
Delivered nearly a thousand newborns! Grandma, a 90-year-old "book fan", reads a book every two days!

From full of green silk to full of hair, she used her true feelings to relieve the physical and mental pain of patients, dedicated the best years of her life to the cause of nursing, and fulfilled the solemn vow she made in front of the Nightingale statue - she is 90-year-old Huang Yunqing's grandmother.

Delivered nearly a thousand newborns! Grandma, a 90-year-old "book fan", reads a book every two days!

In 1953, after graduating from Quanzhou Health School at the age of 21, Huang Yunqing was assigned to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Xiamen Gulangyu Hospital as an outstanding graduate to engage in clinical nursing work, and she has been working in nursing for more than 40 years and delivered thousands of newborns.

As a nurse, she has experienced the joy of the birth of a newborn, suffered the cold eyes of maternal families, and experienced the emergency of maternal amniotic fluid postpartum hemorrhage...

When the first delivery, I happened to encounter a maternal hemorrhage, the medical staff was racing against the clock to rescue, as a novice nurse Huang Yunqing had never seen such a big scene, directly fainted in the operating room.

Later, after the family found out, they persuaded her not to be a nurse, but Huang Yunqing still insisted.

"I thought, now that I've studied nursing, I'm going to be a good nurse." Grandma Huang Yunqing said.

Delivered nearly a thousand newborns! Grandma, a 90-year-old "book fan", reads a book every two days!

Nurses are busy, tired, anxious, dirty in one of the drudgery, a day without even drinking water time, but Huang Yunqing did not half a word of complaint.

In the operating room, Huang Yunqing needs to assist the doctor throughout the operation; outside the operating room, she is responsible for nursing and return visits to escort the health of the mother and baby.

Grandma Huang Yunqing said: "We must do things in a down-to-earth manner, do good deeds, and be worthy of our conscience." ”

Delivered nearly a thousand newborns! Grandma, a 90-year-old "book fan", reads a book every two days!

"Seeing a new life born from my hands, I was very excited and careful, the temperature was below 15 degrees, I wanted to put them in the incubator, some children just opened their eyes, some did not open their eyes, some fat and cute ..."

From the first time I saw the baby come out of the mother's belly, the kind of reverence for life that spontaneously grew from the heart has always existed in Huang Yunqing's nursing career.

In 1977, Huang Yunqing's grandmother was assigned to work in Fuzhou.

At that time, Fuzhou Union Hospital, Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, and Staff Hospital jointly formed a cardiovascular specialty research team, and Grandma Huang Yunqing was assigned to the project to engage in clinical and scientific research.

"We all grew up eating state meals, so I love the Chinese Communist Party and the country very much!" Grandma Huang Yunqing said.

Delivered nearly a thousand newborns! Grandma, a 90-year-old "book fan", reads a book every two days!

Now, 90-year-old Grandma Huang Yunqing lives in the Guode Wellness Center, and she lives a rich and fulfilling life every day.

Grandma Huang still insists on reading books and newspapers to understand the development of the motherland and medical undertakings, and especially loves to read medical books.

"I can read one or two thousand words a day, one book a day, and about three books a week." Grandma Huang Yunqing said.

Delivered nearly a thousand newborns! Grandma, a 90-year-old "book fan", reads a book every two days!
Delivered nearly a thousand newborns! Grandma, a 90-year-old "book fan", reads a book every two days!

▲ Huang Yunqing's grandmother borrowed the registration record

Delivered nearly a thousand newborns! Grandma, a 90-year-old "book fan", reads a book every two days!

The Northern Song Dynasty poet Huang Tingjian said: "If you don't read for three days, your language will be tasteless and your face will be abominable." ”

Grandma Huang Yunqing regarded reading as a habit, a necessity like chai rice oil and salt.

Grandma Huang, who had a satisfied smile on her face, used such words as a summary of her current life: "I live in Guode, I have to read every day, my thinking must keep pace with the times, and I will live to learn from the old." ”

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