
The sensational "hairy child" of the year, only at the age of 42 ushered in true love and gave birth to a son, what is happening to him now

author:Gao Lingqing


One night in September 1977, Yu Laobo, a villager in Xiuyan County, Liaoning Province, gave birth to his third child.

The midwife was holding a hemp rope and was about to tie the umbilical cord, when she suddenly saw the baby's gradually revealing face covered with black fluff, and couldn't help but exclaim.

The sensational "hairy child" of the year, only at the age of 42 ushered in true love and gave birth to a son, what is happening to him now

What kind of monster is this? Everyone in the room gasped.

Since then, Lao Yu often gathers villagers at the door of his house to point fingers, and it is rumored that this is the reincarnation of a demon monkey, and the little hairy monkey will bring disaster to the village.

The Yu family and his wife were unimpressed by the gossip of the villagers, named the child Yu Zhenhuan, and carefully raised this special child.

They found that Zhenhuan's facial features were very delicate, but the thick hair covered his face.

This is the origin of the "hairy child" Yu Zhenhuan.

A genetic mutation caused him to be covered in black hair, and he was destined to have an extraordinary life from birth.

With this difficult problem that fate has opened for him, can he turn the danger into a disaster and create a world of his own?

Special hairs cause the status quo of chain monsters

The parents took the young Zhenhuan to the provincial hospital for examination, and after layers of expert consultations, it was finally clear that this was just a genetic mutation atavism, not a disease, and the body functions were very healthy.

This was a relief to parents who had been worried for a long time.

The sensational "hairy child" of the year, only at the age of 42 ushered in true love and gave birth to a son, what is happening to him now

However, his peculiar appearance and special physique have made Yu Zhenhuan the focus of scientific researchers and the media.

Many experts and scholars rushed to test and analyze his DNA, hoping to make a breakthrough in the theory of biological evolution.

Parents are both happy and helpless to find out that their child has suddenly become a public figure.

I am glad that the state has given attention and welfare, and has provided help for the future of Zhenhuan; Unfortunately, these concerns also took away Zhenhuan's calm and happy childhood at the same time.

When he was 7 years old, a Hong Kong film company came directly to the door and let Zhenhuan, who was still in elementary school, star in the first movie in his life "The Adventures of Little Hairy Boys".

The make-up artist created an exaggerated look for him, and he performed the choreographed dialogue in front of the camera.

The sensational "hairy child" of the year, only at the age of 42 ushered in true love and gave birth to a son, what is happening to him now

The staff on the set all cast strange or sympathetic glances at the young actor, which hurt the unformed self-esteem.

The childhood that should have been spent on the knees of his parents was broken by various external forces, and he was treated as a star or an experimental subject.

Mental development may be more sensitive and precocious than the average person.

No one knows what he really thinks in his heart.

Endure discrimination and find a way out in loneliness

As he grew older, Zhenhuan gradually realized what his distinctive appearance would bring to him.

When he was 10 years old, he saw the strange eyes of his classmates for the first time.

The children's comments about what you say and I are disturbing have greatly stimulated the sensitive and suspicious him.

In junior high school, Zhenhuan's appearance became more and more ugly, and he was being ridiculed and bullied by his classmates all the time on campus.

The sensational "hairy child" of the year, only at the age of 42 ushered in true love and gave birth to a son, what is happening to him now

Those harsh words were like sharp blades, piercing deep into his young heart.

After school, Zhenhuan always walked silently by himself, letting the laughter echo in the long hallway.

Throughout his teenage years, he lived a very hesitant and hopeless life.

He began to hide, and he went out tightly wrapped.

The stares and whispers of passers-by became his biggest pain.

Once when he went out shopping, a little boy was frightened by his appearance and cried, and his mother hurriedly took the child away, revealing her disdain for him in a few words.

This scene became a huge wound in Zhenhuan's heart.

Yu Zhenhuan finally chose to leave school and leave the normal life of the crowd.

He couldn't face those cynicisms, and he couldn't withstand the collapse of his inner world.

He began to do nothing, hiding in a dark room all day.

Mother's comfort became the only consolation.

The sensational "hairy child" of the year, only at the age of 42 ushered in true love and gave birth to a son, what is happening to him now

In this desperate situation, a chance chance changed him......

Wandering in Beijing to show off your ambitions

It was the day when a theatrical show was held in the village.

Daodao's penetrating voice attracted the crowd.

With the crisp sound of the guitar, a tall boy wearing big sunglasses and tightly wrapped in music sang the famous old English song.

There was silence at the scene, no ridicule, no ridicule, only shocked admiration.

After the song, the audience erupted in warm applause.

Zhenhuan knows that as long as he sings, he is another person.

The eyes and comments of those outsiders were far away from him.

The sensational "hairy child" of the year, only at the age of 42 ushered in true love and gave birth to a son, what is happening to him now

This time, his parents and villagers also saw his talent, which became the motivation for him to go to the stage.

At the age of 18, he resolutely packed his bags and came to distant Beijing.

He thought this was the soil he should be growing on.

For more than a thousand days and nights, he continued to hide himself, relying on his extraordinary voice to perform the streets.

Occasionally, an agent passes by and will leave his business card to him; The Army's Art Troupe also sent him an invitation.

However, he didn't say yes - what he longed for was not to be transformed by packaging, but to stand on the stage as a complete version of himself.

During the day, he continues to sing in bars of all sizes; In the evening, he practiced vocal music and basic skills.

It takes too much hard work to get through a day, but Yu Zhenhuan has never given up his dream, even if he lives a poor life, he is growing little by little.

Because he knows that only by fighting against the odds can he have a chance to reverse his fate.

The sensational "hairy child" of the year, only at the age of 42 ushered in true love and gave birth to a son, what is happening to him now

In 2002, Yu Zhenhuan's efforts finally paid off......

Loss vs. Gain He struggled on the edge of despair

Behind the success of his career, Yu Zhenhuan's emotional world is not satisfactory.

During a national tour, a girl named Bai Jie frequently appeared, sending flowers and RSP information fields to confess to Zhenhuan.

She was born in a famous family, and her appearance was quiet and moving.

What's even more rare is that she accepted Zhenhuan's distinctive appearance from the beginning.

A girl who really likes herself is undoubtedly a gift from God for Zhenhuan, who has been lonely for many years.

Soon, the two came together and had a short but sweet time.

However, the good times did not last long, Bai Jie's parents had a tough attitude and forcibly separated the two for various reasons.

After the breakup, Zhenhuan lost sleep all night long, and his white voice and smile became a ghost by his pillow.

He began to understand that his appearance would never be worthy of an ordinary girl, let alone a noble-born girl like Bai Jie.

The sensational "hairy child" of the year, only at the age of 42 ushered in true love and gave birth to a son, what is happening to him now

Then, another confession and the denial of his parents defeated him.

This time, he fell into unprecedented despair.

He realized that with his appearance in his fifties, it would never be his turn to have a happy marriage in this life.

Desperate, he began to think that maybe he would never experience that sweetness again in this life......

At this time, during a charity performance, the appearance of a girl became his lifesaver.

She not only accepted Yu Zhenhuan's appearance, but also expressed her admiration for his self-improvement life experience.

Yu Zhenhuan came together with her like grasping the last straw.

The relationship between the two is heating up day by day, and they are even ready to get married.

However, the good times did not last long, and the opposition of the woman's parents knocked him to the ground again...... This time, he really fell into unprecedented despair.

In this dark hour, only music and his mother still hold him alive......

The sensational "hairy child" of the year, only at the age of 42 ushered in true love and gave birth to a son, what is happening to him now

With true love and a new life, he moved on

After experiencing the darkest period, 42-year-old Yu Zhenhuan finally ushered in his own love in June 2019.

At the wedding, the bride tearfully accepted his hair; And he took the bride's hand and was ecstatic.

Although he had to hide his lover's face, that happiness was written on his face.

After 4 years of marriage, he was happy to mention another son.

Yu Xiaohuan is smart and delicate, and he has not inherited his father's physique at all, which has become the best gift from God to Zhenhuan.

Today, he is still active in the entertainment industry, not only has a large number of fans on Douyin, but his solo tour is still hot.

It's just that the media no longer uses the word "freak" to describe him.

He is no longer bothered by his special appearance, and even proud of it.

The song "Mao Mao Theme" has undoubtedly become his masterpiece, and the confidence and pride revealed in the melody are a portrayal of himself.

The sensational "hairy child" of the year, only at the age of 42 ushered in true love and gave birth to a son, what is happening to him now

With ups and downs in his life, Yu Zhenhuan opened up his own world with perseverance and enthusiasm.

Someone may hate the injustice of fate, but he enjoys all the accidents that come with it.

The magnificent life is far from over......


42 years of ups and downs did not knock him down, but sharpened his tenacious character.

Each of us may not be able to choose our appearance and talents, but we can determine our own attitude towards life.

Perhaps one day, the world will no longer judge the meaning of a life by its appearance and condition.

The sensational "hairy child" of the year, only at the age of 42 ushered in true love and gave birth to a son, what is happening to him now

At that time, everyone could live happily and confidently like Yu Zhenhuan.

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