
A clever fusion of Eastern and Western art Chongqing girls' paintings of "home skin" are sought after by young people

A clever fusion of Eastern and Western art Chongqing girls' paintings of "home skin" are sought after by young people

Wei Yuanmeng took a group photo with his own painting of "Family Door Skin". Courtesy of respondents

Chongqing, February 26 (Liang Qinqing) Zodiac signs, fortune cats, landscape paintings... Decorated with colorful patterns on the doors of your own home, the unremarkable door is no longer monotonous. Recently, on Chinese social media, videos of painting "skins" for the gate attracted hundreds of thousands of traffic, and the art form behind the fusion of East and West is becoming more and more sought after by Chinese young people.

Wei Yuanmeng, a 23-year-old Chongqing girl who has loved to draw since childhood, received her first painting business at the age of 17, making wall painting graffiti for a convenience store. After graduating from university, she started her own business and officially entered the painting industry. In January 2022, Wei Yuanmeng shifted his gaze from the wall to the gate and called it the painting "Home Door Skin".

A clever fusion of Eastern and Western art Chongqing girls' paintings of "home skin" are sought after by young people

Talking about the source of inspiration, Wei Yuanmeng told the China News Network reporter on the 26th, "Every time I go back to my home, I feel that the door is cold and boring, I want to make it a little colorful and warm, and I painted a picture on the door and sent it to the circle of friends, and many people like it." ”

The phone has to wear a colorful shell, the game wants cool skin... Everyone dresses up and decorates things, representing the improvement of the living standards and aesthetic level of Chinese young people in the new era. For the "post-80s", "post-90s" and even "post-00s" who like to contact new things, decorating and graffiti on their own doors can achieve their purpose of pursuing personality.

Li Xue, a 25-year-old citizen of Chongqing, said, "This year is the Year of the Tiger, draw a tiger on the door, the tiger is mighty, and the picture is auspicious." In addition, my family is also a tiger, so I surprised him and wanted him to feel warm when he entered the door every day. ”

A clever fusion of Eastern and Western art Chongqing girls' paintings of "home skin" are sought after by young people

Wei Yuanmeng's painting of the "door skin" with the theme of the cat of fortune. Courtesy of respondents

"As a clear boundary between the public sphere and private space, the door is a cultural symbol and allegorical carrier that highlights the 'family culture'." Li Fang, deputy director of the Art Museum of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, said, "For example, painting a tiger on the door of the house, it is Tujili. This is the same as the traditional cultural customs of people's good wishes for the 'door god' to celebrate and pray for the New Year. "Home door skin" has low cost and wide spread, and is a creative method with pyrotechnic gas, which takes into account and satisfies individual aesthetics and effective expression with temperature.

Street graffiti, shop wall painting, parking space painting and "home skin"... "These fields from the public domain to the private space have become new mediums of painting, in fact, they are highlighting the background of thousands of people. Li Fang said.

She believes that the desire for a better life is an intrinsic gene that people have solidified in their long evolution. The rapid development of the city has profoundly changed the spiritual production and consumption methods in the fields of art, literature, film and television that fill it. People's demand expression and psychological needs are gradually changing, and artistic creation and its contemporary dissemination will also change.

Surrounded by fog, built by mountains, three-dimensional transportation, and 8D city, Chongqing is like a "magic river", giving artistic workers creative inspiration and growth nutrients. One of the largest graffiti art galleries in the world is located on Huangjueping Graffiti Art Street in Jiulongpo District, Chongqing.

"Chongqing is a highly recognizable city with a cultural context, a charming outlook and a temperature, and art workers have a unique artistic soil here." Li Fang said that Chongqing is an important town in the southwest that cannot be underestimated on China's artistic map, with a rich historical and cultural heritage. On the one hand, art will provide more possibilities for urban development; on the other hand, the creation of art is inseparable from the nourishment of local soil.

"The Zodiac represents traditional Chinese culture, and graffiti art arose in the West." Tang Ying, associate professor and master tutor of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, believes that "home skin" reflects the integration of Chinese and Western art, in the current information age, global art exchanges are becoming more and more extensive and in-depth, and overseas public art forms are gradually accepted and loved by the Chinese people, and a unique way of expression has been formed.

She said that in addition to learning from the West in form, Chinese painting art should be in line with international standards in content and ideology, and constantly condense culture and art with Chinese characteristics, which must have both form and characteristics. (End)

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