
Women's Day, a love letter to all women!

The years flow, time is accompanied by the ticking of clocks, following the footsteps of the four seasons, quietly passing from the side.

Suddenly, it was a holiday dedicated to women , Women's Day.

Maybe this day is no different from every other day in the past, and you continue to run a life of small pieces, without waves.

But when the night is quiet, do you also have something you want to say and listen to?

Women's Day, a love letter to all women!


To be strong alone and not afraid of the wind and frost

Being born as a human being, coming is accidental, going is inevitable, and this process between coming and going is called life.

How to better complete this journey, I think, half in God's hands, half in my own hands.

And, as a woman, it seems to be more difficult than men, because the world gives more labels to women, and society flaunts more requirements for women.

Women are like flowers, but they cannot be fed like flowers in a greenhouse; women are like water, but they need to live with sonorous and affectionate attitudes in a variety of postures.

Women's Day, a love letter to all women!

In this half of my life, I have encountered a lot of mud and bumps, and I have exhausted myself, but I know that no one is reliable, and the only thing that can accompany me is the strength of my heart.

Fortunately, even if I was alone on the way forward, I never thought of giving up.

Marx once said: Life is like the ocean, only strong-willed people can reach the other shore.

On this ship to a better tomorrow, after countless storms and waves, he has become a sailor skilled at navigating the wind and waves.

Please believe that all the heartache and persistence will eventually get the desired consummation, the sun is always after the wind and rain, there is a clear sky above the dark clouds, and all we need to do is to continue to walk.

Women's Day, a love letter to all women!


To always be confident, temperament of the dust of their own

Some people say that women must have four things: self-confidence on their faces, kindness in their hearts, bones melted into the blood, and strength carved into life.

Women can have no ambitions, but they must bring their own light.

I think that this light is mainly the confidence on the face, that is, the courage to live.

This light can be harvested or exposed, that is, the plasticity of life, you can bow your head to worship and have some reverence, and you can also raise your head and straighten your spine to face the impermanence of life and the impermanence of life.

Women, having a beautiful appearance is lucky, but more importantly, temperament.

Any good feeling starts with appearance and is loyal to temperament. Temperament is the best charm of a woman.

And this temperament is cultivated by a variety of factors and good habits and sentiments, and it is the best of beauty that emanates from the inside out.

Please believe that there is an inner qi in the belly, and the years have never defeated the beauty; everything in the ancient times flows in the east, and only the qi rhyme will last forever.

Women's Day, a love letter to all women!


To live seriously and look forward to yourself

Women must have the ability to live their own lives and must have the ability to grow independently.

In this world, no one is your lifelong dependence, no one is your eternal safe haven, only yourself is your lifelong shelter.

If you want to become a princess, you must first become a queen. Instead of waiting for someone else to give you an umbrella, you should give yourself an umbrella.

There are nine times out of ten things that are not satisfactory in life, but those one or two are the motivation to persevere.

Life is decades, short and sudden, even if there is no poetic meaning of life, but it is never regretted because of the wasted time.

I hope that you will be healthy and painless, have a happy family, and enjoy the most ordinary happiness in the world of fireworks;

I hope that you will bravely face the sudden changes in life, not depressed, not backing down, not wandering.

Remember: as long as you live every day of the present conscientiously, you will not regret the past, do not fear the future, and you will surely collide with all the good that you expect in your heart.

Women's Day, a love letter to all women!


To the self who has a deep affection for love and has no regrets for love

That day, a sentence of "I do" began to have a new vision for a happy emotional life;

That day, a "don't bother me" saw the deeper and deeper crack between each other;

On that day, a "forget it" understands that two people who walk hand in hand will also be lost in the sea of people.

Those sincere efforts seemed to others to become a joke, and the original sea oath mountain alliance could only be hidden in the bottom of the heart and no longer mentioned to anyone.

But I still don't regret pouring everything out in this relationship, and every deep affection I pay is also willing, if you are destined to go in two directions at a fork in the road, then not entanglement is my last decency.

No matter how much I am moved, it is the old thing, the front is where I belong, the old people have failed themselves, but I can't live up to time.

We can not meet love, but we must believe that there is good love in this world.

We can devote our lives to love, but we cannot be trapped in love.

Even if I have paid someone wrongly, I will not give up choosing a new beginning because I am afraid of ending, and the person who seriously loves deserves the same affection.

Please firmly believe that the mountains are long and the waters are long, the road is far away, and the last person who is right must be on the way to come.

Women's Day, a love letter to all women!

Dear you, please say to yourself in this festival: Happy Holidays, thank you, hard work.

For the rest of our lives, I hope we can all live like this:

Not confused in the heart, not trapped in love, not thinking about the past, not afraid of the future, not going, not kitsch, not decadent, not complaining, not attached, not confined to material, not lacking in spirit, not desolate in the heart, not poor in soul.

Tenacious like a small grass, growing like a big tree, tolerant with the momentum of the ocean, clear and unstained like a stream, treating the world with the sun and the moon, and being strong with the arrogance of not letting the eyebrows be raised.

Women's Day, a love letter to all women!

May you live like a painting, not a garment; may you be a thoughtful reed swaying in the wind; may you live the world with all your life and without regrets...

Click "Watching", share with friends, life sea, please continue to maintain the infinite love of life, you want, the years will give you.

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