
Nothing's first mobile phone release time is announced, and it will be equipped with Qualcomm master control

As a brand founded by Pei Yu, co-founder of OnePlus, following the previous Nothing revealed that it will launch its first smartphone product this month, the subsequent exposure of information about this model has also attracted a lot of attention from the outside world. A few days ago, Nothing has also confirmed that it will hold a new product launch called "The Truth" at 22:00 Beijing time on March 23, and bring the first smartphone.

Nothing's first mobile phone release time is announced, and it will be equipped with Qualcomm master control

According to the previously exposed product-side related information, Nothing's first smartphone or will use a gray back cover, and the upper left corner of its fuselage back is also placed with a rear multi-camera module. Due to the fact that the Qualcomm Snapdragon Logo appears on the official warm-up poster, it also means that it will most likely be equipped with Snapdragon master control. Previously, there were rumors that this model would be named Nothing phone.

Nothing's first mobile phone release time is announced, and it will be equipped with Qualcomm master control

As sources have revealed earlier, Nothing will launch a model with a transparent rear case this year, or be named Nothing Phone (1). However, as to whether the rumors about the brand's new smartphone products at this stage are true, it is still awaiting confirmation of the official follow-up further news, so interested friends may wish to continue to pay attention.

【The picture of this article comes from the network】

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