
Robin Armstrong Horoscope for March 12, 2022

Robin Armstrong Horoscope for March 12, 2022

Aries Translator: Midnight

The first week of the month will be difficult, but the 7th will change and your energy will be back online. Take care of the hassles in the first week of the month and make time to enjoy the next 3 weeks. It's the ideal month to put ideas into action.

The New Moon on March 2 will be a relatively calm phase of the moon. breathe deeply!

The full moon on March 18 will be a relatively calm moon phase. Go at your own pace!

Special attention:

If you were born between April 17 and 19, you will encounter a major conflict. You have to face reality and settle it. You can't run away. You need to catch up. Take a stand, regardless of the outcome. Don't ask or count on intermissions. Stay honest, then the truth will set you free.

Taurus Translator: Ah Seven

Your timing will be inappropriate in the last three weeks of March. You will become irritable and prone to complaining. It's important to slow down and get a good rest. It will be a struggle between freedom and responsibility. Don't go after what you want, but go after what you need.

The new moon on March 2 will be harmonious. Keep smiling!

The full moon on March 18 will also be harmonious. Be kind!

If you were born between May 1 and 3, it would be a significantly changing month. Don't expect stability. Someone or something is leaving you or will disappoint you. Let it go and let it go. The challenge here is not to continue to invest in bad things. Once you let go, you can move on.

Gemini Translator: Past Girl

For most Gemini this month, action trumps words. Do what you want but don't try to explain or convince others. You will be prone to fantasy and distortion of reality. Because this March is not a month conducive to making investments or commitments. It is enough to be sincere and kind.

The new moon on March 2 will be a tense lunar phase. Emphasis on communication!

The full moon on March 18 is also a tense moon phase. Strive for self-reliance!

If you were born between June 3rd and 15th, it would be a time with too many options! When you're better off putting it down you tend to solve everything. Accept the simplification. Be careful to expect that yours and those of others are. If something goes wrong, you will be blamed.

Cancer Translator: Midnight

The first week of March is full of difficulties and pressures, but the situation will improve on the 7th and the stress factors will weaken. So if there's something difficult to do, do it in the first week. You can then spend the rest of the month smoothly. Communication is the focus for most of the month. Emphasize the positive side.

The New Moon on March 2 will be a harmonious moon phase, don't rush!

March 18 will also be a harmonious moon phase, moving at your own pace!

If you were born between July 20 and 22, you would still encounter sharp confrontation from the surrounding area. You have to review what you think is important and true. Don't expect sympathy. Just face what you deserve. Stand your ground, regardless of the consequences.

Leo Translator: Midnight

Your energy levels will be low this month and your time will not be as good. Your main challenge is to exercise restraint and control your temper. If you push an issue or complain too much, you isolate yourself. Take your time and drive carefully! It is important to guarantee a good rest.

The New Moon on March 2 will be a relatively calm phase of the moon. Less said is soon amended!

The new moon on March 18 is also a relatively calm phase. Take a deep breath before speaking!

If you were born between August 10-14, you would try to stay as far away from your goals as possible. Now is not the time to quit. You will lose too much. Don't accept more time requirements. Wait for the opportunity. When stress increases, you should start learning or adding some new skills that you like.

Virgo Translator: Midnight

This month, your problems will come from many things, not few. You may overstate or overemphasize the importance of your ideas. But it's important for you to use discernment and limit your involvement. Stay busy and work as independently as possible.

The New Moon on March 2 will be a stressful moon phase, don't blame anyone!

The full moon on March 18 is also a stressful moon phase. If there is a comment, don't say it!

If you were born between September 7 and 17, expectations can cause problems, whether it's your own expectations or those of others. Remember to defend to win a championship. You don't have to take the lead, or invest. Avoid commitment and just do your own thing.

Libra Translator: Ah Seven

Libra is popular this month. Your ideas will inspire people and the initiatives you take will be appreciated. Positive thoughts go a long way toward strengthening friendships. Don't focus on the dark side of power. There are a lot of beautiful things to talk about. When pausing, take the initiative.

The new moon on March 2 will be relatively calm. Be patient!

The full moon on March 18 will also be relatively calm. Keep critical thoughts to yourself!

If you were born on Libra between October 19 and 22, you will still face confrontation with someone or something. It's going to be a tough love month. You may want to stand your ground against the intentions of others. Face your fears. Stick to the truth and don't think about the results!

Scorpio Translator: Midnight

This month won't come as easy for you. Both giving and receiving are stressful. Your time is running out. It looks like you're trying very hard. Then try to relax and slow down. If you push the problem, the resistance will also increase. Your ideas are free and creative.

The New Moon on March 2 will be a harmonious moon phase, keep it sincere!

The full moon on March 18 is also a harmonious moon phase, fluent in words!

If you were born between November 10 and 14, you will be bored and limited this month. The pressure is there, forcing you to adjust your goals. Short-term pain is exchanged for long-term gains. You need to make a serious effort to get things done and then move on. Be patient, things take time.

Sagittarius Translator: Midnight

This month will be easy for you to put your wishes into action. Taking the initiative is also easy. But trying to talk about it or explain it is difficult. Just do it! No one wants to know why! Mentally vulnerable and inclined to accept extreme views. Try to stay cold and keep things simple. Don't give promises!

The New Moon on March 2 will be a stressful phase. Listen!

The full moon on March 18 is also a stressful moon phase. Pay attention to details!

If you were born between December 5th and 16th, it would be a month full of great anticipation! You will have a tendency to exaggerate. Now is not a good time to invest. Let them stay quiet. If you don't shoot, you won't be knocked down, but there will be a lot of temptations!

Capricorn Translator: Midnight

This will be a relatively smooth start month. With what you started last month, life will naturally progress. There will be no major obstacles or challenges. In fact, you tend to be kind to others. Doing so will bring benefits. Help wherever you need it, you will feel satisfied.

The new moon on March 2 is a harmonious moon phase. Go at your own pace!

The full moon on March 18 is also a harmonious moon phase. Be considerate!

If you were born between January 17 and 19, it would be another stressful month. You need to look at your situation and pay special attention to things that are no longer good for you. Be honest with yourself. It's going to be a good month to quickly strengthen your will, not for following!

Aquarius Translator: A Seven

Times change rapidly. We need to make decisions. Decide your own goals and let the sexiness and charm of the water bottle be the focus of the month. You'll easily get what you want. If you want something, you have to take the initiative, and you should get it. A positive mindset and optimism will break through the darkness of viral fear.

The new moon on March 2 will be relatively calm. Believe in your values!

The full moon on March 18 will also be relatively calm. smile!

If you were born between January 31 and February 2, it would be a rupture month. Expect surprises. Someone or something can disappoint you or disappear from your life. Don't make a fuss about it. Let go and move on. Don't keep investing in bad things. Once you let go, your smile will come back.

Pisces Translator: None

For most Pisces, March is one of the most adventurous and romantic months.

New opportunities will naturally emerge.

You just have to reach out and take advantage of them.

In fact, there may be too many opportunities.

You don't have to stick to just one.

You have to move forward and rely on your blessings.

The new moon on March 2 will be the most sensitive moon of the year. Take some time to reflect on yourself!

The full moon on March 18 will show some mixed signals. Don't look back!

Special attention:

If you were born between February 26 and March 5, it will be a lucky month.

If you were born between March 3 and 14, pisces, it will be a very lucky month for promotion.

You're going to break through yourself, especially with what you've been trying to do.

Make sure you move forward and expand your horizons.

Write, travel, and set goals.

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