
China's first child Yu Zhenhuan: several loves have no disease, 42-year-old married to a 13-year-old girl who has attracted much attention from the birth of bumpy and strong growth to meet the life is not beautiful

author:Fat Tiger says history

"No one will redeem you, you can only redeem yourself."

When you are born different from others, how do you spend your short life, is it passive and hateful to hate the injustices of the world or to actively become a new self? Different people think differently.

China's first child Yu Zhenhuan: several loves have no disease, 42-year-old married to a 13-year-old girl who has attracted much attention from the birth of bumpy and strong growth to meet the life is not beautiful

There is such a child in Liaoning, who has been discriminated against by everyone since birth because of his strange appearance. At one point, it even reached the brink of suicide. His life has been full of ups and downs, there have been lows, and there have been glories. He is Yu Zhenhuan, who is known as "China's first hairy child".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > high-profile birth</h1>

Yu Zhenhuan was originally an ordinary child, he was born in an ordinary rural area in Xiuyan County, Liaoning Province. It's just that since he was born, he is different from other children. Because he has a lot more hair than other children. And his birth shocked the world, and the nurses and parents who delivered him were even more shocked.

China's first child Yu Zhenhuan: several loves have no disease, 42-year-old married to a 13-year-old girl who has attracted much attention from the birth of bumpy and strong growth to meet the life is not beautiful

Some people may say that it is normal for a newborn child to have a lot of hair, but he is not normal to the point, you can hardly imagine that Xiao Zhenhuan's hair covers almost the entire body, and even his face is covered with black hair.

After the birth of such a strange child, it naturally attracted a lot of media attention, and it also shocked relevant people at home and abroad. Because people often come to interview and shoot, the adults look at him like a strange coffee, and Xiao Zhenhuan's heart gradually has a different feeling. Through the dissemination of the media, more and more social experts and the masses have developed a strong interest in his hair, including many medical experts.

China's first child Yu Zhenhuan: several loves have no disease, 42-year-old married to a 13-year-old girl who has attracted much attention from the birth of bumpy and strong growth to meet the life is not beautiful

Finally, one day, the experts of the Academy of Sciences sent a team to his house to investigate the situation. I wanted to see why he had so much hair on his body. Under the investigation, experts found that 96% of Xiao Zhenhuan's body had such hairs. He also had a not-so-nice nickname, called Mao Bao'er.

China's first child Yu Zhenhuan: several loves have no disease, 42-year-old married to a 13-year-old girl who has attracted much attention from the birth of bumpy and strong growth to meet the life is not beautiful

Xiao Zhenhuan was even named "the person with the most hair cover in the world" by Guinness World Records. Subsequently, experts found that there was a genetic mutation in Xiao Zhenhuan's body, so compared with normal children, the hair would appear more, but Xiao Zhenhuan's body and intelligence and other aspects were not any problems. Since then, the spread of the name Mao Bao'er has been more profound than that of Xiao Zhenhuan.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > bumpy and strong grown up</h1>

For his parents, their children are the heart of the heart after all. In the face of their children's differences, they did not choose to dislike, but took good care of him and treated him as an ordinary child. They also hope that Xiao Zhenhuan can have an ordinary and happy childhood life. But the gossip in the countryside at that time caused their family to suffer a lot of innocent blows.

China's first child Yu Zhenhuan: several loves have no disease, 42-year-old married to a 13-year-old girl who has attracted much attention from the birth of bumpy and strong growth to meet the life is not beautiful

The strange appearance brought him not only discrimination from the villagers, but also various theories, some people said that he was the reincarnation of Sun Wukong, and some people said that he had done bad things in his previous life, so in this life he punished him with all his hair. Even when he was in school, he was reluctant to take off his clothes, and sometimes he would even burn the hairs on his body with fire. Fortunately, the care of his parents and friends made Xiao Zhenhuan grow up gradually, and also let him understand that this was not a defect, but a reward from God. Instead of being able to eliminate it, it is better to accept it calmly.

China's first child Yu Zhenhuan: several loves have no disease, 42-year-old married to a 13-year-old girl who has attracted much attention from the birth of bumpy and strong growth to meet the life is not beautiful

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > greeting life is not good</h1>

Be grateful for each new challenge, as it will forge your will and character. This sentence is vividly displayed in Zhen Huan's body. Since accepting your physical defect and embracing it. Yu Zhenhuan's life has undergone earth-shaking changes, originally he was born in a poor family. Not surprisingly, he will live here diligently for the rest of his life, just like his parents. But it was because of his unique physical condition that scientists would shoot a documentary for him every year and find a job for his father.

China's first child Yu Zhenhuan: several loves have no disease, 42-year-old married to a 13-year-old girl who has attracted much attention from the birth of bumpy and strong growth to meet the life is not beautiful

When Yu Zhenhuan was seven years old, a Hong Kong company saw the news and seized the opportunity to shoot a movie for him, "Little Hairy Kid Treasure Hunt", which made him a child star. Because he was liked by everyone, Yu Zhenhuan also became less inferior, but more calmly accepted his hair defects. In this way, he also stepped into the entertainment industry, and since the age of 11, Yu Zhenhuan has followed the group around to perform. As a result, his family situation has improved very well.

China's first child Yu Zhenhuan: several loves have no disease, 42-year-old married to a 13-year-old girl who has attracted much attention from the birth of bumpy and strong growth to meet the life is not beautiful

It's just that as he gets older and sees that his children's careers are stable, the next thing to worry about is Yu Zhenhuan's marriage. In fact, in the process of the performance, Yu Zhenhuan met several girls who were in agreement. It's just that although both parties have intentions, the woman's parents always mind because of his appearance, and eventually they can only break up.

China's first child Yu Zhenhuan: several loves have no disease, 42-year-old married to a 13-year-old girl who has attracted much attention from the birth of bumpy and strong growth to meet the life is not beautiful

One of the most sensational paragraphs should be in 1999, Yu Zhenhuan met a girl named Lin Yun, and the two people were in love. And the other party is a white-collar worker who has just graduated, works in Beijing, and has good conditions at home. However, sweet love does not resist the pressure of reality. His girlfriend took him home and was opposed by his parents, but it was okay if he was willing to dispose of the hairs. But Yu Zhenhuan said: He does not want to shave, because these hairs that you cannot accept are given to him by God and his parents. Although it brought pain, it also gave him greater opportunities and a strong heart.

China's first child Yu Zhenhuan: several loves have no disease, 42-year-old married to a 13-year-old girl who has attracted much attention from the birth of bumpy and strong growth to meet the life is not beautiful

It may be precisely because of Yu Zhenhuan's attitude that in the next few years, his love has not been greatly improved, although he has also met a girl he likes, but the other party's family always rejects him for such reasons. But fortunately, heaven is fair, and where others don't appreciate you, they will always be discovered and appreciated.

China's first child Yu Zhenhuan: several loves have no disease, 42-year-old married to a 13-year-old girl who has attracted much attention from the birth of bumpy and strong growth to meet the life is not beautiful

Just in 2019, Yu Zhenhuan suddenly posted a marriage certificate on the social platform one day, saying that he had married at the age of 42. However, to protect his wife and his privacy, he did not publish the photos. But we can see that the other party in the marriage certificate is a post-90s girl, 13 years younger than him.

China's first child Yu Zhenhuan: several loves have no disease, 42-year-old married to a 13-year-old girl who has attracted much attention from the birth of bumpy and strong growth to meet the life is not beautiful

Although Yu Zhenhuan has gradually faded from our sight now, we believe that he is living his happiest life in some corner of the world. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of a life with flaws, as long as you accept it calmly, life is still wonderful.

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