
The world's largest calligraphy work was created by the famous calligrapher Mr. Lin Zhongyang

On June 28th, the Hilton Sanya Hotel gathered more than 1,000 calligraphy enthusiasts from all over the country and around the world to witness the huge calligraphy created by the famous Chinese calligrapher Lin Zhongyang to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, highlight the self-confidence of Chinese culture and promote the art of Chinese calligraphy.

The world's largest calligraphy work was created by the famous calligrapher Mr. Lin Zhongyang

Lin Zhongyang is a famous Chinese calligrapher, with profound skills, unique calligraphy, calm in dashing, and majestic in the smooth, which is a typical representative of calligraphy in western China. His calligraphy works were transported into space on the Shenzhou 9 spaceship, calligraphy was the first and continuous lighting of the world-famous Burj Al Arab in Dubai, and his calligraphy works were listed on the National Art Exchange for the first time in the United States.

The world's largest calligraphy work was created by the famous calligrapher Mr. Lin Zhongyang

According to Lin Zhongyang, the inspiration for this work came from two cities - Chongqing Bishan, an inland open highland located in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and Shanghai Pudong, the frontier of opening up to the outside world in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. In Bishan Mountain, you can enjoy the sparkling water color of the lake, listen to the birds and flowers in the wetland, enjoy the happiness of green sports, and get the elegant fun of star and moon camping. Passing through Pudong, where he felt the great changes brought about by the times - the rapid changes and vicissitudes of the sea. "Once the golden wind and jade dew meet, they will win countless victories in the world", the images of the two modern cities are intertwined and collided in Mr. Wang's mind, one is elegant and subtle, the other is open and enthusiastic, as if the words are soft and soft, and the overall idea jumps out of the paper, and there is today's creation.

The world's largest calligraphy work was created by the famous calligrapher Mr. Lin Zhongyang

It is reported that this masterpiece is 100 meters high, 12.8 meters wide, and has a total area of 1280 square meters, and Lin Zhongyang expressed Chairman Mao's poetry vividly with magnificent, elegant and flowing cursive writing with great traditional skills. The scale of this work is huge, the momentum is world-class, and it has a landmark significance in the creation of Chinese giant books.

The world's largest calligraphy work was created by the famous calligrapher Mr. Lin Zhongyang

The creation site of the huge calligraphy is very spectacular, Lin Zhongyang sweated like rain on the stage of two acres of land, wielded a huge pen of 1.7 meters, carefully cultivated, and used 80 minutes to complete a work in one go, through 128 10 square meters of large characters, careful layout, ingenious conception, creating a magnificent, lofty intention, rigorous chapter, beautiful structure, complete and unified calligraphy masterpiece. The works carry forward the excellent tradition of Chinese calligraphy and will play a positive role in promoting the telling of Chinese stories, disseminating Chinese voices, and comprehensively and three-dimensionally displaying China's image.

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