
The war against the epidemic | the persistence of the female secretary of the grass-roots "epidemic" line of the Hongyan Temple

author:Fan Xianbin

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Li Qianyong, secretary of the Party Committee of Hongyan Temple Town, has shouldered the first responsibility for prevention and control, led the party members and cadres of the town to fight in the front line, guarded the "East Gate" of Zaoshui County, and built a "protective wall" for epidemic prevention and control. As the only female township party secretary in Zaoshui County, she has become the banner of 16,000 people in Hongyan Temple Town, like a beautiful sonorous rose blooming on the front line of the fight against the epidemic.

Shoulder the heavy responsibility softly and quickly become the commander-in-chief of epidemic prevention and control

The war against the epidemic | the persistence of the female secretary of the grass-roots "epidemic" line of the Hongyan Temple

The epidemic is the order, and prevention and control is the responsibility

The war against the epidemic | the persistence of the female secretary of the grass-roots "epidemic" line of the Hongyan Temple

After the outbreak of the epidemic, Secretary Li Qian led a group of people from the party committee and government of Hongyan Temple Town to vigorously grasp the word "early", based on the word "quasi", and consolidate the word "strict", which quickly set off a people's war of epidemic prevention and control. The arrangements were made in an orderly manner, and an emergency meeting on the arrangement of epidemic prevention and control was held, a leading group was quickly established, a work plan for epidemic prevention and control was formulated, and the division of responsibilities was clarified. Organize town cadres and workers, village cadres, cadres stationed in villages, party members, film directors, and the masses to form a joint work force, widely publicize through various methods such as distributing notices, broadcast loudspeakers, propaganda vehicles, and WeChat groups into households, and do a good job of visiting, checking, disinfecting, and other related work in villages and households, ensuring that no households are leaked and no people are leaked, so as to achieve no dead ends and full coverage of prevention and control work, so that there is a responsibility to guard the land and fulfill the responsibility of guarding the soil. The town dispatched 452 cadres and the masses, 12,000 people, a total of 20 people in centralized isolation, and a total of 247 people in home isolation.

Charge on the front line, brave to be the guardian of the health of the masses

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Secretary Li Qian has adhered to the "frontline work method", not afraid of danger, commanded from the front, personally dispatched, led the town's 11 party branches and 515 party members to charge forward, firmly defend the position, and guard the pure land. She personally came to the front line to grasp supervision, under the task, take the lead, constant supervision, overall planning and consideration to become the backbone of everyone; she played the role of grass-roots party branches, a monitoring card point is a party branch, the party branch was built to the forefront of epidemic prevention and control, and built a strong front-line fortress; she led party members to be pioneers by example, set up 30 party member vanguard posts, gave play to the exemplary and leading role of party members, and led the masses to fight the epidemic together. "As party secretary, I have to be at the forefront." Secretary Li used persistence to interpret the belief of a Communist Party member and became a party flag flying high at the grassroots level. Since the outbreak of the epidemic prevention war, 1 county-level checkpoint, 10 town-level checkpoints and 20 village-level checkpoints have been set up, and all-weather duty and access control have been implemented, and all-weather enterprises, supermarkets and people in the town have been mobilized to donate money and materials worth 30,000 yuan, which has strongly supported the town's fight against the "epidemic".

Warm feelings warm the hearts of the people, willing to be the intimate people of the masses


The war against the epidemic | the persistence of the female secretary of the grass-roots "epidemic" line of the Hongyan Temple

"We must treat these people in home isolation as if they were relatives" The epidemic is ruthless and compassionate, Secretary Li Qian has always regarded the masses as relatives, led the party members and cadres and workers in the town, relieved the people's worries, helped people's needs, worked together to overcome the difficulties of the times, and gathered a strong joint force to defeat the epidemic. For home isolation households, Secretary Li Qian arranged for party organizations and staff at all levels to provide regular body temperature measurements and daily necessities distribution in a timely manner to eliminate their worries and personally visit to calm their emotions. For the front-line duty personnel, she did everything possible to provide logistical support, distributing tents, masks, instant noodles, cold clothing and other materials, so that the staff could eat and wear warm, and rest assured that they would be on duty on the front line. For the daily life of the masses, she plays a role in market supervision to ensure the stable supply of the market, reasonably regulates the opening hours of supermarkets and shops in the jurisdiction, encourages qualified village party organizations to provide purchasing services, uses the nearest village clinic to provide telephone appointment door-to-door services, and opens a town hotline 4171700 to help the people in need solve their living problems. Various "hard-core" operations such as caring for isolated households, ensuring front-line duty, and caring for the lives of the masses have provided a strong living guarantee for the people in the jurisdiction.


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