
Li Changwen —— Conveying the artist's perception of nature and life with a highly personalized composition - Tencent News

Convey the artist's perception of nature and life in a highly personalized compositional language;

Use the majestic ink color charm gold pouring jade to moisten people's aesthetic nerves;

With a lonely high emotion, abstract thinking is torn apart from chaos...

Chinese painting master Li Changwen recently admired. #Painting Masters # #Art # #世界绘画艺术欣赏 #

Li Changwen —— Conveying the artist's perception of nature and life with a highly personalized composition - Tencent News
Li Changwen —— Conveying the artist's perception of nature and life with a highly personalized composition - Tencent News
Li Changwen —— Conveying the artist's perception of nature and life with a highly personalized composition - Tencent News
Li Changwen —— Conveying the artist's perception of nature and life with a highly personalized composition - Tencent News
Li Changwen —— Conveying the artist's perception of nature and life with a highly personalized composition - Tencent News
Li Changwen —— Conveying the artist's perception of nature and life with a highly personalized composition - Tencent News
Li Changwen —— Conveying the artist's perception of nature and life with a highly personalized composition - Tencent News
Li Changwen —— Conveying the artist's perception of nature and life with a highly personalized composition - Tencent News
Li Changwen —— Conveying the artist's perception of nature and life with a highly personalized composition - Tencent News

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