
"The Pentagon believes that Russia has put more than 90 percent of its pre-prepared troops into Ukraine." According to U.S. intelligence, Ukraine still has relatively viable anti-aircraft missiles

author:Military situation in the south

"The Pentagon believes that Russia has put more than 90 percent of its pre-prepared troops into Ukraine." According to U.S. intelligence, Ukraine still has a relatively viable anti-aircraft missile system. The Pentagon also noted that the Russian armed forces have not recently fired cruise missiles from ships in the Black Sea. "Since the beginning of the Russian operation, Russia has launched 480 cruise missiles, 230 missiles from mobile launchers deployed by Russia in Ukraine, another 160 from the Russian mainland, 70 from Belarus and 10 from the Russian Black Sea Fleet." Cruise missiles fired by Russian strategic bombers are not counted here. The commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armed forces announced the missiles that Ukraine has been hit by since being attacked by the Russian army: "A total of 213 missiles have been hit, including 185 Iskander ballistic missiles, 35 caliber cruise missiles, and 3 unknown models." "Ukrainian military statistics and American statistics, the data is too different. According to the open situation of the Americans, the Russian army only launched 480 pieces in 8 days, an average of 60 pieces a day. Considering that Ukraine is the second largest country in Europe in terms of territorial area, this is not very strong. In the end, it is still a "money" word, Russia has not achieved "cruise missile freedom". In addition to the problem of money, there are also major problems in the allocation of strike firepower by the Russian army: after the missile roll call is completed, the long-range rocket bomb should continue to explode, the long-range rocket bomber should be blown up, the air force bomber and the weapon outside the defense zone should be blown up, the air force bomber and the weapon outside the defense zone should be blown up, the patrol missile and the drone bomb should be blown up, the cruise missile and the drone should be blown up, the guided shell should be blown up, the single-soldier UAV and anti-tank missile should be blown up, and finally the tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and personnel should clean up the battlefield. The Russian army only used the first step to release the last step, resulting in heavy losses for the Russian Army. #Russian Dynamics ##Ukraine##导弹 #

"The Pentagon believes that Russia has put more than 90 percent of its pre-prepared troops into Ukraine." According to U.S. intelligence, Ukraine still has relatively viable anti-aircraft missiles
"The Pentagon believes that Russia has put more than 90 percent of its pre-prepared troops into Ukraine." According to U.S. intelligence, Ukraine still has relatively viable anti-aircraft missiles
"The Pentagon believes that Russia has put more than 90 percent of its pre-prepared troops into Ukraine." According to U.S. intelligence, Ukraine still has relatively viable anti-aircraft missiles

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