
Robin Armstrong_February 2022 Horoscope


This month you will clash with authority. It's as if you're trying to climb up a mountain. You will be restless, sharp-tongued, and try to avoid expressing your dissatisfaction. You are also prone to accidents. Make sure you get enough sleep. Don't get grumpy and tired!

The new moon on February 1 is a harmonious full moon. The full moon on February 16 will also be a harmonious full moon. Hold your horses!

Special attention:

If you are an Aries in April, then this will be a particularly troublesome month. It's not the big things that annoy you, it's the little things. This intensity will increase as it progresses this month. You really need some emotional control. Don't take on things that are beyond your reach!


This month you will seize any opportunity. The opportunity will come! By being considerate and responsible, you will attract the trust and confidence of others. The secret to doing this to the maximum is to make sure you make money for others while you make money for yourself.

The new moon on February 1 is a stressful day. The full moon on February 16 is also a tense full moon. Don't be the head bird!

If you were born between May 5 and 9, you will encounter more needs and responsibilities this month. The pressure will come from authority. Be prepared to work hard and don't complain. Don't be slow! Go the extra mile. Short-term inconvenience is exchanged for long-term benefits and respect.


You may exaggerate the priorities of things. This may not bring more clarity or peace. It will be a tough investment period. Spiritually, this is a good time to retreat to reduce temptation. Keep it simple and be silent if possible.

The new moon on February 1 is a harmonious full moon. The full moon on February 16 is also a harmonious full moon. Follow someone else!

If you were born between June 10 and 13, it's a time of temptation and vulnerability. Don't rely on other people's commitments, don't make any commitments. It's a moment of apathy, away from the spotlight. Big plans can be big problems.


That's when you start to feel like opportunities are starting to emerge. The situation is serious, you will be excluded! This month is less suitable for you to take the initiative or try to make things happen. You'd better restrain yourself, control your temper, and slow down.

The new moon on February 1 is a relatively calm new moon. The full moon on February 16 is also a relatively calm moon. Hold your horses!

If you were born in July, then this month will be an easy month for you. The main troubles have passed, and the road ahead is beginning to clear. Staying in touch with others and helping as much as you can is good for you. Kindness also promotes good luck.


The struggle between freedom and responsibility continues to add to the stress of your life. The cost of security and the cost of independence compels you to act. At this point, caution and protecting your safety are wise choices. Adventures may escalate to more adventures and less security.

The New Moon on February 1 is a tense full moon day. The full moon of February 16 will bring complex signals. Control your feelings... moderation!

If you are born in July or the first 5 days of August, the second half of the month will be particularly disturbing. Your ideas and strategies are not stable. You'll be restless. Stay physically active, it will keep your mind active.


You may be overreacting this month. Whether positive or negative, you will overreact. It's best to overreact to positive things. But now is not a good time for you to lead. If you maintain a steady discipline and self-discipline, you will make progress. Continuous effort pays off.

The new moon on February 1 is a relatively calm new moon. The full moon on February 16 will also be relatively calm and harmonious. Nosy!

If you were born between September 12 and 16, you will be easily tempted and deceived this month. Any kind of big plan will work against you. Don't try to explain it to anyone. Silence is golden. Don't be fanatical, hide and let time pass.


Impatience and boredom. Some self-discipline is needed to deal with practical needs. Try to listen carefully before you make a reckless conclusion. Try to rest as much as possible while driving and slow down. It's also a month of frequent accidents.

The new moon on February 1 is a harmonious new moon. Remember to smile! The full moon on February 16 is also a harmonious full moon. Don't talk about your problem!

Special attention:

If you were born between September 23 and 28, this month will be full of interesting ideas. Emphasis on communication. Keep in touch with your friends. This month's theme will be spontaneous expression. It's also a good time to write.


If you can happily stick to your responsibilities, benefits will follow even as the workload increases. This is not the time to go crazy or run away from commitment. Stay as steady as possible and be patient. This anxiety will pass. Listen carefully and your judgment won't let you down.

The new moon on February 1 is a tense new moon. The full moon on February 16 is also a tense full moon. Don't charge!

If you were born between November 3 and 6, you will be very anxious this month. The environment around you will change, and you need to let it happen naturally. Something or someone will be separated from you. Don't force the problem to be solved. Let go and don't look back!


This month your Force will disappear and the people around you will become more serious and wary. It's a time to keep you aloof and recharged. Stay busy with things you love. Deal with the most tedious part first, and then finish it. Then your efforts will only become easier.

The new moon on February 1 is a harmonious new moon. Stay gentle! The full moon on February 16 is also a harmonious full moon. Cheers to the efforts of others!

If you were born between December 13 and 15, it's a confusing and problematic month. Big plans create big problems. Try to be consistent and simplify things. Don't make promises, and don't rely on other people's promises. Don't expect too much from everything.


The Force will be with you this month, and your charm is at its peak. Your smile will light up the room and evoke a positive response. If you want something, say it! The outside world is frustrating, but you'll cheer up!

The new moon on February 1 was relatively calm. The full moon on February 16 is also relatively calm. Don't do what you don't want to do!

If you were born between January 17 and 19, it's a stressful month. Hold one's ground. Deal with what should be done, go with the flow. This is not a time to surrender, but a time to audit your life and goals. Get rid of those targets that are bad for you!


Times change rapidly. We have to make a decision. Identify your goals and work on them. Then be patient and don't tell everyone. If it's special to you, don't throw it at people who might not value it. There is no need to get everything done at once. Just to make a commitment.

The New Moon on February 1 is the most sensitive of the year. The full moon of February 16 will bring complex signals. It's better to walk in the back than in front!

If you were born between February 4 and 8, it would be a major decision month. Define your goals. You can't waste any more time. Staying busy is a prerequisite for success. Your current decisions will have an impact on your entire productive life.


For most Pisces, it will be a prolific month. Jupiter is in your sign, and opportunity is knocking. The main challenge will be to choose the right one and stay away from the complicated or unworthy. You can achieve your dreams, but you have to work hard and work relentlessly.

The new moon on February 1 is a relatively calm new moon. The full moon on February 16 is also relatively calm. Give others a chance to shine!

If you were born between February 26 and March 5, it will be a lucky month. Promotions, salary increases, transfers and new investments augur well. Seizing this opportunity will be your challenge. This opportunity only happens once every 12 years, so don't be lazy. This is also a good time for you to travel.

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