Yun Han, and the silence is like a high monk. At the peak of the mountain, there is a pine that has been dead for many years, and the cliff is still standing, the bones of the trees are like white iron, and the whisks are round like jade pendants. When Zhou Lang married Xiao Qiao, I once took a photo with it as a background, squinting and smiling in the pine wind, flying hair, and the youthful spirit could ride the clouds, and now that I saw it, I was envious.

Every year, I went to yexi town under the Sacred Mountain of Zen Buddhism, sikong Mountain, there were more than 2,000 ancient trees in the town, one of which was at least a thousand years old, and the waist circumference had to be hugged by three people, the tree surface gullies and ravines were like silk and hemp ropes, and there were more than a dozen kinds of parasitic plants on the trees. The Chronicle of the Turtle Chronicle says, "The Pine of Chitose has rabbit silk on it and poria on the bottom." "Pine longevity, leaf evergreen, with the beauty of health and masculinity, but also branches such as the dragon leaf such as XiangFeng, the old people, often on the wall of the middle hall hang "Song Crane Longevity Chart", taking the meaning of longevity and auspiciousness. My family's former home has it.

There is a bonsai garden in the eastern foothills of huaguoshan in the county town, with rhododendrons, wolf-bone holly, and pines. For nearly six years, morning and evening walks have often taken detours to see. The garden has no walls, and I have never met the owner of the garden, only a few earth dogs are lazily lying in the middle of it, seeing too many people, low eyebrows and pleasing eyes, and not barking. Gong Zizhen wrote the "Record of the Sick Plum Pavilion", saying that "Mei is beautiful with music, and straight is without posture; Take the beauty of the sword, and the regular has no scenery; Thin is beautiful, dense is stateless. "Mei is a gentleman, And Pine is a gentleman, and in the hands of the horticulturist, it is nothing more than a scene in the basin for people to enjoy, and the axe and knife saw are applied, and the illness is beautiful." In the garden, there are dozens of black pine masson pines, jagged and beautiful, and they are obtained from the cliffs of Baizhang. The rest, the wire was intricately entangled, some branches were deliberately truncated, and some were stripped of their bark, and it hurt to watch. I remembered Jiang Fu's words, "The tree is like this." ”

It is now early April, the spring color is already seven or eight, the pine trees in the mountains are blooming, and the peaks and ravines are bright and colorful, like the Golden Land. Gently shake the branches with your hands, the pollen is like crumbs of gold, the skin and clothes are touching, the rich rosin lingers in the nose, take a deep breath, its taste is clear and sweet and refreshing. After a spring rain, pollen piles up on the edge of countless water tai in urban and rural areas, gradually drying into a map of all countries, and every time you pass by, you walk around. Beauty should not be abrupt, nor should heavenly things be abrupt.

Pine flower a pine yellow, take its color, also known as pine pen head, take its shape. Pine blossom brewing spring water sencha, Zhang Kejiu said that the spring mountain residence two pleasing things. Spring water fried Mingqian tea before the rain tea is drunk every year, pine flower wine has not been tasted so far, presumably sweet with the fragrance of pine blossoms. I have seen a method of making pine blossom wine: pick the male bulb flowers of masson pine, red pine, black pine or oil pine in April and May, dry it, rub off the pollen, remove impurities, and then wrap it in plain silk, put it in a vessel with the wine, seal and soak it for ten days. The recipe ratio is pine pollen per 100 grams, with 1 kg of aged wine. The brewing process doesn't seem complicated, and if he has any spare time, he might as well give it a try.

Pine flower is a kind of medicine, warm, can benefit the heart and lungs, rich. The Compendium of Materia Medica says that mixing with white sugar can be used as cake paste. The "Materia Medica" also says that pine flowers can be used as soup, "The mountain people take it in time, and it is very good to make soup." But it can't stop for a long time, so it is rarely used to send far. ”

Pine blossom soup has never been seen, pine blossom cake has not been eaten, when I went to the mountains to pick spring tea, but I ate pine wool sugar. When the autumn is dry and rainy, the pine needles will secrete sugar granules at night, sticking to the pine needles, the large ones such as broad beans, the small ones such as sesame seeds, sweet and rosinous, milky white, hanging like dew drops.

Grass and trees have feelings, and pines have tears. After the pine tree is cut down, it will quickly secrete pine resin, heal the wound, and the pine resin will hang on the tree, looking at it like a Sichuan character, like a woman's cheek beads tears.

My grandfather's tomb is on a sunny hillside behind the former house, on the edge of the black pine forest, and the couplet on the tombstone is quoted from the "Thousand Character Text", "Like the prosperity of the pine, like Lance Xin." ”

The reporter | Wang Yunfeng

Responsible for | Cheng Xiawei edited | Liu Qian

Organizer | Yuexi County Rong Media Center

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