
"Number" says that the car market | the "she economy" of car consumption

RedNet Moment, March 8 (Reporter Long Zhen) With the rise of the "she economy", women's consumption in the automotive field has also expanded rapidly, becoming a new growth point in the fiercely competitive automobile market. According to the "China Good Life Survey (2020-2021)" released by CCTV Finance, women surpassed men for the first time in automobile consumption in 2020.

Women have become a force to be reckoned with in the automotive market

According to statistics from the Ministry of Public Security, as of 2021, the number of female drivers on the mainland will reach 162 million, accounting for 33.68%. From 0.7 billion in 2014 to 160 million in 2021, female drivers are growing rapidly at around 13 million people per year.

"Number" says that the car market | the "she economy" of car consumption

While the number of female drivers is growing, the consumption power of women has also become a bright color in the automobile consumer market. According to the "2021 China Auto Market Consumption Trend Insight Report", the proportion of female users has reached 33%, while 100,000-200,000 is the mainstream car purchase budget of female users.

"Number" says that the car market | the "she economy" of car consumption

According to the "2020 Female Car User Insight Report" released by the China Automobile Dealers Association and the China Automobile Dealers Association, female car users increased by 64% from February to October 2020. Car products and car consumption, which were once tacitly recognized as "patented" by male users, have now become a force to be reckoned with by female users.

"Number" says that the car market | the "she economy" of car consumption
"Number" says that the car market | the "she economy" of car consumption

According to the age distribution survey data in the "2020 Female Car User Insight Report", from January to October 2020, in the age composition of female car users as a whole, young female users after 90 and 95 accounted for more than 50%, and the increase was the highest; the number of car users retained continued to increase, and the growth rate of female users reached 1.7 times, slightly higher than that of men. It is worth noting that among all age groups, the increase in the number of post-90s retained capital is the most significant. This shows that young female car users are constantly becoming the main consumer group in the future automotive industry.

"Number" says that the car market | the "she economy" of car consumption

Who knows better about the "woman's heart"?

As the impact of women's consumption in the automobile market increases, car companies have also launched various models and policies for female users.

When it comes to the topic of female consumption in the automotive industry, the first thing that comes to mind should be Euler Automobile. Last year, Euler, who was positioned as "the world's most woman-loving car brand", made sufficient efforts to capture women's hearts. Lightning cat, punk cat, ballet cat and other models have accurately hit the "cute point" of female car owners, following the brand goal of "creating a full-scene ecology for serving women's cars", Euler has launched a series of online and offline activities around women and launched various trend peripherals.

"Number" says that the car market | the "she economy" of car consumption

At the same time, with its high appearance, Wuling Hongguang has attracted many female users, not only launched Hongguang MINIEV macaron at the product level, but also won the hearts of thousands of girls with lemon yellow, avocado green and white peach pink, and jointly signed with the beauty brand Perfect Diary in marketing to hold a fashion makeup party. Wuling Hongguang, who takes the girl route, has indeed been loved by many young women. Official data shows that Hongguang MINIEV's "post-90s" users account for 72%, and female car owners account for more than 60%.

"Number" says that the car market | the "she economy" of car consumption

Of course, there are also some car companies that create exclusive configurations for women through car experience, such as Weilai's "Queen Co-driver", Geely's cherry blossom powder film, and Xiaopeng Automobile's light-filled makeup mirror... And this series of initiatives are aimed at narrowing the distance with female consumers and thus gaining their recognition.

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