
Charging your phone overnight? Charger plugged into an outlet for a long time? Check it out!

Before going to bed

Put your phone at the head of the bed to charge?

Even the charging cable is still used to open the glue?

Recently, Yulin, Guangxi

A fire broke out in a private house

Charging your phone overnight? Charger plugged into an outlet for a long time? Check it out!

The reason is that the man is resting on the second floor

Put your phone aside to charge

But due to the old charger, the insulation layer fell off

The wires are exposed, and the furniture is ignited after the wires are shorted

This led to a fire

to master the right way to charge your phone

Charging your phone overnight? Charger plugged into an outlet for a long time? Check it out!
Charging your phone overnight? Charger plugged into an outlet for a long time? Check it out!

Transferred from: Gansu Fire Fighting

Jiuquan Fire All Media Center released

Source: Jiuquan Fire

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