
Congratulations to the Lakers, James returned from injury will play against the Rockets, Zhan Hei: pick soft persimmon pinch?

On March 10, Beijing time, according to the latest news, James, who missed the game with the Spurs due to sore knees, will return to the battlefield in today's game against the Rockets. The Lakers now have a record of 28 wins and 26 losses, temporarily in the ninth place in the West, the good news is that they still have a chance to enter the playoffs through the playoffs, and the bad news is that they can no longer lose, and it is dangerous to lose again. Just taking down the Warriors in the case of James' super-god play, the game against the Spurs is revealed again.

Congratulations to the Lakers, James returned from injury will play against the Rockets, Zhan Hei: pick soft persimmon pinch?

This game against the Rocket Lakers can not lose and can not afford to lose, the Pelicans in the back of the chase, the Clippers have gradually opened up the gap with them, they had better rush to the top eight, so that they can play one less playoff, otherwise even if they enter the playoffs, it is difficult to do anything after James's huge consumption, what do you think?

Congratulations to the Lakers, James returned from injury will play against the Rockets, Zhan Hei: pick soft persimmon pinch?

Old Zhan's comeback gave the Lakers a shot in the arm, and the Lakers without Old Zhan struggled to win any opponent in the league, and the western fish belly against the Spurs did not win. Although the Rockets are now ranked first in the league, the young players on the team are very eager to show themselves and will not easily let the Lakers steal the victory at home.

Congratulations to the Lakers, James returned from injury will play against the Rockets, Zhan Hei: pick soft persimmon pinch?

For the comeback of the game, many Zhan blacks ridiculed that old Zhan wanted to brush the data again, and when he chose a game against the Spurs and the Rockets, the old Zhan decisively chose the Rockets and specially picked soft persimmon pinches. I think old Zhan does not have to do this and will not do this, old Zhan at this age there are some injuries is normal, and after fighting that vicious battle with the Warriors, old Zhan also has a reason to rest and do it again, everyone says right?

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