
Do uterine fibroids really need treatment? Reminder: Five symptoms appear, see a doctor as soon as possible

Most women see the word "tumor" and naturally think of cancer. But in fact, uterine fibroids themselves are benign tumors, its cancer rate is very low, about one in a thousand, the general clinical limit of 5 cm, that is to say, greater than 5 cm of uterine fibroids, malignancy rate may be larger.

Although the malignancy rate of uterine fibroids is low, it cannot be relaxed, after all, it is a foreign body that occurs in the body, which must have a certain impact on health, and should be detected and treated early.

Do uterine fibroids really need treatment? Reminder: Five symptoms appear, see a doctor as soon as possible

What are the symptoms of uterine fibroids in women?

There are masses on the abdomen

If you press on the lower abdomen with your hand, you can feel a clear mass, or if you can see a lump with the naked eye, indicating that the uterine fibroids have grown out of the pelvic cavity.

This symptom is particularly pronounced in the early morning when the pelvis is full, usually in the middle of the lower abdomen, and the mass is active, irregular, and grows slowly, usually with subserous fibroids.

There are abnormalities in menstruation

Menstrual abnormalities are one of the most common symptoms of uterine fibroids, mainly prolonged menstruation and increased menstrual flow. A small number of female patients also have shortened menstruation, persistent bleeding, etc.

If there is abnormal vaginal bleeding, most of them are related to intermural fibroids and submucosal fibroids, and if they only appear under the serous membrane, they generally do not affect menstruation.

Do uterine fibroids really need treatment? Reminder: Five symptoms appear, see a doctor as soon as possible

Abnormal vaginal discharge

The presence of intermuscular fibroids can lead to a large area of the uterine cavity in women, increase endometrial glandular secretions, and patients may also have pelvic congestion, resulting in an increase in vaginal discharge abnormalities.

In addition, if the submucosal fibroids are infected or necrotic, resulting in a large number of purulent vaginal discharge, accompanied by a strong odor, it needs to be checked promptly.


Many women suffer from uterine fibroids, and as the disease further develops, there will be a feeling of bloating in the lower abdomen, especially after activity and standing for a long time, and occasionally accompanied by symptoms such as low back pain.

When subserous fibroids are torsion, there is concurrent abdominal pain, which also stimulates abnormal uterine contractions, accompanied by pain, especially during menstruation.

Do uterine fibroids really need treatment? Reminder: Five symptoms appear, see a doctor as soon as possible

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