
iPhone 14 series film exposure, there is a big change in the top of the screen, the bangs completely disappeared!

Apple's iPhone 13 series has been hot since its release, after the research agency Consumerpoint released data show that in the fourth quarter of 2021, Apple successfully surpassed Samsung to become the world's first with the outstanding performance of the iPhone 13 series.

iPhone 14 series film exposure, there is a big change in the top of the screen, the bangs completely disappeared!

Even in 2022, the iPhone 13 series still maintains a high degree of popularity, and can have such a bright performance, mainly because the iPhone 13 series has been comprehensively improved in configuration, and the starting price has been lowered.

Specifically, the iPhone 13 series upgraded the processor to the A15 sensor, and improved the camera specifications and endurance, and also made some adjustments to the appearance.

In terms of design, the front bangs of the iPhone 13 series have shrunk by 20%, which has been ridiculed by many netizens as "front tooth screen", in a sense, Apple is still challenging the aesthetics of consumers.

iPhone 14 series film exposure, there is a big change in the top of the screen, the bangs completely disappeared!

Therefore, the appearance of bangs that has remained unchanged for thousands of years will cause dissatisfaction among some consumers, but in 2022, Apple may make greater adjustments to the front screen design, and may even completely make bangs disappear.

According to previous reports, Apple has arranged a foundry for trial production of the iPhone 14 series, and the design and production of the new device is undergoing final adjustments.

It is precisely because of this that there have been more and more revelations about this phone in recent times, and now there are digital bloggers who have exposed the film of the two mobile phones suspected of the iPhone 14 series.

iPhone 14 series film exposure, there is a big change in the top of the screen, the bangs completely disappeared!

Judging from the exposed film, the surrounding bezels of the iPhone 14 series have been further narrowed, while the top still adopts the scheme of micro-seam earpiece, but the opening length of the earpiece is much longer than that of the previous generation.

From this detailed analysis, it may be that the bangs area of the iPhone 14 series will be adjusted again, perhaps like the renderings exposed on the Internet, completely eliminating the bangs design of this phone and changing to a new digging design.

Previously, some netizens exposed a set of iPhone 14 Pro concept maps, from the picture can be seen that the new machine completely eliminated the appearance of bangs, using a digging design, and is a "round hole + pill" double digging hole appearance.

iPhone 14 series film exposure, there is a big change in the top of the screen, the bangs completely disappeared!

It is understood that the iPhone 14 Pro uses double digging holes to retain Face ID face recognition, and the two holes include front shot digging holes and Face ID digging holes, which are placed separately and look like an exclamation point.

The middle frame of the phone is still a right angle design, but the volume keys may be changed to the classic circular buttons of the iPhone 4 era.

In addition, the back camera of this phone will also usher in adjustments, the bulge of the rear camera will be greatly improved, and the rectangular bulge under the camera module will disappear, looking more minimalistic than the iPhone 13 series.

iPhone 14 series film exposure, there is a big change in the top of the screen, the bangs completely disappeared!

In addition to the appearance will usher in changes, the configuration of the iPhone 14 series will also be comprehensively improved, the entire series is equipped with more advanced A16 chips, using TSMC 3nm process, while the iPhone 14 Pro series will also increase the memory to 8GB.

There is no doubt that the iPhone 14 series will be significantly upgraded in terms of performance, and the experience of this phone will inevitably become stronger in all aspects when running all kinds of large games.

Then there is the small screen mini version of the model will be completely canceled, because the performance of these two generations of mini models is not good, so apple has the intention of abandoning the small screen flagship, so the iPhone 14 series will no longer launch a mini version, replaced by a 6.7-inch standard model.

iPhone 14 series film exposure, there is a big change in the top of the screen, the bangs completely disappeared!

It is reported that the new model will be named iPhone 14 Max, which means that the next generation of products will have two models with 6.7-inch screens, and the iPhone 14 Max will be unveiled as a low-cost version of the large-screen flagship.

On the whole, the iPhone 14 series released this year will be a large-scale adjustment of Apple's mobile phone, so for this phone, what are you looking forward to, welcome to comment, like, share, talk about your views.

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