
Not taking pleasure in war is the bottom line of mankind, and the door to peace in China's response to the Ukraine issue should not be closed

author:Jet black and white paper

Not taking pleasure in war is the bottom line of mankind, and the door to peace in China's response to the Ukraine issue should not be closed

Written by 丨 ink black paper white

First, the Mainland Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the representatives to the United Nations have expressed that the door to peace should not be closed

On the issue of Ukraine falling into war, Bai Jun has repeatedly quoted the speeches of the mainland's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the mainland's representative to the United Nations in his article, all of which are anti-war and peace-centered attitudes.

So can our people appreciate the importance of our great power's image to the outside world? At present, this point is still very far away, and it has not even achieved the image of the great people, but has directly affected the image of the mainland's friendship with foreign countries.

Not taking pleasure in war is the bottom line of mankind, and the door to peace in China's response to the Ukraine issue should not be closed

In the past few days, because some domestic netizens pride themselves on robbing Ukrainian beauties is humorous ridicule, these remarks were released by the Ukrainian media, Ukraine set off anti-China sentiment.

Local Chinese compatriots and international students appealed their current situation on the Internet, and asked some netizens in China not to ridicule the war and ridicule Ukraine, which is suffering, in order to ensure that they are not treated unfriendly by the Ukrainian side.

Not taking pleasure in war is the bottom line of mankind, and the door to peace in China's response to the Ukraine issue should not be closed

The mainland's embassy in Ukraine has also changed from yesterday's reminder of the body affixing the national flag to today's reminder not to display recognizable signs at will. The Chinese Embassy in Ukraine would like to remind the vast number of compatriots:

In the current special period of the security situation in Ukraine, we must attach great importance to getting along with the Ukrainian people in a friendly manner, avoid disputes over specific issues, and strive to solve problems through friendly means.

Do not photograph ongoing firefights and people, and do not take pictures without the consent of the other party. Don't show your identity and display identifying signs.

Second, when you use ridicule war as humor, you have been gazed at by the abyss of war

Many people think that ridiculing the Ukrainian war and saying that robbing Ukrainian beauties is a joke, it doesn't matter, but in the face of war, this is a very serious problem, you can not sympathize with Ukrainians, but at least do not hurt.

This kind of hurtful reaction may not be those who are idle at home and play on the keyboard, but for them, they have suffered from overseas compatriots and the image of a peaceful and friendly China that our country has created for decades.

Not taking pleasure in war is the bottom line of mankind, and the door to peace in China's response to the Ukraine issue should not be closed

At the same time, Paper Baijun noted that many social platforms have begun to punish these mocking online accounts, defining such remarks as: vulgar remarks, promoting antagonistic emotions, etc. This is commendable, and the platform should have an attitude.

What about our attitude in China? Let's first look at how a Chinese compatriot in Russia did it, according to the top news Henan Business Daily:

Not taking pleasure in war is the bottom line of mankind, and the door to peace in China's response to the Ukraine issue should not be closed

On February 24, a reporter from Henan Business Daily contacted Mr. Sun, who lives in St. Petersburg, Russia. Mr. Sun is a native of Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, and has been in the fur business in St. Petersburg, Russia for 3 years.

Mr. Sun told the top news Henan Business Daily reporter that the current residents in St. Petersburg, life is relatively normal, he has not received any notice from the embassy.

Not taking pleasure in war is the bottom line of mankind, and the door to peace in China's response to the Ukraine issue should not be closed

Mr. Sun said that on February 22, local residents spontaneously went to the center of St. Petersburg to hang up "Hetвойне" (against the war) banner.

Finally, Mr. Sun said: "As a common person, it is natural that they do not want war to occur, even if they are Russians with 'militant blood' in people's stereotypes, I hope that the war will end as soon as possible." ”

For the common people, war can only be endless pain

It should be said that Mr. Sun is a very insightful person among our Compatriots in Russia, and as ordinary people, whether it is Russian, Ukrainian, or Chinese, they all want to oppose the war and will never praise the war.

Militant blood in the modern world can not really solve the dispute, from the United States in Afghanistan 20 years of nothing, we can see that the real civilization is the continuous growth of human beings in mutual compromise.

Not taking pleasure in war is the bottom line of mankind, and the door to peace in China's response to the Ukraine issue should not be closed

Moreover, belligerence must endanger the country, whether it is summed up by ancient China or the modern world, it is to the point and has always been in purpose, so our Chinese side has always supported a peaceful negotiated settlement of the Russian-Ukrainian dispute.

Why is our Chinese attitude like this? Some of the people of China who have teased the war in the past few days will not understand that the constant conflict and instability in our neighboring countries will also affect the national rejuvenation and rapid development of our country.

Not taking pleasure in war is the bottom line of mankind, and the door to peace in China's response to the Ukraine issue should not be closed

Therefore, China's attitude is to support a peaceful settlement, all parties should exercise restraint, avoid the situation getting out of control and causing wider and greater harm, understand that our national level has a long-term vision, and some people in China should think rationally to avoid smearing.

Let's look again at the statement made by Zhang Jun, Permanent Representative of the Mainland to the United Nations: China's position on safeguarding the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries is consistent;

Not taking pleasure in war is the bottom line of mankind, and the door to peace in China's response to the Ukraine issue should not be closed

The purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations should also be upheld together. We hope that the parties concerned will remain calm and rational and commit themselves to strengthening dialogue, consultation and negotiating settlement of relevant issues in accordance with the principles of the Charter of the United Nations;

Properly handle the legitimate security concerns of all parties. At present, it is particularly necessary to avoid intensifying contradictions. China will continue to encourage peace and promote talks in its own way and welcomes and encourages all efforts to promote a diplomatic settlement.

Fourth, Sino-Ukrainian friendship is a foundation laid for many years, and the melon-eating masses should not be ignorant and divisive

Judging from the speeches made by spokesman Zhang Jun in the United Nations, china's anti-war image in the world jumped out of the paper, and safeguarding the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries is also the consensus of all countries in the world and needs to be jointly safeguarded.

Therefore, the words of avoiding intensifying contradictions are not only words to the warring sides, but also to remind some people in china not to think that war is fun, war can be expanded at any time, and human beings cannot stay out of it.

Not taking pleasure in war is the bottom line of mankind, and the door to peace in China's response to the Ukraine issue should not be closed

At the same time, we in China are also trying our best to exert our strength as a big country and continue to persuade and promote talks in our own way. Judging from this direction of efforts, we in China are going to get a lot of praise in the international community.

Looking back at the relevant reports of the Global Network in 2013, the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between the People's Republic of China and Ukraine signed on December 5, 2013 is of great significance, marking a higher level of development in China-Ukraine relations.

Not taking pleasure in war is the bottom line of mankind, and the door to peace in China's response to the Ukraine issue should not be closed

China highly appreciates the unilateral renunciation of nuclear weapons by Ukraine and its accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons signed on 1 July 1968 as a non-nuclear-weapon State.

In accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 984 and the statement of the Chinese Government of 4 December 1994 on the provision of security assurances to Ukraine:

Not taking pleasure in war is the bottom line of mankind, and the door to peace in China's response to the Ukraine issue should not be closed

Undertake unconditionally not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against Ukraine as a non-nuclear-weapon State and to provide corresponding security assurances to Ukraine in the event of aggression against or threat of such aggression against Ukraine using nuclear weapons.

From these relevant reports in 2003, we can also know why China supports the peaceful settlement of disputes between Russia and Ukraine, after all, Ukraine is also our strategic partner.

V. Ukraine has always supported and assisted China in its strategic development over the years

Ukraine should be one of the countries that firmly support the one-China principle, according to Wikipedia: Ukraine recognizes that there is only one China in the world;

The Government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legitimate Government representing all of China, and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China. China supports the ukrainian side's policy on safeguarding Ukraine's national unity and territorial integrity.

Not taking pleasure in war is the bottom line of mankind, and the door to peace in China's response to the Ukraine issue should not be closed

So has Ukraine helped us in other ways? According to a 2003 report by Xinhua Net, China obtained complete aircraft carrier drawings from Ukraine to promote the research and development of domestic aircraft carriers.

Xinhua Net mentioned that China's ability to obtain the Varyag and its drawings from Ukraine has objectively greatly promoted China's determination and speed in launching an aircraft carrier, and raised the "entry threshold" of China's aircraft carrier... Rare.

Therefore, it should be said that Sino-Ukrainian friendship also has a lot of history and stories, and we on the Chinese side have always supported the peaceful settlement of the Russian-Ukrainian dispute, and some people in our country should no longer mock Ukraine in the midst of national disasters.

2022—2—26 Pen in the ink debate

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