
LOL: Takaju No-ku T0 more versions, playing Wild Ike is equal to the upper score


The recent changes by the designer can be said to be very interesting, on the national service data station, since the passive increase in the damage to the wild monsters, Ike's strength is high, and the current version is still ranked in the wild area T0. It can only be said that the designer version of the change really does not look at the national service data, other wild heroes are weakened once they look up, And Zhao Xinming is mediocre in the rankings, but it is weakened by the performance on the field. And Ike has been strong for so long without being knifed, can only say that it is really a sharp weapon, you can get on the points, and then bring you the current version of Ike's gameplay analysis.

LOL: Takaju No-ku T0 more versions, playing Wild Ike is equal to the upper score

Rune selection

Ike's choice in runes is still relatively fixed, the cornerstone rune prefers the Dark Harvest, and then points out the Shock, Eyeball Collector and Greed Hunter. The sub-department recommends pointing out the magic shoes and astral insight.

LOL: Takaju No-ku T0 more versions, playing Wild Ike is equal to the upper score

Ike's ability to fight as a wild head-to-head is not strong, but the passive presence of W causes Ike to be extremely capable of harvesting blood, and the Dark Reaper can maximize Ike's ability to harvest. The sudden shock is that Ike's combo moves are very dependent on EA, the sudden impact return is extremely high, the eyeball collector is to increase the snowball income, and the greed hunter is Ike's wild fight, which can make Ike have a better state in the game. The Sub-Series Magic Boots provide economy, and Astral Insight can shorten the punishment CD, which is extremely cost-effective for The Wild. However, abusive dishes or self-confidence can also exchange astral insight for the future market, or the sub-department directly chooses the triumph and fatal blow of the precision system.

Outfit selection

Although Ike has the displacement of E skill, it is still not enough in actual combat, and it is difficult for Ike to step on the opponent from a distance by relying only on E skill, so the mythical equipment chooses a push rod that can shift more to enhance Ike's operating space. Allow Ike to be a better GANK opponent.

LOL: Takaju No-ku T0 more versions, playing Wild Ike is equal to the upper score

In the choice of god costume, it is recommended to be violent, and after making a push stick, go straight to the Lich's Curse, hat, magic wand and golden body. Priority is given to lichs and hats, the lich's flare effect can greatly increase the Ike EAQ three-ring slash line, hats and magic staffs are the maximum damage, and the golden body is to increase the fault tolerance rate to prevent the failure to open the big move and be seconds. At the same time, after the Lich Disaster is suggested in the game, the stopwatch is made up, and the stopwatch is used to become a golden body.

Match ideas

LOL: Takaju No-ku T0 more versions, playing Wild Ike is equal to the upper score

Ike is a very economically needy wild, only after having enough development, can have a good role in the game, a well-developed Ike, can fully be a three-ring second person. And once the development is not good, a three-ring can not be seconds of Ike, in the middle and late stage of the team battle will be very mixed. Therefore, when playing Ike, you must find a way to brush the economy, and you can keep the skill K head when you are in GANK.

LOL: Takaju No-ku T0 more versions, playing Wild Ike is equal to the upper score

At the same time, limited by the weak ability of the early single head, it is necessary to adjust according to the opponent on the field route, such as the opponent leopard woman, the blind monk, which has a strong early combat effectiveness and strong invasion ability, you can choose to single-person reverse drive, stagger the opponent's brushing route, so as to avoid being killed by the wild area alignment. At the same time, try to play around the strong road, whether it is GANK or anti-squat has a good return.


LOL: Takaju No-ku T0 more versions, playing Wild Ike is equal to the upper score

Because Ike's bonus is extremely high, after getting the economy can play a huge role, so the use of Ike on the score can be said to test the player's play enough poison, this is a very simple cost-effective problem, the same head economy, Ike can play a greater role after getting the snowball. Therefore, when playing, you can push the line with the K head and help the team to ensure their own development.

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