
The train runs fast because of the headband The enlightenment brought to us by the Gu Ailing phenomenon

As the saying goes, the train runs fast, all by the headband. At the Beijing Winter Olympics, the star athletes of the Chinese team who emerged were the "locomotives" of China's ice and snow sports in the future. At the competitive level, they have reached the world's top level, both "Revival" and "Harmony", indistinguishable from each other. But to say that in the level of influencing a generation and promoting ice and snow sports, even if they are champions, they cannot disobey Gu Ailing.

The train runs fast because of the headband The enlightenment brought to us by the Gu Ailing phenomenon

A myth

With the help of the Beijing Winter Olympics, Gu Ailing wrote a myth. She not only completed the highlight performance of winning 2 gold and 1 silver in the arena, but also relied on her existing "label" to become the absolute focus and traffic responsibility under the lens and layout of the media. Everything related to her will "fire", not only what she said after the game, even what she ate, what she wore, what she wore, what she wore, but also became a topic; commensurate with her popularity, she was also very successful in advertising endorsements. Now on the streets of Beijing, people can easily find Gu Ailing on outdoor print advertising, turn on the TV, and Gu Ailing's frequency in advertising is also very high. Some media have roughly calculated an account for Gu Ailing, and concluded that her total advertising endorsement fee income appropriately exceeded 100 million yuan.

There is no doubt that without the platform of the Beijing Winter Olympics, Gu Ailing's "myth" would not be so wonderful. But it is also undeniable that the wonderful performance of Gu Ailing and the Snow Athletes of the Chinese Winter Olympic delegation led by her has also greatly promoted the goals and visions to be achieved by hosting the Beijing Winter Olympics. This was reported on the February 24 news feed. It mentions that 84 snow resorts in Xinjiang have received 3.13 million tourists since October last year, an increase of more than 50% year-on-year; the Xiling Snow Mountain Ski Resort in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, has become one of the hottest tourism destinations in the local area, receiving a total of 440,000 visitors this year, an increase of 75% over the same period last year. In many parts of the country, ice and snow sports have become a new fashion. A Tianjin skier said in front of the camera: "I was very touched by the spirit of athletes winning honors for the country and stimulated my interest in these projects, so I also wanted to feel it." ”

In fact, in the ice and snow sports circle, the driving effect of this idol on the latecomers is very obvious. "Ice Butterfly" Chen Lu's idol when she was a child was the famous American figure skater Peggy Fleming, who later became the idol in the hearts of many Chinese children practicing figure skating; Su Yiming's idol was the Famous Canadian Mark McMorris, who competed with his idol at the Beijing Winter Olympics, showing his own style and level, and there is no doubt that he will become the object of emulation and pursuit by many Chinese children in the future. Gu Ailing was naturally not to mention.

A trend

In fact, even if it is not led by Gu Ailing and Su Yiming, only from the Perspective of the Tokyo Olympic Games and the Paris Olympic Games to be held in two years, more Chinese teenagers will participate in freestyle skiing and snowboarding in the future, which is also very in line with the development trend of the international Olympic movement.

At present, in addition to advocating equality between men and women in the project setting, the Summer Olympic Games are also vigorously promoting the sports that young people love. The same is true of the Winter Olympics. At the Beijing Winter Olympics, freestyle skiing and snowboarding are undoubtedly the most popular snow sports for teenagers. Freestyle skiing produced 13 gold medals. However, exactly 30 years ago, when it first entered the Winter Olympics, it only had 2 gold medals. By 2010, there were only 6. In other words, the remaining 7 events have all entered the Winter Olympics in the past 12 years. Snowboarding also has to add a "more" word. The event was first introduced to the Winter Olympics in 1998, when four gold medals were set, then increased to six in 2006, 10 in 2014, and 11 at the Beijing Winter Olympics. It can be seen that the number of gold medals in these two events has expanded at a high speed in recent years.

The slope obstacle courses, big jumping, U-shaped track skills and aerial skills in these two events are all skill sports, which are different from cross-country skiing, Nordic biathlon, and winter biathlon, and the speed sports in snowboarding and freestyle skiing, but they are similar to the gymnastics, diving, trampoline and other sports of the Summer Olympic Games in terms of rules and skills, which is very suitable for East Asian athletes. Japan's Hirano Bumeng, who won the gold medal at the Beijing Winter Olympics this time, Korean athlete Chloe Jin from the United States, and Gu Ailing, Su Yiming, Xu Mengtao, and Qi Guangpu of the Chinese team are the best proof of this.

So now, these projects are not only the projects that the IOC wants to promote in the future, but also the sports projects that are more suitable for our Chinese, so if there are idol-level stars who can lead in these projects, then China's future development in these projects can be fully expected.

A thought

Then the next step is to talk about idol stars. During the Beijing Winter Olympics, the two strands of Gu Ailing's hair left outside the helmet were hot searched, but this was not actually Gu Ailing's first. After the project entered the Winter Olympics, some players have already begun to do this, even at the Beijing Winter Olympics, there are many people who do it. But why didn't anyone ask them that question? I'm afraid it's because they're not Gu Ailing.

Isn't this a bit like "touching porcelain"? Find a topic to rub the heat of Gu Ailing. But doesn't Gu Ailing "touch porcelain"? Whether it is the leek box or the bun she eats after the game, including the shabu-shabu lamb that she wants to eat with her grandmother, is not the favorite food of the Chinese people, especially the people of Beijing, the city where the Winter Olympics will be held? Including the dragon she lifted up the competition vest to reveal, and the dragon on her helmet and the dragon on the snowboard, wasn't she actively close to Beijing, China, and Chinese culture? In turn, did these actions make her more cute, vivid, grounded, and more able to win people's favor?

The answer is obvious. However, there is a logical question of "chicken or egg first": is it because Gu Ai linghuo, and then everything about her is news? Or because Gu Ailing has always been like this when she has the opportunity to face the media, and then she is getting more and more angry. The reporter interacted with her many times during the Beijing Winter Olympics, preferring the latter possibility.

Not long ago, a video attracted the attention of many sports journalists. The video explores two types of athletes in the Chinese team participating in the Beijing Winter Olympics, one is the widely watched Gu Ailing and Su Yiming, and the other is the champions who are hard-working but not well known, and the end of the video calls for people to pay more attention to those champions who are hard-working but unknown, calling for sponsorship and attention to be tilted towards them. But it's not really the media and people who don't want to pay attention. The reality is that the vast majority of Chinese athletes are indeed unfamiliar with the outside world, and their personalities are very introverted, so what shows people more is the results and the hard work behind them. And some details still rely on people close to them to expose to the outside world, such as the X-ray film with 22 steel nails on Jia Zongyang's legs, if it is not released by teammates, more people will not know. But in fact, from the perspective of the big goal and vision of China hosting a Winter Olympics, from the perspective of shaping our ice and snow star athletes and leading more teenagers to participate in ice and snow sports, it is equally important to tell your own story after winning the championship for the motherland and winning the championship, and if this story can be told in four years or even longer, showing different aspects of life and continuous growth, then it is obviously more perfect.

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