
On March 3, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy called out to Russian President Vladimir Putin in a speech hoping to sit at the negotiating table with the other side for dialogue. Zelenskiy said in his speech: "I am free, with me

author:Li Bohan

On March 3, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy called out to Russian President Vladimir Putin in a speech hoping to sit at the negotiating table with the other side for dialogue.

Zelenskiy said in his speech: "I have time, sit down with me, but not at a distance of 30 meters, as you did when you met Macron or Scholz. I am your neighbor. I don't bite, I'm a normal person, sit down with me, come and talk, what are you afraid of? ”

#乌总统: The international community failed to solve the problem in time ##Kiev or not the real target of the Russian military ##Zelenskiy##Ukrainian President Zelenskiy ##泽连斯基愿意和普京直接对话 #

On March 3, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy called out to Russian President Vladimir Putin in a speech hoping to sit at the negotiating table with the other side for dialogue. Zelenskiy said in his speech: "I am free, with me
On March 3, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy called out to Russian President Vladimir Putin in a speech hoping to sit at the negotiating table with the other side for dialogue. Zelenskiy said in his speech: "I am free, with me
On March 3, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy called out to Russian President Vladimir Putin in a speech hoping to sit at the negotiating table with the other side for dialogue. Zelenskiy said in his speech: "I am free, with me

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