
Is there any harm to women's bodies by doing IVF embryo transfer?

Women are weak, but mothers are strong.

People often use this phrase to praise women for their greatness and dedication. However, no girl is born to know how to be a mother, and every woman has been the pearl in the palm of her parents' favorite.

Learning to love yourself well and avoid unnecessary sacrifices is not a selfish manifestation, but a more responsible attitude towards life.

I remember once, I met a young couple at the entrance of the hospital, as if they were arguing about something, and as I passed them, I heard the woman say with some excitement: "What's wrong with not having children, am I a fertility machine in your eyes?" Then a male voice sounded: "You are a selfish person, what do you think you are?" You are nothing without children! ”

Is there any harm to women's bodies by doing IVF embryo transfer?

I looked back and saw the woman walking out of the gate without turning her head, leaving the man alone in the same place in a daze.

When I heard the woman's manifesto at the hospital door, I applauded her in my heart, and I felt that it was an attitude to life that deserved encouragement. There is no right or wrong between being born and not being born, just two different life choices.

Although I am in the assisted reproduction industry, I am first and foremost a woman, a mother, whether it is assisted reproduction or "IVF", what I hope to give to all women is a right to control their own body, under the premise of protecting themselves, to complete the dream of being a mother, rather than paying for the wishes of others against their hearts.

However, in real life, for IVF, some women are reluctant to do it, and some women are afraid to do it, although there is a strong desire to have children, but from the Internet to check, I saw a lot of sensational statements, what test tube will make women premature aging, do test tube will get cancer, do test tube women will be abolished, etc., so that many families with assisted reproductive needs are discouraged, dare not try easily.

Due to various physical concerns, they would rather use hearsay when stressed by infertility than accept the feasible technique of IVF.

The result of this is that the money is spent in vain, the sins are in vain, and they have not found the fastest and most suitable route for their fertility.

Women have the freedom to control their bodies, but don't be kidnapped by rumors and miss the opportunity for treatment. In order to achieve this goal, the first thing we need to do is to have an objective and clear understanding of IVF, so as not to be scared away by those demonized statements, so as to make a correct judgment.

So, is there any harm to the woman's body by doing IVF embryo transfer?

Is there any harm to women's bodies by doing IVF embryo transfer?

Below, we will list several stages in the test tube process that may cause "harm" to women.

In simple terms, the whole process of IVF can be divided into the following steps: pre-physical examination - ovulation induction - egg retrieval - egg fertilization - embryo culture - embryo transfer - pregnancy confirmation. Among them, the main stages that may affect the female body are ovulation promotion and egg retrieval.

First of all, ovulation induction is one of the important processes in the IVF process, which can stimulate the follicles and produce mature eggs, thereby helping women release multiple eggs at a time. As we said earlier, ovulation induction does not reduce the total number of eggs in a woman's ovaries, nor does it deplete the eggs, but awakens the eggs that are about to die, so that all eggs in the same cycle can be given the opportunity to mature.

So, does this stage have an impact on women?

Yes, because in the ovulation promotion stage, the estrogen in the female body will increase significantly, so that the ovaries are in a state of high workload in the short term, just like a kindergarten teacher taking care of a child, originally just to take care of one child is enough, but now increased to more than a dozen children, the workload will inevitably increase. However, this high load state is only short-term, will not last, and the damage caused is limited.

Secondly, there is the egg retrieval stage. The most common way for IVF to retrieve eggs is to pass the egg retrieval needle through the vaginal vault and directly to the ovaries under the guidance of the vaginal ultrasound. The whole process takes 3 to 10 minutes, and generally does not exceed 10 minutes.

Although the time is not long, but after all, it is a small operation, some women after the egg retrieval, there may be some discomfort, such as menstrual cycle disorders, abdominal stinging, etc., these are normal phenomena that will appear after the promotion of drainage, just like you went to the gym today to run three kilometers, tomorrow morning will feel sore, as long as you pay attention to rest, you can recover quickly.

Is there any harm to women's bodies by doing IVF embryo transfer?

In addition, there are some people who respond that ovulation-stimulating drugs contain hormones, so they will gain weight after egg retrieval, which is also wrong, because the hormones in ovulation-stimulating drugs are only sex hormones and have nothing to do with fat. Some people may look fat because of edema, or they are affected by diet and mental status during the induction period, and they usually gradually return to normal within one month after stopping the drug.

Similarly, according to the data, since the birth of the first case of "IVF" in 1978, it has not been found that IVF will increase the incidence of breast, ovarian and uterine cancer in women, and there is no special harm to women's bodies.

With the continuous maturity of IVF technology, the adverse effects on women's bodies are also decreasing, but the physical effects will disappear over time, and the psychological pressure brought by IVF embryo transfer to women is greater than the physical harm.

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