
How to treat uremia conservatively, what can be done to curb the deterioration of the disease? Take a look at your doctor's advice

The harm caused by uremia to human health is extremely great. Because in the case of uremia, with the passage of time, the metabolism and detoxification functions of the kidneys can no longer play a normal role, which will lead to a large amount of metabolic garbage stagnating inside the human body.

Over time, it is easy to cause a significant reduction in the patient's life expectancy. Therefore, after the emergence of uremia troubles, we must pay attention to actively take countermeasures.

How to treat uremia conservatively, what can be done to curb the deterioration of the disease? Take a look at your doctor's advice

However, as we all know, as far as the existing medical means are concerned, it is impossible to truly achieve a complete cure for uremia. At present, the control of the condition of uremia patients mainly relies on kidney transplantation, hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, drug treatment, diet control and lifestyle adjustment.

Among them, kidney transplantation is often not high compared with other types of treatment due to the high cost of surgery and the difficulty of matching kidney sources.

So in terms of the last few types of conservative treatment methods in addition to kidney transplantation, in the treatment process, what should uremia patients do to more effectively curb the deterioration of the disease?

How to treat uremia conservatively, what can be done to curb the deterioration of the disease? Take a look at your doctor's advice

1. Hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis

For patients with uremia troubles, dialysis treatment has always been one of the most commonly used conservative treatment methods. However, in this process, the vast majority of patients will hesitate whether to choose hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis.

In fact, these two dialysis treatment options actually have their own advantages and disadvantages. For example, for peritoneal dialysis, the advantage is that it can preserve the remaining kidney function to a certain extent, and dialysis operations can be performed at home, without frequent trips to the hospital, and the disadvantage is that it needs to be operated by itself, so it is necessary to master the correct operation process to avoid peritonitis reaction due to improper operation.

How to treat uremia conservatively, what can be done to curb the deterioration of the disease? Take a look at your doctor's advice

For hemodialysis, its advantage is that it can quickly filter excess toxins and metabolic waste in the blood, and it needs to go to the hospital to complete the process operation by doctors or nurses, so it does not require manual operation by patients or family members, so that side effects caused by improper operation can be avoided to the greatest extent.

However, the disadvantage is that dialysis must be performed in the hospital, so it is necessary to go to the hospital frequently, and the time required for a single dialysis is often between 3 and 5 hours, so it is more time-consuming daytime energy and time.

How to treat uremia conservatively, what can be done to curb the deterioration of the disease? Take a look at your doctor's advice

2. Medication

For uremia patients, in addition to receiving dialysis treatment in a timely manner according to the actual development of the disease, it is also necessary to actively take drug treatment. Especially in controlling blood pressure, treating anemia and alleviating electrolyte imbalances, the role of rational medication has always been crucial.

However, relying only on drug treatment can not really achieve effective control of the disease, for this, uremia patients must pay more attention, that is, must not think that drug treatment and dialysis treatment can be substituted for each other, this wrong view must be corrected in time.

How to treat uremia conservatively, what can be done to curb the deterioration of the disease? Take a look at your doctor's advice

3. Diet control

In the conservative treatment of uremia, it is very important to actively control the diet. If you eat three meals daily, you must stay away from foods that are high in salt, high in potassium, high in purines, high in oil and fat, and high in protein.

Otherwise, it is likely that the condition will further deteriorate due to excessive metabolic pressure, which will have a considerable adverse impact on the patient's physical health.

How to treat uremia conservatively, what can be done to curb the deterioration of the disease? Take a look at your doctor's advice

The above is an introduction to the key matters that patients with uremia should pay attention to in the process of conservative treatment. For such knowledge, uremia patients must pay full attention.

If there is a bad behavior that is not conducive to the control of the disease, we must pay attention to active correction. Otherwise, it is easy to cause the condition to continue to worsen, which will have a serious negative impact on the patient's physical health.

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